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Everything posted by AmySukwan

  1. I have heard of all kinds of things from mothballs to various poisons that my snake expert said basically don't work. Thais who believe in it will swear by them though! I'd personally say a Buddhist style prayer and put an offering of a water reservoir far away from the house for them. My guess is the python (I've never seen one of those in Thailand but we have had several Indochinese rat snakes around in the past. They could overwhelm a puppy or a kitten) might be staying around for the water source. I live in a heavily forested area of Phuket so I've had to learn on the fly myself...
  2. Greetings Tippaporn! Yes I'm just trying to learn the ropes on here. Had a few crazy days but it seems to be sorting itself out! I'll remember not to buy or sell stimulants on here! That reminds me of a funny story last night. My husband was telling me he was hungry but it was late at night and we were staying in this beach hotel and all of the nearby food stalls were closed by then. So he starts telling me that he wants to call the police to take him to jail because at least in jail they will feed him. Unfortunately for him drinking a few beers and Sato wine and making love in the hotel room was not actually illegal. So I was trying to come up with something he could do so he could go to jail. Could he start a fight with another hotel guest? Most were sleeping by then and I don't like violence. I was thinking he could steal something from the 24 hour 7 Eleven not that far away, but it would have to be pretty expensive for him to go to jail long enough to be properly fed. Mama noodles it is then! I even bought them. I'm not to knowlegeable about the food service in Thai jail but I think it's all he would have gotten in there too!
  3. Thanks for this information! My husband has some family land in Nakhom Phanom and I was thinking of doing a Laos border bounce. It's sounding like a much better idea to sort this in Phuket!
  4. I'm not sure. It might actually be safer. They tried to put me onto some weird insurance product there after they saw my US passport.
  5. I'd assume you'd be fine throughout Thailand. You can have a tattoo of a crucifix on your arm, wear a gay pride T shirt, a Playboy t-shirt, a full on burqa, or numbers or signs in support for against just about anything. As long as you are not poking fun at Thai royalty you're pretty good to go!
  6. I have no snake deterrent suggestions per say except for keeping the area around and inside the house as clear and free of hidey holes as possible. That guy hopefully isn't big enough to overwhelm a grown cat and hopefully he just moves on. Being pretty rodent free does provide its own protection so far our outdoor cats have done surprisingly okay even though I saw a huge (maybe 12 foot) King cobra crossing the road nearby here just a week ago! The dry season also means snakes will go in search of water so keep in mind that if there are no natural sources nearby any buckets or reservoirs can become attractive. Good luck!
  7. This concern about marijuana seems more about a cultural thing where Thai men who can't get their "fix," whether their fix is booze, yaba, et cetera, might become violent to try to extort money from grandma, say. I don't think it is about weed per say
  8. I like Starbucks but it is more the ambience of feeling like I could work there without being disturbed. Now that special place is Wat Muang Mai!
  9. Yes I would assume that you are correct and that many expats even those who have stayed in Thailand for years would not be covered. I seem to recall that there are special rules for American citizens only due to FATCA regulations. Most Thai banks will not work with them and the ones that do such as US subsidiary Bangkok Bank has a special set of regulations involving it. All bets are off regarding a true banking crash and how much could be recouped. You'd better really trust your Thai wife/girlfriend!
  10. I don't know what happens after we die but I believe in God. I have difficulty conceiving of the universe as a series of random accidents which somehow we have been unable to reproduce the results of. I see a design behind it
  11. I have a slight preference for Massaman curry but it is a good choice....
  12. I was able to enter on this waiver on March 4 with no problem. They asked me how long I was staying I honestly don't know. Hoping to get my marriage visa soon. Thailand is always so last minute on announcements so this is not surprising.
  13. I'd love to know where I can get my Thai husband the USA has held up his visa three years now. I'm thinking of crossing over the Southern border with him
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