One person expounded a sound discussion piece over the question ' what happens when you die?'. I think in order to find the answer to this monumental question one must go back to our very beginning and thereby establish our foundations. Then the question will be do we follow that we were created or do we follow the theory of evolution?
As a creationist we acknowledge we were created by a superior force/being. As an evolutionist, (which most ascribe to), we are left swinging, because this vagueness has been drummed into them at school!
Yes, I'm a creationist follower, and also a Christian. Look at how our amazing bodies are designed. Had to be a superior intelligence behind such a wonderful design. Then there's our world & planets and how it all functions and comes together so precisely, with perfection, nothing by accident!
On the other hand evolution proposes we evolved into a living substance via water, gravitating from a minute speck and after millions of years and amazing transformations, finally emerging as a fully upright walking, intelligent human being?
Now if you subscribe to this latter theory I'm thinking you would have a more scientific mind and will consider what it says about life & death.
That's is the average life span of a man is just over 70 years and medical science agrees the body being worn out causes our bodily functions to cease, finish, all is dead! Breathing stops, and the heart stops pumping our blood around the body, so our brain ceases to work. Finnito! The End!
Now as a Christian, knowing God exists, I realise that we are created with our bodies, then a mind, and then the most important part a Spirit!
I know that when my term here on earth comes to an end I have absolutely nothing to fear having dedicated my life to Christ!
You see, yes our bodies & minds cease here but our eternal Spirits live on, (Wonderful!), waiting for the day we join Jesus in Heaven to its eternal peace! All suffering being finished as we are provided with our eternal bodies, fresh, healthy, no sickness, fully fit! Amen to that!
So readers think upon that. Which would you prefer? Don't leave it until the last minute. Do some investigation now. None of us know when we end our time here on earth - you/I could be run over by a ten ton truck tomorrow. Don't wait lovely people, investigate! God Bless you all!