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Everything posted by ICU Kid

  1. Tell me you're stuck with an old boiler without telling me you're stuck with an old boiler. I think the respondents were responding honestly, with the benefit of anonymity. Somehow people who play dress up and pretend to be other people for a living (Pacino DeNiro etc) get a pass for hooking up with young girls whilst Bob the ex-builder from Bolton gets looked down upon by snooty types who likely bow & scrape around their perceived betters. People need to take a look at themselves instead of projecting and judging imho.
  2. It's been proven that straight men ALWAYS react most favourably to 24 year old women - no matter how old we get we get stuck on 24 year olds - we're hardwired to as that's when they're at their most fertile. Women look for someone slightly older than themselves up to the age of 45 (where they get stuck). Saw some programme about this - can't remember if they put sensors on their brains or sex parts but that was what was indicated by physical responses
  3. Bit off topic but related: Cultural Marxism has been getting a foothold in the west and is behind feminism, Extinction Rebellion, BLM, Global Warming Change, LGTB&Q+ and all the other posh elitist astroturfed nonsense movements. Elitist marxists worked out that the reason Marxism didn't take hold outside the poorest peasants in Russia was because of social norms, society & families. Therefore, the solution is to destroy society. If they can do that they can push through communist marxism like they did in China, Cambodia and the soviet union. This guy was the brains behind it (better on 1.5x speed): speed): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdsSIWh_VkQ&t=616s
  4. What were the main differences between a cold and your covid? Did you have a 49 baht test to confirm it was colvid? Also, did you have a vaccination before catching it? Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm a Brit and I believe your analysis is 100% spot on: "centred around humiliation and looking down on people". Your statement is scarily true. In case anyone's interested, I recently saw this video from a Brit teacher who taught at one of the 'top' girls schools in the UK on what he noticed - even as a Brit I was enlightened by it:
  6. Well if no one can tell the difference between a cold and the covid without a 49 baht (or 180 baht) test I'll probably just stick with calling it a cold and be done with it. But IF you can get paid time off it's definitely worth getting a test though (imho).
  7. I just wanted to say it's good of you to take time out from your love life to educate us retired old duffers on what's what and how to live - some of us definitely need it! So thanks and keep it up - You are appreciated.
  8. Because everyone in china wore masks and still got it, my theory is that covid can get in through cracks in the doors and windows - maybe even through the aircon! Therefore it probably makes sense to find out if you've got a normal cold or the covid - no one wants to die after all. Having said that, I'm not thrilled about having to pay 49 baht to find out if it's a cold or the covid
  9. Do they still get paid time off for it? Also, are the saliva tests and the the nasal one's both 49 baht a pop?
  10. If only I was! but you're probably right - a cold can feel a bit like a hangover. But with the food poisoning symptoms bit, did covid give you the squits as well?
  11. So, if it's much worse than the sniffles do we really still need the 49 baht test ? I guess there's a point where the cold ends and the covid begins
  12. What specifically do you think attracts all these high class women to you?
  13. how do you know that your good girl isn't doing stuff on the side...
  14. It's a generalisation. Not saying ALL 'good girls' are boring - some are interesting but from what I've seen they don't want much to do with foreigners as there is Thailand is a very conservative country and there is STILL a stigma around dating foreigners in Thailand - same as there is with a white woman dating outside her race in many white countries. To be clear, I don't make the rules and often don't agree with them but it is what it is. Exceptions prove the rule PS. Note also that we males also have to deal with a similar stigma since western women & society discourages tax paying males from holidaying alone or moving to places like Thailand hence the nudge nudge wink wink BS (intended to keep us in place there). PPS. If you're happy that's all that matters.
  15. TBF Canada is an immigrant country like the US - sorry didn't know u were from there but don't blame u for leaving
  16. Good luck with yer boring wife - Very few 'normal' women in your home country would marry a foreigner - same applies here.
  17. I see this too and find many, if not most, 'good girls' here extremely boring.. It's either boink, bowling or cinema - very little in common. I guess 'bad girls' are more westernised and therefore more relateable.
  18. Oh OK, so no way to tell if it's a normal cold or covid without a 49 baht test. Should have bought shares in the test makers!
  19. Oh OK Thanks. How often do you have to take them? I guess it would add up if you have to take them all the time and don't have a boss to pay for them. Is there any other way to tell the difference?
  20. Walter Mitty types everywhere. It's a variation on the undercover SAS Special Forces. That's the beauty of the internet, you can be whoever you want to be and most will be none the wiser
  21. Do people still get normal colds & flus or is it ALL covid now? And, how can we tell the difference? I don't mind a cold or flu but have heard bad things about covid - I don't think I've had it though tbh but then again, I haven't been out of my apartment since it all kicked off.
  22. Pray tell G.o.a.t. (Geatest of All Time), what led a man with your obvious qualities (hansum, smooth, suave, sophisticated, debonair etc.) to visit the dark side of Pattaya?
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