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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. Was the verdict ever in doubt? One just has to read up Big Tor’s CV to get an idea. Especially who are his family members.
  2. The BossMan is back! Make Thailand Great Again!
  3. Mao murdered 50-100 million (depending on which source) of his own people. I’m sure there’s some drug addicts in those
  4. There is a special place in hell for those drug dealers and traffickers You obviously do not know the scourge of drugs
  5. More like a ventriloquist but hey as long as he/they are doing their job well no one is complaining except for the junta
  6. War on Drugs 2.0 well done full support for this initiative
  7. Yes he is the CEO but the all powerful one is the chairman of the board
  8. The elites dun call the shots The elites have someone to answer to
  9. That’s an entirely different kettle of fish
  10. House arrest is common in many countries for high profile detainees
  11. Former Democrat Party MP Watchara Phetthong expressed concerns over the transparency of Apichart’s early release. Apichart’s early release is reduction in sentence via Royal pardon. This chap Watchara should be charged with lese majeste
  12. Just a variation of the oldest profession in the world.
  13. They were much poorer before Thaksin came along. Thaksin actually improved their lives that’s why he’s so popular
  14. The good fakes are all manufactured in China
  15. The French woman should have just liquidated everything instead Cash is king
  16. If the charges and convictions can’t be overturned then she should rightly be patdoned. Everyone knows it was political persecution by the junta
  17. Well done Thailand is turning red just like the US RED KINGDOM!
  18. He is the de facto man in charge akin to CEO of Thailand And like the CEO of any company he only answers to the chairman of the board. He only answers to one man. The rest of the losers can bugger off
  19. Make it happen pardon her already so she can assist her niece and brother to make Thailand great again
  20. Well said those people are stirring up trouble wherever they are. Even here in the southern Thailand. They have a very vile doctrine and ideology. They are such troublemakers even their own Arab brothers do not offer help or even to take them in. That is saying alot
  21. He’s Thai. How do you deport him? Nothing will happen to him in any case he can always get a pardon even if convicted
  22. You talk as if the other side aren’t as corrupt if not more. This is and has always been a power struggle no more no less Tony and gang are the lesser of 2 evils Maybe you prefer Uncle Tu and Fat Watchboy back in charge. See their track record for the last 2 decades
  23. Astute observation Military coups are thing of the past judiciary coups and constitutional coups are the new trend
  24. The conflict has been around for decades maybe even longer than the Israel Palestine one. They want secession It will always end in a stalemate
  25. How convenient to blame it on Thaksin. The military is responsible that is why the junta did nothing to pursue the case for 20 years.
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