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Reginald Prewster

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Posts posted by Reginald Prewster

  1. On 6/29/2023 at 1:44 PM, FriendlyFarang said:

    Everything under 5 million baht you can't really call "self insured".

    Good number given @FriendlyFarang. 5 Million Baht is the absolute minimum for ONE serious case.


    With that the Hospital might be able even to stabilize you for a transport back into your home country where you may get a free coverage. 


    Everything less than the suggested 5 Mil you life a scary life, because GoFundMe might get you a 10000 EUR if you can come up with a heart weakening story about what happened...

    Otherwise its more likely under 1000 EUR, which not even covers a bitten off dick...

    (just to make you aware you are thinking the wrong way when living in a foreign country.

    YOU are responsible for yourself, so make sure it not ends up "som nam na" when the crap hits the fan )

  2. 27 minutes ago, jaideedave said:

    This case is a very rare event as its hard to believe something wasn't in place to prevent this.

    Definitely a rare event goes at first.


    Frigates 120 meters long have top funnels even above "monkey island" or in the Navy called "Admiral's Deck"


    Most corvettes have their exhausts just at the water lines and take the more sea going role of a speed or torpedo boat.

    They actually build a combine with other units from frigates to mine hunters, as a convoy protection to bring in supplies or cover heavy units like destroyers or aircraft carriers... 

    The exhaust low makes them more stealth, than a big smoke plume at 30 meters high above the horizon.


    The piping as you mention is bend above the water line and some have even flaps which should close if the vessel lists too much, but these seeze sometimes due to lack of mantenance

    If a wave punches you over the edge and you roll 45 degrees the chain reaction starts, engine chokes on water, lights out, rudder out and the next wave got you in a direction that breaks your neck.. 


    You cannot cross the deck anymore to reach the emergency rudder system in the stern and that's it...

    • Like 1
  3. As ex navy I flollowed this event but the story ends at the beginning.


    The HTMS Sukothai (a 77 meters Corvette) hit adverse weather and made water through his exhaust pipe which led to a complete blackout of the electrical systems.


    This made the crew incapable to start the pumps and it capsized before it sunk.

    Other vessels tried to support with their pumps but handling them on and in a not maneuverable vessel bashed by hard waves I can only imagine that the lads did their best facing a hopeless situation as long they could... 


    I our trainings (I was on Frigates) we always including these blackout simulations and they are serious because without windows the entire vessel is black inside.


    The last option is the Abandon Ship Muster, but in these rough weather and sea conditions, the chance for the fellow sailors are very small to get found at sea.


    RIP Sailors, I am sure you did far more than your very best, as learned in many drills...

  4. 3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    No, I do not believe you. 

    I said case by case.


    If the police car stops at a Friday afternoon and tells you to pay 20k, you might consider to go in special "accomodation" and wait for the court opens on Monday. 


    I was seeding about 50 trees in mini greenhouses and as they stopped I mixed the soil for the seeds..


    This was my case which I am placing here...


    Just do what you want, I learned my lesson what is allowed and where they can get you paying a fine..  

    Never forget who has the power... 


    Sure you can go to court and tell the cops were wrong..

    Beside the outcome at the court is unknown, you might be as popular as free food in a 5 star restaurant after you took action..

    • Confused 2
  5. On 6/27/2023 at 12:53 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

    Who says that mowing your own lawn, painting your own wall, cutting down your own tree or cleaning your own pool is not permitted?

    Actuall it is NOT permitted, believe me.


    The property is (in most cases) your wife's hence you are not permitted to work there.

    There is also by the Labor Department some regulations that will close an eye when you work as husband, but by law is clearly stated with or without payment, any works.. 


    This makes it a case by case decision when the Immigration Car stops at your house see you clipping your hedge... 



    • Sad 2
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  6. people say:  Ganja make you stupid and apathethic ...

    I don't know it but I give a <deleted> about anyway... 


    Others say: Ganja makes you overestimate your personal limits and capabilities...

    How do I know, huh?

    I left the basic school after 8 years without reaching the basic degree and from then on I was busy to reach the senior management position, where I am working since 2011 and booted some highly graduated newbies, because they knew <deleted> all... 

    I had really had no time to overestimate my personal limits neither my capabilities.. ????

  7. There was once a story of two guys building a boat for own trips and went to the court.They won on the base that it was their hobby.


