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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. A good news thread for once. Phuket taxi mafia gets a kicking .
  2. Looks like the sex creator, should have ducked or stayed on target. Can be a nasty business one in the eye.
  3. What a nasty P.O.S. Hit and run, the way of the coward, so common in Thailand. Hope the guy makes a full recovery.
  4. Not nice Thailand. All sounds like one big scam. Good to see the story in the uk papers.
  5. Go try it. Your are just mouthing off now. Sorry I forgot I'm talking to a beer snob.
  6. Not 100% true. Years back I went into a Top Charoen glasses shop, as the screw had dropped out one of the arms. They fixed it for free. good job. VD is also free here.
  7. We used to play a similar game years ago back in my local in the uk. Glass of Bitter. Glass of Larger. Glass of Guinness. Glass of water. The expert ha ha, was blindfolded. he was allowed to pick the glass up and immediately take one sip only. and put the glass down, then he had 5 seconds to say what he had just drank, out of the 4 choices. Very, very few experts got it 100% right. It was a fun game, for the experts.
  8. Yes think your right. Maybe they will give us all something like, free mango and sticky rice once a year at counter 24 in the immigration car park.
  9. Nothing wrong with Jaywick .
  10. He could be waiting on a doss to clear up, before goes home to the wife and kid. The , I caught it off a toilet seat, just won't work now days.
  11. There could be some truth in it. Maybe he eats a lot of spinach.
  12. Guy goes on holiday to Thailand with out his wife and kid. that says a lot. Yes, his fine, will be with some bar lady for sure.
  13. Yes, think your right, should be some interesting stories over the coming weeks. it's all a big crock of Do Do. fun times ahead. not.
  14. Yes it's all a bit mad at present. I got a TIN number last month only because my offshore bank, have come back again on me for this.
  15. Well I'm not so sure. I wish to side step the revenue office. I think you may need to file if you apply the standard deductions. Also I have no idea if the deductions apply to foreign rental income. but understand you can have a 30% deduction on the gross rental income or more if you can prove it. so at present. I'm going to stick to the 120,000 for now. Thank you for your reply.
  16. 60,000 me 60,000 for the wife. and no tax return needs to be filed. Well I think that's correct. If it's more all well and good.
  17. Nice to see AN's resident troll out in force on this thread. yawn,
  18. This thread and other threads has now convinced me to just spend down savings already in Thailand for one more year. ( will bring in 120,000 max ) There is just so many inconsistences with different revenue offices at present. Its Just a huge mess. will look again in 2026. TIT.
  19. Accident was on second road jomtien. Not beach road.
  20. Jomtien second road is a race track for all now. So dangerous. Watch out if you travel on this road or try to cross the road as a pedestrian. Very crazy days right now. Hope the couple make a full recovery. and the motor bike and the road.
  21. Just get one of these down there. You could process the lot in an hour or two.
  22. Maybe only if mommy and daddy have money or if still alive. that's how it works. yawn. BTW, this was your post below a few hours ago. have another Chang mate.
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