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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. Shame we cant go back years and look at the old TV thread on this. I'm sure it's the same picture they have used from years way back. But remember seeing a Baht bus, superimposed on that monorail, by some naughty poster. Was very funny at the time.
  2. Reckon his going to slip out the back door. soon.
  3. Not very common, now days. Due to, two decades of deforestation. but some patchy areas, can still be found in some locations around town.
  4. Totally agree. It does look like, there's a couple of Karen's on this thread, as well. judging by some comments.
  5. They showed there true colors straight out the gate. Only negative press changed it.
  6. Come on Tony, let Paulie run the show.
  7. Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, 17, is charged with three counts of murder, 10 of attempted murder, and one count of possessing a bladed article. Hope his put down soon.
  8. Yes your right about the cops, not being backed up by the government. what a crazy weak way the uk is. The thugs and crim's just laugh at them.
  9. Stupid comment. Different laws, different countries. Also you don't need to go to the USA for this. Just look across the Moat. not the Pond. they seam to do ok with fire arms. Ps A survey conducted in Great Britain in 2004 found that 47% of citizens supported arming all police while 48% were opposed to the idea Wonder what that percentage, would be today, if the public was asked.
  10. Time for the cops to have guns, full time, for all officers in the uk. A few 100 dead of this type of citizen, will turn things around a little bit. This is 2024, not 1969 love and peace flower power movement. Time to protect our streets and our Police officers. Wake up, uk government.
  11. A nice little earner, if they can get it off the ground. Bumper brown envelopes for years to come. Win, Win.
  12. Should have brought that Neck brace, back out of retirement Tony.
  13. Buy 80 baht tickets on line. They cost 80 baht.
  14. if he just buys a mem stick with say 16 Gb space on it , copied that amount of files over, then deleted the files on c drive. he would see if c drive, was really full. very cheap, test. an no date lost Ps His given very little information, so trouble shooting is a bit hard. I won't give any more pointers, as he run he gob off at me. most would have just laughed at the joke.
  15. Shame he had a sense of humor failure. Maybe I touched a nerve.
  16. Ok here is the news Running the disk clean will do no good. You need to delete some of your big pictures or movie files. Got it. Ps or back the files up, you want to keep to a new external drive or mem stick. then delete off c drive.
  17. Just delete all your porno pics and it will work fine after that.
  18. Oh look, here comes the first batch. Should fit right in.
  19. Oh no A monk caught Dogging. Dirty Monk.
  20. It was only a few Ferrari's and a JCB, so no harm done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Is it worth the risk, of having these types of dog around. nah.
  22. You, Reap what you sow, Thailand. The Hub of Frowns.
  23. Maybe best to keep them all here.
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