    Farming and having animals around me is a hobby too, but even as private farm eating from your land you have to separate the farm that creates a possible income from the private area where the farmhouse stands.

    There you can have a herb garden for your kitchen but still it could be considered as too big for self sufficiency. 


    Best really is to get a work permit as married to a Thai and specify exactly which works you will perform.

    Make sure that this work cannot be done by a Thai..


    In my case

    as Permaculturist designing and developing a holistic management system incl moving lifestock as natural workers to stop deserfication, following the principles of Dr Alan Savoy...... Hablar hablar hablar... 

    (Some call it "farmer" which I not agree with LOL) 

    Planting a tree from South America which requires special knowledge of the tree, special soil and a special micro environment, instead planting a Tomato...

    Desingning an Aquaponics System is cool as its your own design and you test and develop it further (investment and teaching included)..

    Designing a black soldier fly composter that could be as a commercially expanded system with a footprint of only 10000 sqm, turning the entire biowaste production of Bangkok into a greehouse gas free lifestock feed production unit which stops using horribly expensive fish meal, with a waste produced, called frass or BSF compost and liquid fertilizer... blah blah blah  .....and you are no garbage worker anymore......   


    know what I mean? 

    You need to be very specific in your work permit application to open as much doors possible... 

    (of course you need also the specific knowledge for it, I started 9 years ago my detailed documentation - no study)

  8. I didn't read through all posts now here because I have got my 4 free Vaccines in Taiwan where I am working as a contractual requirement of my employer.


    I am wondering, the Numbers are dropping and that's sure because of the vaccines. 


    But also I reckon that meanwhile everybody here has knocked down one or more COVID attacks, which improved the body immunity even more, because these little Bastards were fully alive and reproductive instead of a Virus chopped in bits.

    We might get now a flu and not even realize anymore that that was again COVID and our bodies just wipe the Virus out before it can spread..  


    Thanks to the countries working together to avoid the 6th mass extinction...


    ...until one of us creates in his body the COVID Supervirus which wipes you out whilst taking a dump.

    For now I guess the world is just in the middle of the 6th Mass extinction..


    So keep the Mask away and grow with the Virus, you could be the one, that has the Super Antivirus in your body growing.. 


    In short words as @ozimoron said, "the natural selection continues"... or even shorter "That's life"


    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    I am the only falang for miles so I am a bit of a novelty but so far so good. 

    That makes a difference (unfortunately) and proves that many Farangs here play up as if Thailand was just waiting for them and without them the country would be doomed. I touched also virgin ground and experience the same... 


    I have met so far 2 Farangs at Tescos, but they are not from my village.


    One "classic" retiree in sleeveless Chang T-shirt scrolling on his own through the shelfs and one was a "1%er Biker Type" and he was surrounded by Thais in different ages, all were laughing and joking.

    So the dress has only a minor impact... 


    And the daily visits from neighbors show that you can be integrated when you behave and stick to the Do's and don't Do's.....

    Isn't difficult at all.. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Are you "skint & trapped" too?

    I would say I live "slightly" more on the wealthy side, after 42 years worldwide travelling as consultant and a day rate you might never have dreamed about... 

    My pension is safe,

    so I didn't not want to suffer a retirement at the stone table, loading off daily emotional garbage or as bar owner receiving lots of daily emotional garbage... 

    Where do you fit in between these two? 

    • Like 1
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  11. 7 minutes ago, bogs smith said:

    who got the fags and the beers in? was it you or the fella in the cap?

    The fags are my wife's and the Beer came from the guy with the Hong Tong Bottle.

    He owns shares in an excavator company and has two own 2 Trucks.


    The old Man and woman are his parents, the girl in the red shirt is our housemaid for long years and the baldy has been raised up by the old people, giving us a hand on the farm..


    And yes, I also pay for a beer and food when it's my time..  

    36 minutes ago, proton said:

    Drinking Leo 'beer' at a German restaurant, disgracefu

    The place is in Isaan, hence the real Thailand, which Pattayans, Phukets may be never experience, but pretending they are living in Thailand... 


    22 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

    Go Fund Me page set up to get this guy out of here.

    @Bill97, believe it or not, some foreign people have a normal life in Thailand, same as they would have in the country they came from... 

    I might have just been lucky or I did the right move... 

    • Sad 1
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  12. Yes, I go drunk when I fancy a beer in the evening...


    Have you ever asked your wife in the morning, why there are two half peaches in sticky sirup in the frying pan and she drops to the ground screaming laughing?

