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Everything posted by Plern

  1. Let him have his day in court. Leekpai is perhaps the most senior politician in Thailand. Been around since 90s and former PM. Such an important person can't go about talking trash (allegedly) publicly of others especially with Thailand's crazy defamation laws.
  2. I'm just going to assume that late night meth binge is lapsing into today. Some biological things evolve quickly, some machines and or technologies evolve slowly. Again, I'm at a loss...
  3. But board members do not come here to discuss such high minded things. These are generally speaking simple folk, looking for in general terms specific and current information about Thailand. That would belong on a classical music board. Again, this is just general information in somewhat compare contrast formula. Nothing especially novel. Another issue is AI hallucinations. If you ask it to write 500 words on the keyboard wizardry of Plern it will do that. Look great, read even better. Only trouble is I don't play piano.
  4. I don't believe you understand the current level of this technology. The only thing that the typical poster here would be able to accomplish with theses LLMs is to rewrite what they had written to clean up their grammar. That can only be a good thing. Most topics on the board are so unique that chatbots in most cases could not create a convincing post. Not only that but CGPT model was trained until late 2021. The other models Bard and Bing chat are fairly worthless. I've never been able to get them to do even simple complex tasks. Bing just takes enormous amounts of time then hilariously spits out a Wikipedia page link. Bing will always be flawed and so will Bard if it mirrors this model (above) because it is search + chat. Search = advertising revenue. So, this (money) will always corrupt the results. The business is search (60% of Google revenue). You do understand the technology isn't actually thinking correct? It's quite clever but not smart. All models are also fairly or very politically correct/ biased. Might be perfect for today's Aseannnnow board nannies 55555. I tried a chatbot trained recently by UC Berkeley it was atrociously woke. Bard is woke as well. Let's hope for the best with Musk's Truth GPT. I'm certain in your knowledge quest about Chomsky it spat out only accolades. ???? As an aside, some posters have perhaps even unwittingly used some of this technology already. Google has long incorporated into GBoard and it's search algorithms. There's Alexa, Siri. A number of Education sites such as Grammarly also use this tech. Expatriates come here for special, narrow, niche and current information that often comes from the other posters direct experience. This would in all likelihood not be trustworthy or actionable information from even the latest model of CGPT. What if someone scraped the whole of Thai Visa and offered that as a chatbot? That would be much closer to the mark but what you often see is that in posts is that: posters are often incorrect say on immigration, banking issues or the random hit miss nature of foreigners dealing with Thai bureaucracy you couldn't trust much of anything. What might work and would be quite expensive would be for a chatbot to be built on facts about say immigration, banking much like many corporation are doing to interact with customers or internal knowledge base. In short, there is too much misinformation in general and the woke nature of post Thai Visa aka Asseannnnow board loads of disinformation as well. Membership has plummeted. Especially with Joe having passed it will be extremely challenging for this board to stay relevant to expats. CGPT doubtfully will not help. Certainly, the poorly written news articles on non newsworthy topics seemingly gets stupider by the week especially in US News section. That's poor judgement. Stupid ideas are always stupid even if it's written well. Learn to discern the difference. Chomsky, anachronism. Dinosaur lol. TLDR: No, not worried
  5. I had something like this happen about 20 years ago on a visa run to Cambodia. I was literally stamped out. Stamped in Cambodia and was to be stamped in again in Thailand. Immigration decided they couldn't stamp me in again. I don't recall the checkpoint but it was nothing. The cops cancelled my exit, I had to go to Cambodia checkpoint and get that cancelled. Went back home then down to Maylasia. Only overstay I've ever had prolly bout 3 passports ago lol. They probably thought I'd die getting to civilization from that lil Khmer town but I'd lived in Cambodia a few years and still could muster some basic language abilities not that it would be better than returning to my slab and doing a runner south. Still, thumbs up for those coppers
  6. Must leave asap
  7. Me either. Voltaren gel works same as tiger balm. It doesn't.
  8. No. 25, 50mg Be careful with it. I only take it when I have spasms.
  9. I guess all the beauties will be packing up and moving to Bangkok where they can perhaps get a hostess gig at Poseidon or Dubai club.
