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Reginald Prewster

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Posts posted by Reginald Prewster

  1. 14 hours ago, proton said:

    Personally I would rather have the house burgled than having it stunk out with dog reek, dribble, fur and yapping.

    True, dogs are work. Especially as we were living in a Moo Ban Village

    My neighbor had 3 dogs and it was smelling like the Sri racha Tiger zoo, especially on warm days, because she gave a heck...


    You need to water the lawn and trees every day, remove the poop as it comes (most they do on their runs but sometimes sh*t happens) and the vaccuum cleaner is in use every day to clean the house from hair.


    Barking is a training thing. They need to bark but they learn that 2-3 "wuffs" will informs us that someting outside is not kosher. People passing by, the electric man or water meter man checks. As owner you NEED to respond, "Ok got it, good boys!" 


    The only thing they getting really insane is when the garbage people "steal our stuff" beside the wall... 

    But I trained them if somebody carries something away without me or the girls opening the gate, block the gate and watch that fellow closely... 

    My bad: The Lazada guy was laying 6 hrs in the sun on the lawn and couldn't move an inch. Carrying in and carrying out is for dogs not really a difference... 


    What more can happen as you get up in the morning and step on something soft, while the dog looks at you like:

    We got a deal so where is my treat for it... YIKES!

    BUT, you can train them not to create a mess and put the food bowl on the door mat... 



    Or the funny times, when a Burglar comes on your turf and even the dogs looking stunned why this midget has the balls to punch the brother and escaping so quick in the trees... 



    True, you must love working with dogs as they are real work but also your best and reliable friends... 

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  2. 18 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    It has a private wing




    Well thats what I get when I chose English.

    They must be real Doctors translating Thai to Latin... LOL

    I hope that they not sew me a second dlck on, instead building in a hip joint, just because they didn't understand my English.. 


    Qualified Doctors

    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Pro vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augueique

    But nothing is better that give them a private visit.

    Samitivei Hospital and Bumungrat is off my list as both have put me into the CT for 36.000 baht. Bangkok hospital used X-ray and commented that CT was no way necessary. The winner was the small Clinic in Soi Nern Plub Wan Pattaya Darkside. He didn't use any machine but told me right away while I tried to stand up from his seats in the entry hall, that he couln't treat Osteroporosis and all signs pointing to it. As former Bangkok Hospital Doctor he recommended of course this Hospital.

    For my outcome here is I will give first both Hospitals you recommended here, near home in Khon Kaen a visit and see what they come up with. I am aware that a hip bone replacement nowadays is quite easy. Really no need to go all way back to Germany and pay cash... I belive that mosts Doctors have done lots and lots of replacements and the differences are not significant. To find out if I am right there is no way around to visit them after coming back from Taiwan in October.

    Cheers all for the heads up and also Sheryl for your recommendations.. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

    Well Srinigarind is a BIG hospital. I would check if the insurance would do direct billing to a public hospital.

    I have asked the insurance and they are covering this hospital.

    As I hit a stray dog with my bike I had to pay in advance (broken Finger of my wife and broken rib for myself done in Bangkok Hospital Pattaya) and claim later.  

  4. 7 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    IIRC it cost him 600K & he was in ICU for 1 day (observation) & 2 days in a private suite.

    Thats what I have found out so far, 600K is for good quality in Thailand and the same bone is for 220K NTD = ruff 260K THB.


    But having my farm gang bring and pick me up and my wife around me can't be weighted up with money, hence I still looking to do it in Khon Kaen instead of Bangkok.. 

    If my knees are due then Bangkok might be the better option..  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, hereforgood said:

    I had a double hip replacement done in Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital Sri Ratcha as i was working here in Pattaya and covered 100 % by the Thai SS. They were fantastic the doctor that did the work told me he does hips Knees replacements all over the area at many different hospitals. had it done almost 15 years ago still in great shape walk 10k daily and pain free still

    Thanks for your reply, 15 years ago sounds very good as they must be even more sophisitcated by now.

    From Sri Racha I have experienced a fellow friend who had a bike accident.

    They bolted his bones together and did an exellent job.

    In Khon Kaen I got told that many doctors in Thailand move from surgery to surgery in different places. 


    The doc in Taiwan told me he does the cut and the technician from the bone company puts it in and that there are rookies and old school techs.. 


  6. 4 minutes ago, marin said:

    Reg, do you realize your first paragraph is not only wrong but contradicts itself. As said wait for Sheryl she will give you the best advice about the doctors and the hospitals..

    Sure my infos are not from the www, I spoke to some people (also expats) directly who have done it here in Taiwan and they are happy. 

    I was also imprested that based on the documents gathered in Thailand (Xray - Type and Brand) the price was 30% compared to Thailand, but if I compare the visual impression of the hospitals and the service, I tend more to Thailand.

    Also because it's since 22 years the country where I am living. 


    I will wait for @Sheryl 's recommendation as well... 


    Still nice if anyone has own experiences to bring up..

    It's not getting a tooth filling, but when the pain is permanent and mobility is lacking more and more then it's time to make a choice.


    18 Years climbing Wind Turbines pay back now... I guess my knees will come next.. 

  7. Hi all,


    currently I am working in Taiwan who has the best health care system in the world, but when you come to the hospitals they are permanently overcrowded and looking old.

    I got told the doctors are top but queuing for hours turns me off.