    (After 20 minutes she turned the flame off and said that these will never turn into fried eggs....)


    but no, no beer in the morning...

    I just wouldn't get it down so I need to ask, what is considered "an old men"  

    I am 60 now....

  13. ELVIS LIVES! ...uuhhm...


    ...I have 540 GB music collection on an old hard disc and reading this post I thought, there must be some songs of him downloaded as well... 

    Nope, nothing found...


    I found "Ace of Spades" and "No sleep till Hammersmith" which I haven't played for decades...

    ...Does that count to pretend I know some songs of Elvis??? 


    But didn't all kids dislike the music of our parents?


  14. Drive up to Isaan, stay in a resort, which are abundant in Isaan (or homestay if you prefer) ask for a local guide and drive with her around...


    ...she introduced me to villagers, made me eating local food, I didn't understand a bloody word 

    and instead of 5 days i stayed 3 weeks...


    That was 2002...

    ...now I am happily living on a farm in Isaan, married to the local guide and know every village and many local people in Mahasarakham area...


  15. I had to give up my Backyard Aquapoinics System after I tried everything.

    Glue works for young rats but also only for a short time

    Traps worked for 2-3 Rats at all

    Snap Traps the same 

    I trained my dogs, never seen a dog with wrinkled eyes after an entire night hunting getting one


    Rats are fast learners.

    The only thing I found out was that the rats were not after the crayfish food but they love crayfish like we do and in fishtanks they are easy pickings.


    We dismounted the system

    I put a hose on the exhaust of my Enfield and gassed the holes under the house out

    It took quite a time until it worked...

    In our contract in Pattaya it was also the Landlord but because its was our system we never asked... 


    Chicken on our farm is now the same.

    The rats quickly found the food sealed in blue containers and they need not more than a night to grarl through the plastic containers.


    This time I hired Rentokil (12000 a year) and they sorted it in less than a week... 


  16. Before we bought our Land and made it a Permaculture Food Forest, I have been going through a lot of infos about people like Geoff Lawton, Bill Morrison, Sepp Holzer, Masanobu Fukuoka and many others.

    There is one guy caught my eye: Dr Allan Savoy.. 

    He made giant mistakes regarding deserfication.

    He recommended to shoot down more than 20000 Elephants to stop the desert expanding and it worked the opposite.


    His experience brought me on the path to use animals to avoid deserfication by his holistic management system. 

    There are lots of videos of him if you want to know more why animals are so important and how they can return deserts into fertile lush green landscapes...


    So the first step is getting chicken. I mixed a Thai fighting chicken from my father in law with a Brahma and had the first chick... 

    Now my wife got hands on 14 Plymouth Rocks which will be added to the existing little flock... 

    Nothing wrong with to use chicken as starter..


    Goats were also planned in about 5 years



    Since the Thai company, who was building my bridge to the island, did an exeptional good job, I told them that the BBQ after the bridge is completed, will be thrown in by me.

    They just should tell my wife what they want to eat, I pay for...

    They wanted Goat on the spit, so I told my wife to get two goats on the spit...



    The meat was delivered and eventually all were eating Lab moo, Som Tum as they called me to say thank you...


    I asked my wife why she not bought goat meat as agreed...

    After a bit up and down, she told me that the meat delivered was pretty much alive and nobody wanted to kill these two goats.. 


    Nothing more to say as they are way too early on our farm, but now we got them. 

    My wife and our people promised that the tree collection will be unharmed and they promised to take the goats out on a lead into the neighbring fields and forest like walking the dogs...


    Here "Super" a Boer Billy Goat, nice stinker, able to piss all over himself to have a good smell for his Lady..



    and his Lady "Boonrod" (Survivor) and already pregnant, congrats.. 



    so we came to our first goats and if I see only one leaf missing in my fruit tree collection, I posted further above where I will build my BBQ place..... 


    If you like the thread I will continue posting what else is going on on our Farm and further ideas we have.


    Cheers, Reginald

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  17. 6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Despite your 1000 word essay, the topic isn't actually dogs! 

    We don't all need the emotional crutch!

    Nilce one, you are THE MAN!

    If you use a computer mouse then it should have a tiny little wheel in the middle and if you do not like a reply spin this little tiny wheel.

    Professionals call it scrolling

    Rememer it: SCROLLING! OK? 

    Safes you a lot of time where you could find a job and get a life... 

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