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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. I quite agree, but as Mao said, a journey of a thousand steps begins with one step. And this was by far the hardest step. As regards peace negotiations, the Russians want peace and they cannot fight this war forever due to economic reasons. They will seek peace. Ukraine needs peace, and hopefully will not negotiate in bad faith. But there is a good precedent the Kiev 1 and 2 agreements which failed can be taken as a basis, leaders have experience in negotiating peace deals about Ukraine. This would be useful.
  2. An eye for an eye make whole world go blind. The killings of Ukrainian civilians are documented and can be investigated. However, since Russia is not occupied and certainly will not be, again, I think the truth of who is responsible for certain atrocities may not become known. You could argue Putin has a measure of political responsibility for starting the war, and that would be correct, however, starting a war is not a crime in and of itself. The crimes against civilians are. However, if you recall history Churchill sanctioned the carpet bombing of German civilians eagerly and was never held accountable for RAF bombers burning alive women and children. It seems very unlikely a proper accounting of guilt will take place here either. Israel's policy of hunting down supposed criminals without due process has resulted in Israel murdering innocent people erroneously. You are supporting more killing of innocents if you advocate Ukraine do this. You are supporting the world go blind.
  3. The danger for the future of the world will not come from Putin or Trump. Rather the danger now is that Europe will rearm monstrously. Given the past actions of German, British and especially French leaders, a Europe where these powers are armed to the teeth does not bode well. It might embolden the Europeans to be heavily armed and seek confrontation with Russia. This is where the true danger is now, in the rearmament of Europe which sets it on a collision course with Russia. But that will be a story for another day.
  4. The crimes the Russians committed against Ukrainian civilians are crimes, to be sure. For these those who comitted them, should indeed be punished. However, the Allied bombers in WWII, Americans and British, who purposefully targeted and burned alive women and children, were not held accountable and sadly here too those Russian animals who killed civilians may escape punishment. Yes, those who committed those outrages should be punished, but I doubt it will happen, sadly. And frankly sanctions against Russia have no effect anymore. Besides Putin is sure to make lifting of sanctions a condition for peace.
  5. This is NOT appeasement. Appeasement is a policy to make territorial concessions to avoid conflict. Here the conflict has already happened. This is just peace making. It is not a question of "making Russia pay", it is a question of Ukraine avoiding total destruction and stopping the killing of women and children. Pointless killing because Ukraine can never win this war. What is tolerable to Ukraine zealots is really neither her nor there. Zelensky's position will become untenable, because he will not have delivered anything but loss of territory and loss on the battlefield. That is why he had every incentive to be obstructive, for his own vanity and pride. If he does the right thing and make peace he will go down as a loser. Thankfully looks like he's okay with it. Russia cannot fight this war forever, due to economic reasons. Ukraine cannot fight this war forever for manpower, ammunitions and economic reasons. Peace will now come. Glory to Donald Trump, the man who made peace in Ukraine possible.
  6. Tough man from Canada bends the knee to Trump. As I said above, it is the US that has the biggest lever. It was very foolish of this man to try and use the electricity used by families as a pressure tool. You don't have the cards, Canada.
  7. All political leaders are murderers. You think Zelensky is not a murderer? He is a murderer. So was Obama. They all are. This is why Trump fighting so hard to make peace is such wonderous outcome and stroke of luck for the world.
  8. Oh don't worry, Putin will show up. He wants peace more than Zelensky. Trump did it. There will be peace in Ukraine. And it is all down to one man, that made it happen: Donald Trump. Thank you Mr Trump. Thank you for making the world a safer place. Thank you for avoiding WWIII. Thank you for saving the lives of women and children and men.
  9. To get Ukraine to negotiate was the hardest part. Russia is not irrational like Ukraine, Russia knows they cannot fight this war forever and they will make peace. Once the peace agreement is signed Donald Trump should get all the credit, it would have been HIS efforts in FORCING UKraine to make peace that will have secured the peace. What a fantastic outcome for the world. What a man to be a charge. They said he would not be able to do it. Look at him doing it. What a magnificient negotiator Trump is.
  10. My God, he did it. Trump is going to make peace in Ukraine. They said he wouldn't be able to do it. And look at him. He did it! Russia will make peace, because they also know they cannot fight this war forever. And they already got most of what they wanted anyway.
  11. Clearly the media is using anything they can to attack Trump and blame him for inflation, share sales, bond sales, it's just ridiculous. Speaking of news, are you watching how Trump dealt with Ontario guy trying to use electricity for families as a political pressure play? He DOUBLED tariffs on Canada. Now the Ontario guy is ruddering back and suspending the increase, saying we need to de-escalate. How embarassing for all Canadians. How amusing for the rest of us.
  12. Exactly, the NASDAQ hit a massive all time high only a few weeks ago, a downward correction was inevitable. What happened was that the media seized on this correction, further exarcebated by the bond sell-off sparked by Germany's announcement of the impending massive ramp up of government debt, and effectively created a panic about the markets with their irresponsible reporting. Really the media is responsible for the panic.
