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Posts posted by Godolphin

  1. 50 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    The Walmart movies clearly illustrate that not too many americans are starving to death, What is wrong with the age-old method of going out to work for wages, and using the wages to support yourself ? This system works very well in S.E.Asia :) The bludgers have had it too easy for too long.

    Yes, the bludgers in Wall St and the thieves who own the pharma, insurance and arms rackets that have sucked the life out of the economy and impoverished millions of decent people.


    Going out to work? What work? A lot of jobs have been deliberately relocated so that companies can make increased profits pure and simple. Where are the jobs?


    I find it sad that people are rejoicing in the attacks on the most vulnerable while conveniently ignoring the further advantages being bestowed on the super rich.



  2. You may ask. No, I am not a mental health professional but I am a person who doesn't swallow the drivel of a politician who lurches from one disaster to another, who actually talks about locking up journalists, who insults America's allies and at the same time seems in awe of Russian and other authoritarian dictators, who stacks his cabinet with billionaires (some of them the very people who caused the melt-down of 2080) after promising to "drain the swamp."


    A man who fires his CIA director who was investigating his and his allies' links to direct Russian interference in US affairs and then ingratiates himself with those very Russians and denies links with them, links which stand out like dogs'  balls.  A self-absorbed man who is obsessed with his image and is hyper-sensitive to any criticism. In my opinion, a very disturbed individual.


    No, I'm not a mental health professional, but, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, "You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the winds blows."


    And a question to you, if you don't mind: Is there nothing about Trump that worries or concerns you?


  3. 18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    And you have a Physychiatric or Psychology qualification to be able to judge that he is ( mentally ) sick, no doubt?

    Trump is actually very clever. While everyone is pontificating about his behaviour and mental state, who knows what he is actually up to out of sight? Routine magician's trick. 

    One day y'all gonna wake up and find that he's tricked everyone.


    I forgot to add this in my last post:


    From the Mayo Clinic:


    DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

    Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

    Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

    Exaggerating your achievements and talents

    Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

    Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people

    Requiring constant admiration

    Having a sense of entitlement

    Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations

    Taking advantage of others to get what you want

    Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

    Being envious of others and believing others envy you

    Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner


    You don't think any of these symptoms apply to Trump?

  4. 45 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

    What are your qualifications that you came to this diagnosis?

    Well, I can read:





    Plus, you don't have to be a mental health expert to question these type of delusions to judge Trump to be mentally "off":


    - The inauguration was the biggest ever;


    - He invented the term "priming the pump':


    - "In a short period of time I understood everything there was to know about healthcare";


    - Despite his own people telling him the opposite he insists that Obama had him tapped.


    I could provide a few dozen more examples.


    Do you question anything this man says/does? I admire loyalty but to cling to try and justify this man's unstable behaviour as anything short of odd is quite another thing.



  5. 1 hour ago, digger70 said:

    I think DT knew what he was doing,the Ruskies already knew the info and he was waiting to see who in his clan was Sharing this Back.Trying to weed out the yappers ,He's not stupid old DT.

    I respectfully wish to differ digger70.


    I think he is stupid. I think he is immature in the extreme, has a very limited attention span and almost pathologically needs acceptance and approval. Playing up to the Russians is an example of this, in my opinion.


    Those that say Trump has the right to share critically sensitive information may be formally correct but surely they concede that to hand on this information to Russia, at this time, during a CIA and House investigation into Russian interference and following a sensational and capricious sacking of the CIA director, is highly suspicious and disturbing. Growing numbers of Republicans are, or are they just part of a liberal/fake-news conspiracy?


    But enough of this analysing. I have always maintained that Trump is emotionally ill and I believe that this is at the root of the almost daily disasters that embroil the White House. Just look up a definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- he ticks all boxes.


    I understand how Trump supporters must truly feel watching this mayhem unfold day after day. It must be demoralising but it only compounds the mess by trying to justify this sick man's erratic and dangerous zig zags and blaming it on the media, the liberals, the CIA, leaks, and so on. The man is unwell and all roads lead to him and his disturbed and disturbing actions.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

    Comey was out of control and acting like he was the Attorney General, good riddance.


    The FBI will continue its investigations and eventually nail Hillary.

    Is there the slightest chance that this is about Trump protecting his own back and not about Hillary Luckysilk?


