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Everything posted by ICU Kid

  1. "cos I can't see it it don't exist" That's fine too. I understand your pov
  2. Lack of imagination? I agree with other posters that there is an almost universal fear that something *may* happen with us after our bodies go kaput so many go into denial mode "It's impossible", ":claptrap" and so on
  3. Maybe you're dreaming and not actually real ;)
  4. Your birth is a fairy tale when you consider the odds against it happening & consider the *origin of life* (not just your parents hooking up)
  5. That's what happens to your body
  6. Just because we were taught to repeat it in school doesn't make it a fact. BUT, if you wanna explain this 'big bang' and what or who caused it, and how whatever was blown up came alive and eventually turned into humans then please be my guest :) PS. There's a good argument that species are NOT evolving - have you seen the youngsters nowadays? PPS. How long do you think it will take for dogs to evolve so they can speak English?
  7. Baffle them with BS? Please feel free to have a go and explain how life started from a 'big bang' (what caused it?) and how the magic bang dust came alive and became humans (good luck!). PS. I don't believe the earth is flat but I would recommend bloodletting in some cases ;) PPS. I don't believe in flat earth but neither do I believe that this 'thing' ever landed on the moon (though most people DO). Look closely - it looks like a 3rd grade science project made with curtain rails, tin foil and the like. As events this decade have proven, if you repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth.
  8. Good question - if anyone could answer we might have a clue as to where we're going. Since we've all been taught that it's 'tHe sCiEnCe(TM)' that we all came from a 'big bang' (though for the record, it definitely wasn't a God that made it bang) that just happened. And the dust from the bang (magically?) changed and then we became fish, then monkeys then human. Does anyone actually believe this [deleted]? or does anyone actually have a more logical explanation than a God? People laugh about the idea of a creator but don't admit to not having an alternative theory where a simple 'dunno' would suffice. I'm not sure either way but have my suspicions : )
  9. I think we're allowed to disagree & state our beliefs on this thread : ) No "source?" or "misinformation!" type comments should be allowed ; )
  10. PCR test up your nose before being admitted into heaven or hell.
  11. So in essence, you can provide ZERO links to confirm your assertions and we just take your word for it.
  12. My point is that you don't seem to have a source stating that Covid was even a CONTRIBUTING factor in those deaths and hospitalisations you're citing. You're assuming that but that's all *Do you have a source of should we just take your word for it?*
  13. 3,000 hospitalisation solely due to covid? 42 died with or from? If you can differentiate, please provide sources. In other countries (e.g. UK) ALL deaths BY ANY CAUSE within 28 days of a positive test were counted as 'covid deaths' Do you have a source saying that covid was a 'contributing factor' in the 42 deaths you cited?
  14. I wonder if they qualify for paid leave. Not good either way though
  15. This one didn't age well either: Pfizer and BioNTech announced Monday their coronavirus vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 among those without evidence of prior infection, hailing the development as “a great day for science and humanity.” “I think we can see light at the end of the tunnel,” Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Albert Bourla told CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Squawk Box.” “I believe this is likely the most significant medical advance in the last 100 years, if you count the impact this will have in public health, global economy.” Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/09/covid-vaccine-pfizer-drug-is-more-than-90percent-effective-in-preventing-infection.html Just goes to show that official sources are not always to be taken at face value (imho) and that 'The Science(tm)' changes over time
  16. If I could get paid time off I'd be testing regularly too, but as a retiree obvs that's not the case so no point at this stage of the game imho (especially as we have to pay 49 baht a pop).
  17. Not really imho, just exposed people and their often irrational ideas about life and death. More people die on the roads here but we realise that repeating the same messages over and over and over again don't change much if anything. This subject will eventually run it's course like it has in other countries and not a moment too soon IMHO
  18. Is this the sort of life we want to lead / should be promoting though? Also, do you think 3 masks would be better than 2?
  19. UK Covud news: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/people-urged-to-get-covid-jab-before-offer-ends The offer of a first or second dose of COVID-19 vaccine will end on 30 June 2023 for most people. The offer of a first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccine for those at lower risk of severe illness will end on 30 June 2023 There are 8 weeks left for people who are completely unvaccinated to get their first and second doses Around 40 million adults across England have already come forward for both doses So still 30M unvaccinated in the UK : /
  20. Looks like they're finally given up the ghost in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/people-urged-to-get-covid-jab-before- Health Minister, Maria Caulfield, said:
  21. I think those who admit to fancying women in their sexual prime more than older ladies are being honest *with themselves*. Whereas, imho, those who are saying they prefer eg. 50 year olds to 25 yr olds are probably kidding themselves and then trying to kid/virue signal to other members. To be honest, if I reach really old bones I'm pretty sure I'll still fancy women in their sexual prime - it's hard wired into most males imho. However, assuming 24 year olds aren't an option I could might rationalise it by saying "it's awful", "I'd never do that", "how dare you" (in a Greta voice) in an effort to convince myself I'm better off with an old one or single. Sour grapes and all that. To be fair to older women and their fans on here they are in theory at least better company though. Whatever makes you happy though Bonus, just for fun (edit: wow, whoever invented feminism did such a number on these poor women - just as washing machines, vacuum cleaners and other labour saving devices were invented too : /
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