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Reginald Prewster

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Posts posted by Reginald Prewster

  1. 20 hours ago, Rimmer said:


    Glitterman!! What a character he was, I met him one time back in 2010 when he turned up at a Thai Visa get together in Pattaya.



    Cool, that must be a picture from the guy on the picture I posted in his early times...

    I still don't know anything of this fellow beside my wife and sisters went crazy when they saw them on the street.. "look, da Maaaan! He is baa maak maak" and I responded to the girls that he must make some living out of it, because he was part of Pattaya for many years..  

  2. If you are a visitor or farang you should be very keen knowing the traditions and politeness rules.



    beside the beach and beach walk or around your house,

    topless in public is for the homeless, who are walking as nut cases and fruitcakes, complete off mind though the tourist places to check the garbage bins for edibles... 

    If you want to be classified as one of these subjects, then feel free and take your shirt off... 



    • Like 2
  3. The Global warming story is told to me by a Professor Dr Dr for some "environmental stuff" related to wind energy projects...


    This superbrain went out with me in Barrows (UK) and I pickled him in Beer, just to pick his brain regarding my Permaculture Farm I planned...


    As he had reached his intoxication level, he was freely talking which he never would do in a Windfarm Project Office...


    His Words:

    If the humans would decimize themselfes just around 10% it would be an economical disaster for any country.

    Hence a No Go...


    He agrees the humans have a little influence on the global warming, but the nature itself is the main culpit.

    Every plant and tree produces so much oxygen as it needs later for decomposing, if we produce more greenhouse gasses the nitrogen fixing plants will eventually take over and we have to eat more beans and peas.. 


    The Global warming is a cyclus of 30000 years approximately and when the heat spike is reached, a very fast collapse of the natural thermal control system of the world will occur. (Jet streams, Ocean currents, El Nino and so on on on) 

    Within a decade (or less) an ice age will sort things again (balanced reduction of industry and humans included) and the cr@p starts from new.. 



    I love this panic making, because it sells Wind Turbines by the hundreds and pays me a day rate way above that what I earned in Oil and Gas or on Ships before... 


    Final Words: 



    nuff said... 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. On 8/19/2023 at 12:16 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I thought it clearly says "no work" (or employment, something similar) with the retirement visa, or not? 

    This was my 11th retirement Visa and last 5 years I tried to get a WP...

    The labor department speaks some strange language as it COULD be possible but it won't be in my case because its about helping my wife on the farm, and that's a Thai job.


    BUT, if I go for the marriage Visa it is no problem, because I help my wife ON our farm but not outside of it. Delivering, transport or selling on the market would be in this case a Thai job...


    Understood? No? Me neither, but I'll go for the marriage visa next time... 

    • Confused 1
  5. Since winter last year we set up our farm I always hear:

    "We come and look, first consultation is free."


    If somebody would ask me or my wife for a survey fee he would earn nothing else than laughing and the noise when somebody ends the phone call on the other end..


    Top expert or even the entire A-Team, there is no such a thing, like a survey fee in our vocabulary, complete BS! 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. My story is told hence no repeating...


    I go shopping with my 48 years old wife still looking in her 30's, brown skin white a$$, half top shaped white surroundings... Places the sun doesnt reach even...


    Persuading her for a 1/2 hr that the skirt in the store suits her really and 400 baht ain't expensive either.

    And since she hasn't treaten herself for some nice fashion it is time to do so..


    Back to our farm, she introduces her friends to her new skirt and 10 minutes later she is up in the tree (still wearing her new skirt) and picks some fruits for our dinner.

    After she pulls the fish from the market out of the bag, "chop chop, scrape scrape" and her new skirt is covered with scales... 

    Washing the fish blood stains from her hands and finally dries her hand in her (as) new skirt..


    Noting to complain about, thats my wife as I love her since 21 years... 


    Regarding Topic:

    I can only say that a real Thai woman needs time until she speaks her dreams open but if she does, a European woman would be a sweet Pepper, a Latin girl for sure a Carolina Reaper and Thai woman is a Thai chili even... Hot enough for sure...  


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    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 33 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    And is your insurance valid?

    It is because I had to copy and send the Thai Driver's License to the insurance.

    After 6 days I could pick up the scooter with Number plate and insurance for 15 month.


    In an accident case:

    I have a mate who bought a car and has the Dutch driver's license plus he was above the 6 month limit in the country.

    He cut of a scooter and the insurance paid all but told him not to drive anymore untill he has the international drivers license in combination... 

  8. 13 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    That's not karma, that's just psychotic behaviour.

    Good one @johnnybangkok 


    As young fellow I was by the German Special Forces and I was a c*nt..

    I prefered to set a black eye when somebody was stepping on my shadow and "stood above all".

    I had a sh*t wife, jobs were lousy and not paid well and easy sacked came to it..

    My "friends" were not better, and Police knew us with first Name...


    I broke off (incl bad wife) and started new.

    Totally focussing on being a nice and helpful fellow, the helping hand when called and when some lunartic want to chew me an ear off, I listen and smile before I just leave pretending I would love to hear more (Yikes) but I am busy.

    I got a great job now, making a far above average income, have nice colleagues and principals who asking me every season if I want to come the following year again.

    In the past 20 years my best friends are Thais and I am highly apreciated and respected in the community I live.


    If I have a job to do I know this is Thailand and they will screw it up.

    So swallow your anger, smile, do the worker proud because of the good job he did and aks if he is able to do me an extra favor because he is so skilled.

    I know its maybe hard to not sweep the ground with him and throw him over the fence.

    Why shouting, labor is cheap here, so why not spend a day or two more till the job is made to your perfection. 

    He will happily stay and not run away leaving you with a half completed job.


    The Phone story:

    Darn, I would have broken my spine to pick it up and with a loud hello hello, please wait, your phone, you lost it. You are lucky I was here otherwise somebody would have stolen it! 

    If all witnesses see this? Ouh what a shame for him and her, true? 


    So I can say:

    There is no such thing as "Karma".

    There is only what people see in you and what you deserve... 



    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Oink said:

    You can drive on a Thai licence supported by IDP it only costs 500thb but you have to go to the LTA in Chonburi with your licence, two photos and your passport

    Yes I did it too and ride my scooter here in Taiwan since 2020.

    Nobody has realized till now, that I am not Born in Thailand as stated on my IDP and German nationality... 



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