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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Yes, it is a good idea to be aware of your monkey mind, to master it, in the sense of not attaching to wrong thought. The key is that there is WRONG thought, ie deluded thought based on false thinking and there is RIGHT thought based on right thinking. So you need the road map, you need the knowledge, to know what is right and wrong. Buddha's teaching is that road map.
  2. Wrong analogy, Ukraine is not the woman being raped, Ukraine is the woman who had a boyfriend and WHILST with that boyfriend decided to jump into bed with another guy who looked like he had more money. Then she thoroughly serviced the new guy on the mere promise that he'd marry her, which of course he didn't. No wonder the original boyfriend, ie Russia, was upset. Now cheating Ukraine has to pay the price. You probably need knee pads more than me, judging by the way you've been kissing the boots of Zelensky, btw.
  3. And that would make Ukraine, Russia's girlfriend at the time she jumped into bed with the US and Europe, a gal who likes threesomes...no?
  4. I've just been told that Trump wants to re-introduce slavery. I'm very concerned.
  5. Well, given who the NATO members are that's a massive shock, isn't it?
  6. Vietnam has just given us a visa waiver. https://vietnamnews.vn/politics-laws/1693484/viet-nam-to-waive-visas-for-citizens-from-12-countries-until-2028.html
  7. Earth will end. US economy will be destroyed! Madman in charge of White House! America joined Axis of Evil! Hahahahahaha
  8. What about the blue marble picture? Not round? https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/blue-marble-photo-50th-anniversary-snap-scn/index.html
  9. It was Benito Musslini who coined the term "Rome Berlin axis" before he was so shamelessly ripped off by a Bush speechwriter.
  10. I am a UK qualified lawyer and very familiar with the UK legal system. However, trial by jury is a pecularity you seem to be hung up on for some reason. Neither Germany nor Netherlands nor India have a jury trial. Why is this pecularity of any relevance? Obviously I was not referring to Thailand having a jury system but to the fact that lawyers will help you get a fairer treatment. That is the case in every country.
  11. If you pay her rent you are paying her. If you pay her food you are paying her.
  12. If you pay the bills you are paying her. If you pay her rent/mortgage you are paying her.
  13. Same as every other country in the world. Don't see how this makes Thailand different.
  14. Good job buddy.
  15. Ah Trump is not just a "madman", he is also Hitler? Or Mussolini? I'm confused.
  16. I mean I do get why you don't like Trump, I really do. But to paint him as a madman, it's not helping your case. It's too over the top. Maybe try more targeted attacks. This smacks of laziness. I know you can do a lot better.
  17. Maybe you want to rework the title into English?
  18. Ferrari Joe was arrested and imprisoned. So clear evidence the Thai pollice and judiciary root out the bad eggs.
  19. Was Kosovo a member of NATO at the time? Was Albania a member of NATO at the time? No. So even without any NATO member being attacked NATO saw fit to bomb Serbia.
  20. Yes, it particularly stand out for having been beaten about the head mercilesly by the USD for the last few years.
  21. The Aksus are about as German as a Turkish rug. Poor Russian guy innocent for once.
  22. Think about it. The policeman could have fined me anyway. Instead they were fair and let me go. This would indicate Thai police are a lot better than their reputation suggests. I don't think that couple need to worry if they really are innocent.
  23. I totally believe this story.
  24. Maybe tell that to Serbia on whom NATO dropped 11 tons of uranium in 38000 sorties of bomber planes.
  25. Shows that the police are a lot better at their job than you would be. After all I was not the owner of the vehicle and it is the owner's responsibility to keep tax discs up to date. This is what I mean, Thai police and judicial system are smarter than Westerners can be sometimes, we don't need to worry.
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