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Everything posted by Plern

  1. Listening a lot to Lord Huron, Lana Del Rey lately as well as I've reverted to 80s New Wave, 80s Synthpop and 70s Progrock and 80s Alternative.
  2. The trick is to catch it before it turns ripe... right on the edge is best. If farang selects the durian the sellers will almost always push the overripe crap on you. If you want them to open up a few usually not happy bc they don't think you know what's what and they're cutting open durian which they need to sell obviously. Meanwhile some Chinese will rock up and do the same and not a word said. What do Chinese know about durian? Nothing I just let my wife get them now. She usually orders online and we've good prices and good durian. We even got a bad one and they immediately reshipped. It was larger and perfect. I think we were paying b1200 for 8kg in the husk and unopened.
  3. Love the stuff as much as Thais do but wife recently got a nokahjib durian. Wasn't crazy about it at all. Thick, fleshy, nothing delicate or creamy about it.
  4. I always go to the original in Ratchaprasong if I'm changing a few thousand. Sometimes I bring in cash from US. Not so much anymore.
  5. Sorry, not buying it. Your post is really cynical, defeatest. Each teacher has the power to ignore all of that and come up with creative lessons and content. If a student is bored they will either get on their phones or get into mischief. Trouble is the teachers are not able. They are largely unskilled at anything related to teaching.
  6. Education is poor here in Thailand as we all know. Foreign teachers are largely responsible for the failure of students to acquire English in particular. I would estimate that less than approximately 5% of foreign EFL teachers know what they are doing. This isn't quiet quitting, if they were in fact paid more they wouldn't have any more motivation or interest in the position. Competence, ability would not magically appear in their soft, mushy melons.
  7. Lol, balance. Afraid not. China is/was doing well because it purchased commodities cheap, low import tarrif and exporting to any and all countries that will take it's cr@p Importers are rarely favored in this mix. You've not heard the common phrase "(Asian) export driven economies?" Usually, if a nation needs to import say rolled steel or biotech they will just have fewer tarrifs on that material. No balance. Thailand a perfect example.
  8. Governments generally speaking want weak currencies as it pushes exports higher. Especially true of Asian economies. Governments also spend lots of money and enjoy creating it out of thin air. The opposite is more likely.
  9. sounds mystical We did have *oilers* back in stone(d) ages. That was a trick...
  10. Imo big js were lots of fun but it's all up in smoke. Size just depends on quality of weed and cost. I don't like big papers another reason why I prefer to just pipe a bit. I could roll three small J's in those wide papers. I'd always thought they were for people that couldn't roll ..decades ago.
  11. I am an old man and have only rolled two joints in the past 45 years or so but I believe I can still roll a better joint than most anyone. Dead serious. Even now days I just smoke a pipe - but the game is afoot!! Not a blunt - cigarette form. Pinner or fattie. Bring it on 555
  12. Sabotaged more like it https://mishtalk.com/economics/contrary-to-popular-myth-brexit-was-not-a-bad-decision-and-did-not-fail
  13. Two options It either won't happen or someone will die and it still won't happen.
  14. What was promised was a massive outbreak Which never happened. Just like this scare.
  15. Ive always abhorred masks. Shunned them as much as possible. Never stopped traveling even during lockdown multiple long haul bus trips. Never to my knowledge have I or my wife had covid. We also work in buildings with thousands of people buzzing about on a daily basis. No one that I know nor anyone they know died from covid. Every elderly person I know has recovered fully. Boo
  16. You've always been a mask advocate despite the evidence. I'm not surprised. So, less than 7/100 people still wearing masks. Probably ill, infirm and or hypochondriacs. We live in different worlds
  17. What sort of response shall I expect? How many grams are in a bag of coffee? ????
  18. Longest I waited was five weeks. I applied early and instead of giving me the extension at 30 days mark they set it up for the date stamped annually in my passport. So, just bought them a bit of time nothing dramatic. BKK/CW
  19. Are there any Thai coffee growers growing Arabica? Vietnam or Lao? Perhaps not enough elevation but thought I'd ask.
  20. I do sense the OP correct. I enjoy alcohol in moderation, prefer it socially so it's ok for me to leave the weed thing. Hadn't smoked in decades up to about 9 months ago anyway. That bud looks great to my eye despite Mr Stoners analysis which I believe rock solid. But that's what we see / buy all the time. Online it's 20% cheaper but even more hit or miss. Branding and direct sales as best way forward both over the counter and anonymously as well as online. Distribution is out because once it's on the market the packaging will be copied or will need to work with 'authorized dealers' and keep it tight. The notion of smoking the better part of a joint for a buzz that lasts perhaps an hour is not appealing on many levels to me. While 300b is really my limit on principle and budget I readily believe that there is definitely weed worth paying more. In fact, I've recently smoked some. There's a fortune still to be made but it's reliant on something in short supply these days: credibility and trust. The company that can establish consistency, value and trust will own it all.
  21. Could be gut infection, tapeworm? Have you isolated the possibility of food? Med allergy? Is something dirty / infectious in the home without you realizing? Eating regularly in an unclean restaurant that appears clean? I've had giardiasis many times, it's nasty but not painful. Thai doctors are horrible at this sort of thing imo. Took ME two years to get wife on proper cholesterol medicine. Battled doctor ignorance every step of the way.
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