  13. This is correct, however, it has to be weighed up, from a US perspective, against the problem of subsidising countries like Canada for supplying 40% of US steel. After all this is not free for the US. It involves transferring 60 billion USD to Canada. It is much better to produce steel in the US, even if it is more expensive and inefficient, because it provides jobs for Americans. Besides, recent events have shown it is not a wise policy to depend on other nations for key economic materials and most countries are trying to get away from that. We have may lived through peak globalisation and now there will be a return to national focus on domestic production, still trading globally but aiming to produce key materials domestically.
  14. What Canada does is not a concern of the US. The only concern for the White House now is the United States. America first, remember? There will always be recessions. There have been recessions in the recent past and in the distant past. No doubt there will be recessions going forward, though it is far from certain the current NASDAQ falls will cause a recession in the US. However, beefing up US aluminium and steel production is the right thing to do for the USA in the long term. It has been shown that depending on other countries for key economic items is not a good place to be.
  15. Well, of course, you can see media like MSNBC, ABC etc doing their best to present the NASDAQ cuts as world-end scenario caused by Trump. Never mind that 2 weeks ago the NASDAQ hit an all time high, and is thus clearly overvalued currently. A down wave was inevitable.
  16. No, Trump has not overestimated the significance of the importance of the US market for all countries in the world, however, prior administrations underestimated the signficance of the US market to other countries. By the way, the cuprit of the bond sell-off is the Ukraine. It was sparked in Germany, not in the US, and was a result of an announcement by the German government of a massive ramp up of government debt in order to finance re-armament due to the Ukraine war. https://fortune.com/2025/03/06/bond-sell-off-germany-causing-borrowing-costs-spike-around-world/
  17. You probably forgot the practice Trump instituted in his first term, which was to grant exemption quotas on certain tariffed materials, for example Argentina was granted an exemption quota for aluminium. During the inevitable period of adjustment whilst US manufacturers themselves scale up production, should they need to buy aluminium for an extende period an exemption quota can easily be put in place for a new provider.
  18. I understand. Gather round me son. Let's talk. I can see you are in pain, dazed, confused and in need of guidance. See, there are two kinds of women. Firstly, there are those women who want to use you for money fast, ie in the short term. Secondly, there are those women who want to use you for money slow, ie for the long term. Now, your first encounter with a Thai girl was with a girl we would technically call a cheap whore, ie one of the women in the first category. How can you tell? Well, apart from the fact she worked as a prostitute in a bar, she tried to hit you up for money in the short order after a short period of time. This the typical modus operandi of the whore. But actually this is not the most dangerous kind of woman. You could have been really unlucky and chanced upon a woman who is much smarter. A woman who wants to use you for money slow, ie for the long term. She would make you fall in love, profess her devotion and love of course, whilst hiding she is dating other guys, much like the whore in the first category. Now this woman in the second category, she is more cunning. She will not ask for money for a loooong time. Instead she will eventually say for example how badly the family business is doing. Or that her sister does not have money to go to school. But only after trapping you in a relationship for long enough that she feels she can sink her fangs into your wallet eventually. And she will. You will cave, because you think she is not a whore, she is a good woman, she just needs money. However, she is a woman, so all she wants is your resources. Not your looks. Not your body. Not your heart. Not even your love. She wants your resources. Always remember this son. And go with God.
  19. Well, they are not letting him out. They put him on the plane to the Hague. Color me pink. The one who is really shaking in his boots now is not Thaksin, it is Netanyahu. He will be next.
  20. Really, you fail to understand how making products of other countries much more expensive will make US products more attractive, increase sales of US made products and thereb creates US jobs and saves US jobs? While taking away money from the table of countries that have been taking advantage of the US like Canada? That is odd. It seems a fairly ordinary concept to grasp. After all most countries use tariffs, have done so long before Trump and will do so long after him. Well, given that Canada has a budget deficit of 60 billion US Dollars with the US, who do you think will have the bigger lever in applyíng tarriffs? Three guesses. Starts with U and ends with A. Sure, some products will disappear, others will become more expensive. Good! People will have to buy American made products instead. More jobs for Americans. Investment in infrastructure is required? Good! More jobs for Americans! All this winning will get tiresome. Trump is right. And you, like all other posters on here, even omitted one crucial aspect of tariffs; large foreign corporations have and will continue to try to evade the tariffs by producing in the US. More jobs for Americans. More winning. The fortunes that subsidiaries of foreign companies in the US will spend on tariffs will go straight into the tax coffers of the US. It will not reduce the pot, it will increase it. Yet more winning. Trump is already winning, and he is only a few weeks in. Truly impressive.
  21. THIS is a red flag? The fact she is a bar prostitujte was A OK though?
  22. Every single guy who goes on here and claims he is not paying is lying. No exceptions. Just trying to make themselves believe they are extra special, when they are full of caca de toro. Even ELVIS PRESLEY hat to pay for Priscilla, buy her horses and houses, and he was a celebrity. But these guys are so extra special they pay nothing, Lol, pull the other one.
  23. You can play the short term clown or you can look at the long term effects tariffs will have, make US products more attractive and save and create US jobs. Not to mention fill US coffers with tariff money.
  24. The US is not communist Cambodia, people will still be able to buy any product they choose, they will just have to pay a much higher price for a non American product. Even if some can pay that price, the vast majority will buy the cheaper product, hence tariffs will make US products more attractive to Americans, hence tariffs work and will be an excellent idea to save US and create US jobs.
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