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Dickie Dee

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Everything posted by Dickie Dee

  1. Hi! I am with the minimum requirements but have lost my edge at moving documents and Pics JPG. I am suffer I told them all my personal finances. Personal and everything else. I am a senior and meet everything 800k or $2600 a month. Tonight I read Russian draft dodgers get 90 days and don't have to do anything but cheapo themselves there. I am trying to jump hoops here but feel like dirt compared to other countries I have to beg and disclose like a undesirable compared to the other countries. Meh!
  2. What’s the broader part?
  3. Don’t be all surprised by interruptions in the dark. Things go bump in the night.
  4. Not a very nice man to kill hungry elephants.
  5. 50 yrs? How about he just pays back and a big fine. Or termination of employment. Would be get 5000 years for murder?
  6. That’s the excuse I would use. But shoplifting is not a stress response. It’s all BS
  7. A bottle of Kirkland brand Hennessy with a bow on it.
  8. Simple. Intersection stop line is there. Stop sign on roads when go, arrows are the only available options for that lane.
  9. Cannabis is a medicinal plant and so much more. Fields of male HEMP plants make safe and sustainable healthy products such as clothes, ropes and even construction material. The ancient plant has calm nerves in older people since the 1700’s. The problem is tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, vaping products that are not safe.
  10. No Candles, or smoking even on balconies.
  11. Classy, romantic…..????‍????
  12. I’m confused. Just because i am a senior doesn’t mean I want to chat about depends with old couples. Two buses. So I guess single guys hop on the Pattaya bus?
  13. It’s bad medicine what they spread. Fentanyl is missing…. Why? It’s all the rage in the Americas . Killing everyone.
  14. If a boy wants to be a girl then chemical castration is the way to go. But cutting up the penis is a mistake. It ruins any sexual fulfillment and is in fact the clit. Maintenance with a splint is way to much hassle. Just get rid of the nuts. ????
  15. Ugly people steal. Why is what’s in the persons pantie the most important point?
  16. Are they not building Chinese high-speed rail to Vietnam via Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and on to any other countries?
  17. Very difficult on police to go find cat in jungle and get back in cage. Also young people always crave what’s forbidden.
  18. Your body flying down a crowded freeway, Elon holding pedal down, you screaming in terror all the way.
  19. When you eat your bats , do you eat the dead ones last?
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