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  1. Anyone heard from Pai? Much closer to epicenter. My son is visiting there. 😳
  2. For all your solar calculations, I found this website: https://footprinthero.com/ solar panel sizing, peak sun hours (valid for Thailand locations), battery sizing…this has it all. Of course Crossy could just do it all in his head. 😂🌞
  3. What you suggest is intriguing but it definitely starts me down the slippery slope of my understanding/capabilities. 🤪 So, the inverter would somehow tie into the main electrical circuit? So, if I’m not using the a/c on a sunny day, the solar panels would provide power to other household devices? That would be cool (555). But I would need pro’s to help me do that.
  4. I live in rural Chiang Mai, 4 bedrooms with mini-split a/c units. House is solely on grid. I’m ok with the electric expense. Only run the bedroom a/c at night. My desire is to add some kind of solar a/c unit for living room to run only during the day. It is about 7x6m with 3m ceiling. I’m figuring about 18,000 or 24,000 btu unit. Are there units which would run off of solar only (not need the extra expense of batteries)? Any advice on unit and number and size of solar panels? I’m not looking to tackle major power modification, just gain a little comfort during these hot days with minimal expense.
  5. Not related to “new” airport. But step one in the project to eliminate traffic signals on outer ring road 121. next will come rebuild of 121/1006 (Bor Sang). Then 106/121 Seraphi. learned all this from YouTube “good life in Chiang Mai”. Very good YouTuber for Chiang mai
  6. Has anyone found something comparable to AAA? Dead battery, out of gas, short distance towing. Always had this coverage in US. Really helps the peace of mind.
  7. I was there Friday night 29th. Very crowded. Amazing laser/water light show. I think scheduled for 7:00 and 8:00. Parking an absolute fiasco. I think I understood their announcement that they will continue through January 21 due to popularity. Can anyone confirm? IMG_5908.mov
  8. Any Vietnamese style barber shops around. Not looking for “extras”, just some attractive eye candy.
  9. Thanks, Degrub. It was so strange to see. A fairly narrow path through different fields while nearby fields not touched. A rare but not unique event.
  10. Maybe nano microburst? 😉. Internet says microbursts cover larger area and wind gusts radiate from center outward. These all lay down in one direction only
  11. On my morning bike ride in Doi Saket (Chiang Mai) I came upon the strangest site. Portions of the rice fields were flattened. Not just one farm, but several different fields. Seemed to be in a general path, so I assume it must be a weather event. We have had some scattered thunderstorms. Notice how the rice is flattened in just one direction—not like a blast in the center with flattening in all directions. has anyone seen this before and have explanation?
  12. Thanks KhunLA. Deco looks like a real possibility. Appreciate your help! ????
  13. I hesitate putting this in the Motorcycle forum knowing the primary focus here is much larger bikes. Anchi and Lulae are these small “e-bike/scooters” battery powered. does anyone have any experience with these type of bikes? My requirements are for low power and not particularly large battery capacity. Considering use for daughter getting around her large university campus. My only additional requirement is that the battery being easily removed for charging in her apartment. No outdoor charging options are available.
  14. Daughter is attending Khon Kaen University International. Sprawling campus and she’s never ridden motorbike before. Does anyone know of motorbike/scooter riding classes? Prefer at least some English. Daughter raised in USA and speaks limited Thai.
  15. I’m so glad we moved next door to the rice paddy
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