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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. I don't believe in god, so there can't be a hell. ( at present ) Unless someone has some proof of it all, then I'm in. Believers in Faith, Pixies, and the supernatural, just cant come up with the goods. Right, beer o'clock.
  2. Going by resent news, there has been a bit of a revival by the Russians. on that front.
  3. What would you have done. if you had known what was to come.
  4. We all know she was a slapper.
  5. Well no. But I was lost in Nana, twenty 25 years ago, it cost a fortune.
  6. Head line should be . Phuket porkers, on the rampage.
  7. I think the Thai's are nice people. Just don't, get into stuff over money with them. your most likely get burned.
  8. Exactly For some strange reason, some posters don't understand this. ( what a laugh ) Check first with your current immigration office, if you don't want to be disappointed. with all things to do with immigration .
  9. If it's just a cat. and it's not, going to bother other residents, in any way. Just do it. and keep quiet about it. fxxxxxxx the nah sayers. They are the same people that told you to keep off the grass and had signs made up, No ball games. When you were a kid. Enjoy having a cat with you and your lady.
  10. Should have called insurance company straight away. No, if's or buts. Ps, it was all her fault, she hit a stationery vehicle. end of.
  11. Watched Scarface, last night. What a great classic 1980's movie. ( dated special effects ) ha ha. A young, Al Pacino, giving it all. (say hello to my little friend ) What a catchy phrase from the 80's, when passing, a big old fat joint around.
  12. Loud pipes = Micropenis.
  13. Most normal people use this. it works great.
  14. No it's all BS. I believed in this guy.
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