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Dickie Dee

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Everything posted by Dickie Dee

  1. I have my suspicions that these buses are top-heavy and it's a considerable problem.
  2. I am only one wearing the seat belt. That means all the flying meatbags are slamming into me. Seatbelts not being mandatory is ridiculous in this day and age. Naked and barefoot 4 on a scooter good luck. But buses?
  3. Friends of friends on balcony with him. To many dance on balcony.
  4. Any Chinese tourist police treading water with them?
  5. Final Destination only boring as heck…
  6. That’ll never happen. He simple gets let go.
  7. Its entirely possible that our universe is one in a unknown amount of Universe’s.
  8. Government intervention… caravans of field tilling units. Do a farm in hours. Farmer pays a tilling tax at harvest. Its the only way. Must meet with Myanmar to join. Its killing everyone.
  9. Get some farm equipment and start government plowing program. 12 units will do a farm in hours. Ban burning. Largest production farms first.
  10. Stop smoking yaba. And pharmacy will tell you what to do and you don’t even need a prescription for scabies cream. But eat an orange before you get rickets Too!!
  11. Everyone on earth knows his whereabouts now.
  12. Get it. Going to that hospital was a horrible experience. Avoid going there ounce of prevention story..
  13. breathing of toxic smoke is encouraged. The aroma of a natural herb is the real problem.
  14. Ugly old fat ones. Yup.
  15. Don't think mike will ever WIN anything, don't get loud. They don't lose any fight. Let them flex, police are not coming to help any Falang.
  16. Is that a topical erection preparation? 🤷‍♂️
  17. I heard of sniitching, but 308 snitch brigade indicates waterboarding!!! That's how to get it done. Or everyone goes free if they snitch…. 🧐
  18. I was on one of those buses on the. Afternoon of the 3rd. I believe I was the only to use the seat belt. So all those other bodies slam into me. I say make it a law. So I am not wasting my time wearing one
  19. What did they get for exchange of their lives?
  20. Time to help themselves over and over.
  21. Humans are garbage
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