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Everything posted by Plern

  1. I don't dispute that except I'm no tourist. It's never made sense for me to grow weed financially or otherwise. Just today I've been seriously thinking about growing a plant or two simply for the challenge. If it goes away tomorrow I won't have a care.
  2. A little known fact in the open. https://www.forbes.com/profile/charoen-sirivadhanabhakdi/?sh=4ce6def92668
  3. Hey all I've come to my senses and decided that buying a b1000 LED + energy is not worth the challenge/ hobby. What I will do is buy a b300 W bulb because there's no direct light in the condo. Even more challenging. So, this thread is done. Thank you all for your input. I did learn a bit from all of you.
  4. I only go to a physical location. I don't trust online vendors tbh I don't buy much online. My wife does it for me ( it's few purchases a year). I don't want my personal and credit card details going to ?????? Not only that be directly associated with weed which is only kinda sorta legal here... anywhere.
  5. I think it's a novelty. I seriously doubt it becomes a thing with middle class, educated Thais unless immersed in western culture, sensibilities. I've all the young people I've known I'd say a fraction will even try it later in adulthood. Not surprising, professionals usually not big weed smokers. If nothing else the absentmindedness Novelty will wear off and weed shops in further dire straits. Only best and cheapest survive.
  6. I don't know if I should but will say they made me fully aware of the seeds, seeds were obvious, the reason I bought the weed = seeds, + bonus it was cheap like 220-250 I forget. Apologies.
  7. you're using the small LEDs in a panel arra These have always seemed to be most sketchy to me. The ones most easily to mislabel or counterfeit. The tiny little LEDs. LEDs are notorious for a long life can I expect that out of this sort of lighting? Those strike me as the most suspect. What I read about the bar array is that the part may be counterfeit. China eh...
  8. It would take me a year to smoke an ounce. Probably two.
  9. @BritManToo Sorry for long urls. I tried to use tiny URL but it got complicated on my phone. The 800w looks tits but also suspect. One (800w) is overseas. Worried about counterfeit product. Url edited out. Used private browsing anyway
  10. You didn't make your point well. You've also obviously missed my sole reason for doing this: HOBBY. The room will be 26 at night, 28 five hours a day and no AC balance hours. I really don't care TBH it's a weed, it will be fine. I'm perfectly fine paying about 5k all in and expect to get that back out sooner or later in buds.
  11. Yes, but those are people that don't smoke weed. Their kids might dabble in it but I doubt many 45+ yo Thais smoking weed with any regularity.
  12. Can you explain that a bit more? Yeah, ok b650 for a 5000b light ez to spot. There are a few vendors with high # reviews and fairly large number of products. I'd assume these legit. Thanks ????
  13. Yawn You know, I don't think I asked about any of that not a bit. Raising pigs... What a rude, crass and feeble analogy. I guess anyone that has a houseplant is living in a sty? ????????????????
  14. Here's my contribution Alchemi (Prakanong) I've only purchased four different strains here but it's always been good weed. If you need to grab some buds and don't know where to go - go here. The weed is all pretty much over 300b gm but if you can catch a promotion I would head straight here. Was a great 420 promo. YourHighness (Rama9). This place has dozens of strains in all price ranges. Promos run occasionally. Buds range to 800b but the bulk are 250-600. Reasonably good flower is consistently available for 400-500. I've yet to chance the *organic*. Bought *outdoor* b250 some time back. One a hit, other a miss. Guy running this shop really nice and has let me pick my own buds. Promos unfortunately are rare but he does discount the weed as stock is reduced and ages. Dr Green BKK (Asoke). I would characterize this as shop to get good value for reasonably decent weed. Locals, promos they can run 20% off promotion semi often making a great price on low end but if you're not buying at 800 than you're probably not buying at 5-600 either. I got some seedy but fairly stony bud for like 200-250 on a special promo recently. Very convenient Asoke. I'm seeing prices come down in retail shops in Bangkok but the devil is in the weed details. I go for beer on lower Sukhumvhit and watch the prices in this tourist area in particular. I've probably visited over 20 weed shops here but those are the ones I've bought from and been satisfied. Even at 300gm it's a minefield. I have a feeling there's lots of dodgy weed out there now. Who wants to blow 1000b on a headache? Which are your favorite retail shops in BKK? *** I'm all for supporting Thai growers BUT they must support me as well. I'm not spending above b300 on any local weed, period end of story.
  15. Hi all - I'd like to have a totally cheap hobby grow in an area of about 40x60cm. If anything 40x40 rather than 40x80++ Can I get 3-4 plants in 40x60(x120)? Can anyone with experience with lighting comment on what's available at rock bottom prices on SHOPEE (vendor Thailand)? I'm partial to Samsung 281, 301 only because of reading. I see many brand LEDs for under 1k - this cannot be correct. Living in a condo I only have a few screwdrivers and a pair of needlenose pliers for assembly. The condo itself receives no direct sun. Thank you PS I will initially be growing some seeds I had found in some cheap but rather potent weed from a BKK weed shop. Can anyone recommend: 1. Seller and brand of seeds that can be purchased (cod) in Thailand? I need medium to higher yield. 2. Potent killer strain, preferably heavy "Indica" hybrid. Thanks again
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