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Everything posted by bignok

  1. In summary they were bored in the west so moved to Thailand for a bit. Then they get bored in Thailand and start abusing other farangs who have different opinions than them. They join forums like Thorntree or this one. If one forum dies they go to another. Then 2 or 3 posters will say they have loved living in the middle of nowhere in Thailand and the inner city dwellers will call them bogans or idiots, usually with bad spelling. Then someone will say Pattaya is a cesspit and the Pattaya dwellers will attack them for not liking a city whilst at the same time pretending to be a mature adult who is there for golf and restaurants. Then 2 days later these same Pattaya dwellers will ask about std medications. Then someone will say hey dude try learning the language and getting a gf instead of using bargirls and the Pattaya "golfer" will call them stupid or obtuse or some other lame remark. Isn't this this the truth?
  2. Americans like to talk. Aussies just do stuff.
  3. Who are you talking to?
  4. the Uffizi Gallery - went there. Saw Pavoroti live - posh Not very bogan
  5. I'm 49yo and that's too old for fighting. Anyone above 40 should not have fights. Nothing good will happen. People can end up dead. Angry 76yos should seek counselling not arguments. If you feel the need to argue with people at 76yo perhaps it's time to go look in the mirror at what kind of person you are.
  6. You sound sexually frustrated.
  7. I went to some in Europe. World rated. I wouldnt want to spend much time talking about it.
  8. True. But would you hit a 76yo guy? No, you would just laugh. Angry people are just projecting their inner thoughts onto others.
  9. Not into 70yo women.
  10. How dare you talk like a sensible adult who has some form of intelligence! I think you got lost and ended up in the wrong place. You are supposed to either talk like a bargirl or a stoner who pretends to be sophisticated.
  11. LaosLover is trying to be witty but failing over like a drunk down steps after rain.
  12. In January I will be in CM. If I see a old guy wearing a purple Simpson's t-shirt I will be sure to come say hello. We can go to a stoner cafe and talk about how cool you were in the 1980s and 1990s. We can also talk about how many art galleries and books you have read. It will be all about you. You can call me a bogan and I will listen to tired old lines.
  13. Do you not know meditation is a big part of religion.
  14. I have this image of you sitting in a spa like Chandler from Friends. Your material is that far out of date. Pop down to Nimman Rd and ask the 7/11 girl to update you on the latest culture.
  15. You talk like Bart Simpson.
  16. In a football match there's players and spectators. One group plays the game, the other group spends years talking about it.
  17. You use many words to say almost nothing. You're an expert at it.
  18. True. I think you summed them up well. If they said something witty it would at least be worth some credit. I don't mind a funny insult. The above well it doesn't get any lower grade or lower IQ. I would say given their inability to write a sentence and complete lack of wit the education levels are grade 4 type stuff. A Phuket bargirl would have better insults.
  19. Well no for me. I think he does though. Just creepy.
  20. We agree on something. Those carols are horrible.
  21. Here you go. 8 abusive comments in a row. Please show them to a professional. Ask them if this language is normal for a 76yo?
  22. You have stalked me for 3 months writing the same childish abuse. Print it out. Show it to someone.
  23. Hard to believe you are an adult. I would guess age 8yo or so.
  24. Your English would fail grade 4. Please try harder.
  25. Great English.
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