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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. Why is this chap so popular? He behaves like an idiot
  2. That’s simplistic thinking Whether or not PP can be eligible to contest the next elections is a big IF, bound to have many obstacles for them
  3. The ladies at nana and cowboy are also multi lingual and many are cunning linguists
  4. Elections results is a good reflection isn’t it? And voting for MFP dun mean the voters are oppressed, they just want change and most are young people and they will grow out of the rebellious phase
  5. But this is clutching at straws Hope someone high up would get rid of this chap permanently
  6. Everyone is as corrupt as they come He’s just collateral damage of the purge His patron’s waning star mirrors that of his
  7. The joke back then was that many of the generals have no official posting and most dun even have an office that’s why they are always out playing golf
  8. You are naive if you think Thaksin has a say in that list. Powerful as he is he still answers to someone higher up.
  9. Red rimmed officer is new army chief Check out new naval chief education and training and you can make the connection. Everything in place done and dusted. No coup for years to come.
  10. Thaksin was doing well with this war on drugs and going the same direction as Singapore. Alas it was not to be, hopefully this time round he will commence a new round of war of drugs
  11. Since when is politics clean? It’s the same all over the world
  12. Once the purge is complete and thaksin’s consolidated his hold on power. Yingluck will be welcome back with red carpet
  13. Seems the CC has the highest power in the land now.
  14. He was just a convenient scapegoat
  15. Is he a hands on type of guy? He could have easily outsourced the jobs rather than do it himself
  16. Dun be naive no incumbent would help the opposition win seats in parliament. It’s politics . You won’t find it anywhere in the world
  17. The war was going well. There’s no innocent when related to drugs. I’m talking about hardcore drugs here and I’m taking the Asian approach similar to the death penalties in many regional countries around here who implemented with success. And we all know why and how the war was prematurely halted
  18. It’s wasn’t 60% more like 38%
  19. I thot the became a police officer. He was a marksman no less. His father was always boasting about his son’s marksmanship skills and naturally should be a policeman in the family tradition. The victim’s son grew up and became a policeman too. Imagine when the 2 crossed path during the course of work
  20. Tony is toeing the line still All the frivolous tit for tat will come to nothing just distractions. It’s still game on till the fat lady sings
  21. They dun need a military coup. The CC is on standby for any judiciary coup. This new political party is just insurance to get more of its people into parliament
  22. He has the pedigree His father was the legendary Big George….original.coup cum junta leader. Prayuth stand aside!
  23. Fat watchboy haven got the smarts to outmanoeuvre Tony. Seems uncle Tu is the smart one who faded out quietly when he realises game over
  24. Well they are peasants who should know their place. Damn Thaksin for changing the political landscape by giving these folks a voice and helping them realise their vote counts too
  25. With all the obstacles in place parties like PP will never win an overwhelming majority. Most importantly parties like PP do not hold the guns. When push comes to shove the guns always win out. 13 successful coups in a century is testament to that.
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