  10. Surely, you jest.
  11. Let's be real. While cannabis might not be tobacco drawing in quantities of smoke and holding it in your lungs cannot be a good thing for the lungs
  12. Noble of her to resign. We've all been there and only fortunate not to have been caught - or had. This imo hardly rises to a level that she need resign. Doubly so in Thailand for a dozen reasons.
  13. Sweet coffee and teas for women. The very definition of empty calories. Seems like the average looking women more letting themselves gain. Still lots of tight 20-40 yo. Yoga pants on MRT ????????
  14. It really already has. Our rights as individuals and freedoms are being stripped away year by year. If you are 55+ think back on how open and free we were. We're already living in prison planet. Your money is worth nothing. In early 70s a big candy bar was 5 US cents. In Thailand where snacks are expensive a small candy bar costs 27b or thereabouts I don't buy them. Better part of an entire dollar. Wages largely stagnant over 2.5 decades or more. After digital currency rammed down our throats it's really game over. Wondering if they will place export control on it? Send us all back home... Post y2k you could probably draw a line in the sand. Life and post-life. I'm glad I'm not a kid. At least Thailand so corrupt that we will always have cash. Western cities falling apart. War is made on pretense. It may also end thru a slow, deadly malaise of incompetence as woke replaces competence. Only so many quotas before it implodes. That's just a fact. Due to plummeting birth rates I believe babies will be birthed and raised by the state. Not all, but most. Upper middle, middle class what's left have all but stopped giving birth. Drugs, porn, woke antagonist rubbish manipulation between the sexes, diet, health and weight, unrealistic expectations...debt and more debt I see a three tier caste system. The elite, two levels of servants. Life will be very harsh for those alive 10-15 years from now. Governments will be insane about revenue collection and authoritarian control. Possible, but I doubt we'll get tracking chips for some time. You can be tracked on mobile devices and electronic purchases well enough.
  15. There's no guarantee in any of it. In fact, I'm to the point that I'll only visit Alchemi. Next shi++y weed buy I'm 100% back to scotch and vodka. But the prices must come down, way down imo. One hit bud shouldn't be any more than 300b gram. Especially in Thailand. At 700b that's close to 20k an ounce. How much of that is just a bit better taste? Certainly not three times more stony.
  16. I rather like Krungsri although I just do deposits. Never online as well. It's sort of billed as the boutique bank.
  17. I find the data general and nothing especially analytical. The site is apparently not responsive at least on my phone. The data imo is a big nothing burger. I don't understand it's value and I spend a lot of time reading economic blogs and analysis. Green spots on a map that is apparently not interactive but a Canva graphic. I don't understand the map of Thailand and the grades of bud. This is allegedly growers? I could just imagine how off this is lol. While not line graphs your bar graphs do not have X, Y so one needs to click on every bar. Ridiculous. If I was keen on drilling down I'd DL the data. I don't see a value in this data. I doubt it's efficacy, collection methods, quality. But most of all it's a zero especially as it's not real time or probably even updated monthly. That is where data comes from - trends. Best thing about the site is I was able to view it without my phone, email and passport details oh, and DNA. ???? Otherwise it would have been an immediate back click as usual for the site.
  18. This is hilarious. Weed has become a total commodity product with about four quality tiers. It's a race to the bottom. Simples. Maybe it's not import weed but a glut of their own making? Growers crying because they can't name their price how farcical. Just read article how emerald triangle crashed and burned. Going out of business sale. Ultimately, I think b250-300 retail and 125-200 online for dank, stony weed is my line in the sand.
  19. I'm curious if this is in effect a Cambodian casino tax? Would it be active overland? This would explain comments about spending money abroad. How misguided haha My wife says she's heard about this and it includes Thais. I believe a few posts above also infer. Ludicrous.
  20. You have two options 1 Know positively, data and records. 2 Not know I know which one I'll choose for myself, long haul expat and my family.
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