    I live near Khon Kaen and have a health insurance which would cover the hip joint replacement and in Taiwan I could claim it back from my income tax.

    But I rather would do it at home and therefore I would hear your opinions, especially those of us who did this kind of surgery in Thailand.


    Are you happy with the results made in Thailand?

    Maybe you even have done it in Khon Kaen whould be a good to know too.

    How long you had to stay in the hospital?


    Cheers for any support




  8. The rainseason gets things growing and the 1st cut has been made..

    The first cut with chop and drop is the mulch layer in progress, hopefully more to come.


    The coverage from January till now is quite nice to have, slowly mother nature takes back the bare soil patches.

    Delightening to see.

    What for one the weeds and grasses is for the other pure fertilizer and new developing soil..







  9. 5 hours ago, Henkjan2 said:

    Good guys in, bad guys out ...

    So right,


    22 years I am now in Thailand and I stick to the rules which are no troubles at all.. imo


    Once I failed because a job has been delayed and I miscounted that I was due with my Visa extension.

    As I realized I was 6 days "over" 


    I rushed with my wife to the immigration and told in the most pollite way the story, the Officer smiled and joked that he must lock me in and my wife too... 

    And then it went fast...

    Bang, Stamp, 1 week extension re-dated for 1800 Baht, pointed to the next desk, retirement visa extenison into the passport...

    "careful next time" was all the Officer said to me with a raised finger and we passed him again.. 


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  10. I just had to pay my income tax which was 1.9M Baht in Taiwan.


    I don't know if this is because I am a long year customer by the bank, but I didnt need to be in person there.

    Beside the usual Power of Attorney original document signed by myself, a Passport Copy signed,

    The Tax remittance advice file from Taiwan signed, my wife called me via whatsapp, the Bank manager said hello and made a screen shot.

    That was suffiucient... 

    So it saved me from flying and pop up in person at the Bank.. 

  11. If you are living within the Korat Plateau (ที่ราบสูงโคราช) or Korat Basin, then I guess you hit salt... 


    As I we bought our land we made sure that we will be in the Phu Phan Uplift to make the chances higher not drilling into the brine levels. 


  12. 23 hours ago, Dan O said:

    And how much are you really spending to be a subsistence farmer? I'm betti g if you add it up your in losing even though you don't have to go but those veggies and fruits

    For myself it's more to have a Project after retirement, because what i blew in the farm is quit a bit of money.

    5500 sqm lake, 400 mtr river, fruit trees from all around the world and an Aquaponics system is in planning....


    More something to play with, instead hanging off with other expats in front of 7eleven on the stone table.

    (Seen enough of them in Pattaya.)

    Beside this I love to live in the nature and not in the city... 


    I am happy if my family can make an income and when I see the prices of food since 2002, where I moved to Thailand I we talk about almost 10% per year but the pension isn't following up... 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 18 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    I haven't worked since I was 57, I never regretted taking early retirement, working is for horses.

    Just some consultancy jobs no bone jarring anymore.

    The problem is that I need to step out slowly and understand I am 60.

    I traveled 42 years and visited till today 57 countries in the world, so I can't just stop from one day to the other.


    2020 I made an attempt to retire (hence 57 same like you @soalbundy) but a new project lured me with a day rate that most people can only dream of. 

    But its an easy going job, gliding worktimes, Saturday and Sunday off where I make tours with my Gogoro all around Taiwan... (defo the last Country I visit, because now I start missing my wife, friends and my farm in Isaan...)   

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  14. Considering the "Little Ghost" has to pay her way out then 100k is the common "fee"


    2007 I met a "married" Phillippina in Penglai City and my mate from Denmark asked all of us at work to buy her free.

    The whole story was 40.000 Yuan... (around 190.000 Baht)


    "little Gosts" are also in Taiwan where I am working now and we heard about a Thai who asked around to find a room in our Apartments for natural services.

    She was an overstayer and escaped a karaoke bar the News said.. 


    This kind of girls can't just buy a ticket for 2500 Baht... 

  15. 10 hours ago, drtreelove said:

    Bare ground is an "oxidation" factor for Redox-oriented soil management. Mulching, cover cropping, shading of soil surface are "reduction" practices that should be emphasized for best soil and plant health. 

    I see we are actually speaking the same language and we are both deep into the Permaculture farming.

    All these things I try to get implemented BUT when the cat has left the house, the mices are dancing on the table.


    I have left 15th February to my Job in Taiwan and try my best to get my wife directed but all I hear is.

    Rain must first come, 

    Seeds die because one day rain and 3 days dry

    erosion does not get corrected, wait for more rain to plat Vetiver Grass 


    BUT, the lake is made last winter 125 x 60/45 x 7 meters deep and I told her to wait at least 2 Ammonia Spikes are measured.

    But no: water level reached 1.2 meter and now the lake is stocked with huge carps, catfish, white fish, perches... in an amount way out of balance. (I was long years in a fishing club where I was responsible for the surrunding growth and stocking rate based on catch reports... )


    There is a lot going not the way I want to have it.


    A BBQ sponsored ended up with 2 Goats delivered alive and nobody wanted to kill them, now one oif them is even pregnant. 


    I think it's time for NO MORE MR NICE GUY! 


    I will continue my posts on my tread, but you are right @drtreelove you are speaking my words but I am 4000 Kilometers away to excecute the tasks necessary.

    End of October my job goes in a winter break and then I will swing the hammer big time...


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