    Would you concede that the dismissal was rather odd at this particular time, given that Comey was investigating Russian links to Trump's team and given the recent Flynn controversy?







  7. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    I think he should be fired, he made many mistakes, but not now. He is busy with an investigation into the Trump campaign and is on top of that personally being investigated.


    IMO it should not be possible to fire him now. Somebody is firing the person investigating him. Reminds me of Nixon.

    I don't think even Nixon would act as blatantly as this stevenl.


    This will be the biggest test yet of any Republican politician with a shred of integrity. If the GOP, collectively, allows this desperate abuse of power to go unchallenged then God help American democracy.

  8. 50 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    You might think so, but you'd be wrong.


    And while Mr. Obama liked policy option papers that were three to six single-spaced pages, council staff members are now being told to keep papers to a single page, with lots of graphics and maps.

    "The president likes maps," one official said.





    Maybe they could get a cartoonist in to simplify the papers even further.  Kim Jong-un could be represented as Dr Evil and Trump as Austin Powers -- I'm sure the shagging overtones would command his attention immediately.

  9. 9 hours ago, DM07 said:

    He is such a joke!

    ...but a really unfunny one!

    Sort of hilarious and horrifying at the same time.


    This whole bizarre episode (on top of the countless others) makes you wonder whether this odd man has the capacity to read anything and make real sense of it.  Endless extremely important and detailed  documents must be put on his desk every day for study and judgement. It's disturbing to know that he probably understands very little of what he is supposed to make decisions on.


    Some days I get indignation fatigue following the erratic meanderings of this creepy, dangerous narcissist.

  10. 4 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Trump  :     Yeah god damn it  !!    how the heck are ya Mal ...

    Turnball   :    I'm fine thank's Mr Trump ...

    Trump  :    well come on inside and get a damn whiskey in ya ....

    Turnball  :     sure Mr Trump ... that sounds good .

    Trump   :    now Mal,  what the hell did ya wanna talk about ,  howz those damn kangaroos

    Turnball  :    well Mr Trump,   you hung up the phone on me last time we spoke  ...

    Trump   :     god damn it Mal ... it wasn't me .. it was the damn line just cut ...:shock1:


    Turnbull: No worries Mr President, just as long as you say something good to boost my stocks back home. People are really starting to hate my guts.


    Trump: Not a problem Mal, I sure can sympathise with that. Why don't we do a little immigrant bashing to take people's minds off the real stuff.


    Turnbull: I'll do anything to save my arse Don. Would you like me to make some extravagant  promises and tell some real outrageous lies?


    Trump: Leave that to me Mal, I'm better at it than you.

  11. 1 hour ago, sujoop said:


    Not saying for a second dumb-Trump orchestrated this, he's far too much of a blunderbuss and an utterly self-absorbed fool to be able to come up with such a cohesive plan. However, it all fits Putin's wheelhouse of cunning and calculating perfectly well and Trump went right along with it. I agree that Putin likely isn't bothered much by the gassing of innocents, any more than Trump has any real empathy or use for Muslim's (unless they're very rich Muslims of course).

    Bottom line? Trump gets a badly needed ratings boost and the heats off both Trump & Putin as Russia-Gate is suddenly out of the headlines (mission accomplished). Now they can pretend to be opponents and carry on with less heat. Next up, a very dangerous distraction with N Korea for Trump, and Vlad eyes up the Balkans etc whilst merrily continuing to meddle with western elections via  upcoming European polls and generally spreading nationalism and eroding western institutions and economic unions.


    Right on the money there sujoop. The heat from an array of issues (Bannon, Nunes, Gorsusch, and so on) stays off temporarily but this fragile, chaotic man has to now handle Xi Jingping, outplay Putin, juggle GOP forces and garner support from allies who he has publicly ridiculed and offended.


    All this with a Trump fingertip away from forces which could lead to the extinction of the human race.


    It's one thing being an entrepreneur and TV celebrity and totally another to lead a great nation through armed conflict and diplomatic dilemmas.


    Given this reckless clown's record so far, anything could happen.


    Stay tuned.


  12. On 28/03/2017 at 0:45 PM, AlexRRR said:


    The general banter is in an other forum doggie supporter, im sure your the guy we met at the Aussie pub saturday...welcome and quick work.


