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Everything posted by ICU Kid

  1. FWIW I believe Trump will be elected next year (45 = 9 & 47 =11) Some (including me) see politics is just an extension of the media/news/entertainment complex: scripted pro wrestling as explained here: Got to admit it though, IUS politics is more interesting, fun and entertaining than the UK's - our illusion of 2 separate parties is very slight (both our Reds & Blues are WEF members, pro-EU globalists, net zero fanatics, tax & spend merchants) and we don't have any characters as exciting and unpredictable as 'The Don' or quite as ridiculous as 'Cotton Eyed Joe'.
  2. Seniority over expertise, face over truth, white & black lies as a culture, inability/reluctance to ever say "no". No access to books and media (Thai only due to language barrier) And so on...
  3. It doesn't matter though - he's a 50 year old in a 25 year old's body. Haven't you seen all his posts about girls and women buying him presents and paying him for giving them orgasms? How do I know it's all true? Well, because he writes about it on here *ALL THE TIME*
  4. Any tips for us old codgers g.o.a.t?
  5. You shouldn't believe e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ anything that is written here ; )
  6. Mate Idc about the UK either and I live here. These EU and UK/EU (nutsak & <>unt) political sock puppets meet regularly to drone on about nonsense that only the most genuine idiots (u know who u are : ) care about: sending more money to Ukraine, diversity & inclusion (aka more immigration & more idiots promoted above their abilities), so-called climate emergency, pandemic preparedness and other such bs Meanwhile the general public are actually beginning to see through the gaslighting as they struggle with higher and higher prices. Will the EU survive? Idk & tbh Idc Let alone about what stickers go on what plugs
  7. FWIW I respect your choice to choose your preferred criminal (Biden over Trump). Didn't realise More than 80 million Americans have a criminal record - that's 30% of you guys!!! Way to go! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-08-03/more-us-companies-are-considering-hiring-people-convicted-of-crimes
  8. Pretty clear that the powers that be (WEF, BlockRock, assorted globalists, Biden, Obama etc.) want the UK back in the EU. This lot and their media have gotten rid of so-called Brexiter opportunists Boris Jonsbum & Liz Truss and have placed globalist puppets rItchy Nutsack & Jeremy <>unt in charge. Next up will be globalsit puppet / CFR member Keith Stoner so it seems the UK'll be back in by 2030. Problem is the EU is in a bit of a pickle as they''re in recession and a LOT of the European public are not happy and are voting more and more for right-wing nationalist politicians. Will it be able to hold together? Probably but it'll be fun watching to see if the globalists can defeat the peoples Interesting times.
  9. So why were these Urainian, Romanian, Chinese etc. companies hiring the idiot minor banging, hooker loving crackhead son??? Could it be because his dad would grant them 'favours'????? If not, why do you think they hired Hunter??? Take your time.
  10. Exactly. We'd never get fooled like that eh
  11. Not sure about that. Thais are arguably world champions at faking it till they make it (your cash in their account)
  12. Uwotmate? Trumpo isn't really a republican - he represents Trump. The Republicrat Uniparty *ALL* hate Trumpo as they're scrared he'll actually 'drain their swamp'. What would be the point of being a politician if you can't do insider trading etc.???? He terrifies ALL of your Demopublican grifters because they know he's NOT one of them (though he's of course VERY dodgy). Trump needs to be written back into the plotline. He's a great character for casual observers of Clown World
  13. How woulkd you describe this????: ssstwitter.com_1691047875037.mp4
  14. I know. Trump's awful - well beyond the pale for sure. Biden's just as dirty though, but your 'edjumication'/brainwashing + Red tinted glasses don't allow you to see it
  15. No, I'm just not a mug. I saw through the covid scam early on and recognise that the Red v Blue, Trump v Biden is just another scam fore dopes to buy into. Not 'Far Right' just 'Right So Far' *They're both beyond the pale* but Trump's more fun to watch - more unpredictable and that's exciting for us casual watchers of the clown world that most (including yrslf) actually buy into. Lighten up, enjoy the show, if there's a hell below...
  16. Trumpo isn't really a republican - he represents Trump. The Republicrat Uniparty *ALL* hate Trumpo as they're scrared he'll actually 'drain their swamp'. What would be the point of being a politician if you can't do insider trading etc.???? He terrifies ALL of your Demopublican grifters because they know he's NOT one of them (though he's of course VERY dodgy). Trump needs to be written back into the plotline. He's a great character for casual observers of Clown World
  17. If it's fun it better for us watchers. I've not got a dog in the fight but demanfd entertainment. It's the UUSA gotdammit! Anyway, your boy Sleepy Joe is headed for impeachment. Maybe Navin Gruesome will be next up and turn the whole country into a <>strewn sanctuary country or maybe RFK is going to be the man to get everyone's facts straight on the covid panicdemic. Interesting times! You know the situation is getting bad when *Bloomberg* are reporting on the Biden secret bribery payments. Joe's going under the bus soon - he getting written out of the script. Tick Tock ssstwitter.com_1691047875037.mp4
  18. Do you want me to sing you "Star Spangled Banner' or something??? ***FITCH downgraded US debt today*** to AA+ (hence the markets have dropped) "lowest current inflation rate among G7 countries" BUT still way over target "record low unemployment" BS cooked numbers - ask a relative - they'rte struggling "record oil and gas production and exports, etc" - through starting a proxy war and thereby taking out the competition (Russia). SPR (strategic petroleum reserves) emptied by Biden and still remain empty. Bank failures happening too. US may be the cleanest dirty shirt in the G7 BUT it's still a dog <> wrapped in cat <> run by people working for/owned by foreign globalists.
  19. Electronic voting machine fraud? Not impossible is it. Theoretically easy to manipulate (esp. under the cover of a pseudo pandemic). "Yeah but conspiracy you got nuthing blah blah blah" This post will disappear in 3, 2, 1...
  20. Could work. Also dodgy though as he wants to do away with the 2nd amendment and has other off policies. Would really cause havoc with regard to the covid19 & safe & effective narrative / plotline (bring it on!!!!). However, if Trump rums the powers that be are happy with Biden as a Biden win could be sold as legit as it has (allegedly: see voting machines) happened before so theoretically could happen again
  21. They are happy for Trump v Biden 2 as they can pass off a win as genuine (re: electronic voting machines). However, IF Trump (for whatever reason) doesn't run, Biden will be thrown under the bus in a NY second. The globalists hate Trump as they can't control him (he's mainly controlled by his ego). Too unpredictable to implement Ze Great Reset, CBDC, 'You Vill Own Ze Nuzzing & Be Happy" globalist marxist project
  22. Tom Luongo writes well on this subject. Biden & Yellen are FOR the WEF/Davos (Great Reset) crowd and are therefore vandalising the US for globalist reasons. Biden is a WEF/globalist stooge. Whereas Trump *appears to be* 'America First' and happy to let the EuroTrash commies at the WEF/EU rot. Also seems Fed chirman powell is trying to defend the dollar (stopped money printing & upping interest rates) to make things tough for WEF/EU etc. (whilst Yellen & Biden are cranking up the spending (via the ludricrously named 'Inflation Reduction Act', 'Chips Act' and so on...) which will screw the US long term as foreigners baulk at taking on US debt). I predict this post will vanish in 3, 2, 1....
  23. Idc about the UK either BUT we look to America for entertainment so Biden needs to go. The confused grandad act has become really boring.
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