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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. Come on, It was one bottle and 3 straws.
  2. That's funny, I have no issues with them. I have 75 pages of past orders with them. They must be so bad, Ps I think most problems are caused by operator error. finger trouble and all that.
  3. Maybe. But company, agency or people trying to take some sort of safety precautions. I find that difficult to believe, TIT, but I could be surprised, never say never. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think maybe, one of the 3 options. 1) Fishing. 2) Fishing. 3) Fishing.
  4. I got a bit pished off with shopee, they wanted me to enter a code every time I logged on, that was sent to my phone. ( i use a desk top pc for orders) i found it just annoying. So use Lazada now, no code to enter.
  5. Typical behavior of the average Thai road user. Most important thing is , Me, Me and more Me. Grow up , you Thai babies on the roads.
  6. The promotion was not applied by me. The seller must have done that or lazada. I think Lazada is far superior to Shopee, but that just my opinion.
  7. Ok, sorry about your reading and comprehension issues.
  8. Yes, But what happened was. I bought a genuine win 95 o/s from a very popular computer store in Pattaya. back in the day. ( still popular today) But when I went to activate the license. it come up with a message ( cant remember the exact words ) but it said the license had already been used. I contacted Microsoft in Bangkok ( Bangkok number ) had a chat with a very nice man and he asked when and where I bought it. I was very happy to give the name of the shop. Now I'm not 100% sure of how it got sorted, along time ago now, but think, he asked me to try and activate the license again when i was on the phone to him, all was fine after that. After that , I have never bought a genuine windows operating system again.
  9. Ok , never looked that far. Just thought it was one more thread about bashing Lazada.
  10. No, just a straight order. PS this is what the bill was.
  11. Ordered an item on the 15 oct IT was packed. But still could cancel on the 16 oct. ( i did that ) So no problem for me.
  12. Last genuine one I bought, was win 95. Think immigration is still on XP.
  13. Still using win 7 on one of my machines.
  14. Come on, you must remember the Birdman of Hollywood.
  15. Do we all miss Bob, now days. ?
  16. Will all amount to just hot air in a years time. Carry on regardless as usual.
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