    The other forum can be found here :




    Wasn't me mate, I'm in Melbourne but will be holidaying in Thailand later in the year. Must have been another handsome, unbiased Doggies supporter!


    Thanks for the welcome anyway.

  13. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It wasn't Trump's bill. It was the GOP's bill, so it was they that blew it. Sure, Trump promised reform, and he pushed for it, but it wasn't up to him, in the end. 

    People will blame him, but that is because they hate him.

    The body that will come off worst in the real world is the GOP. They railed against it for 7 1/2 years, and when they got the chance to change it, failed big time.

    Yes, it was the GOP's bill and it certainly shows most Republican congressmen up for what they are, especially the "Freedom" Caucus: a rump of ideology-driven right wingers whose main aim is to attack and strip away as many rights and conditions as they can. And for who they truly represent: the business elite.


    People hate Trump? He's certainly giving people plenty of currency to fear, mistrust, and, yes, hate what he is doing. As for hatred being the only motivation for opposition to Trump, well that's casting a big net over a growing proportion of the population which seems to be growing daily. Honestly, do you blame people for not liking this man?

  14. 18 hours ago, iReason said:

    Nunes apologizes after going directly to White House with monitoring claims


    "House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes apologized to members of his panel Thursday for not informing Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat, before going public with allegations that Trump transition messages were inadvertently intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies."


    "A committee aide said that Nunes apologized "for not sharing information about the documents he saw with the minority before going public” and that “he pledged to work with them on this issue.” 


    "Schiff blasted Nunes for briefing the White House on his claims before telling his own committee, which is conducting a wide-ranging investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election."




    Remove this partisan hack.

    It's like an arsonist crying sorry after burning a building down.

  15. 1 hour ago, blazes said:

    So there....

    Yes, I would characterize the normal conduct of American public life (as portrayed by the MSM) as shrieking (perhaps "squawking" would be a better word.)


    The Romans called it bread and circuses.  Not sure about the "bread" in America's case, but there is much in US political reporting (no matter who is in power) that is of the circus mentality.  The various "stars" (Megyn, Jake, O'Reilly, Hannity etc etc) are the hucksters who divert attention (and ensure good ratings) from the real business of "opposition", which is to ask the question: what kind of society do we really want in the US?  

    The nearest this has come to being an issue is via the campaign of Bernie Sanders (God alone knows what would have happened if he had actually won the nomination AND won the election...but we can be relatively confident that the "establishment" would have been just as nervous with him in the WH as they are with the present chump.)

    So, the "common cry of curs" enjoy the circus, baying for the balls of the nonentity in the WH.

     Meanwhile, the process of government goes on in the background with no one really knowing the full extent that they are, as individuals, controlled like puppets.  (Thank you, Edward Snowden, for revealing the total lack of privacy enjoyed by American citizens -- not to mention the privacy of all the foreign citizens!)  

    All that "opposition" means in the US is a never-ending ad hominem attack on the person inhabiting the WH.  It is as useless to attack Trump as it was Obama or any of the puppets before them.

    Last question:  how many banker CEOs ended up in jail post-2008 as a result of their deception of the American people?  None.  Why not?

    I'm with you on Bernie Sanders. I think the "powers that be" would have gone into top gear and kept the foot down with him. Especially as he was the only candidate pointing to Wall Street and the corporate elite as the real cause of the meltdown of 08 and its consequences.


    As for "no one really knowing the full extent that they are, as individuals, controlled like puppets," have you had more than a casual glance at Bannon and his agenda? Have you looked at who Trump has appointed and their track records in government and business?


    Bread and circuses eh? I've heard it said that government is the entertainment sector of big business. This is so the case today.


    "It is as useless to attack Trump as it was Obama or any of the puppets before them."  I think the opposite blazes. I think it is incumbent on every single person to attack this dangerous, unstable man, a man who has as we speak, the nuclear war codes at his fingertips. I believe his agenda, orchestrated by his "puppet masters" as you say is one of authoritarian rule and the dumping of democratic norms.


    Evil happens when good men say nothing.

  16. 10 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Here's the sad tale of one of his die-hards who sang for him all over the US - with real hope in his heart. Who would have thought if you vote for a serial lying , sexual harraser , uber narcissistic billionare then what that's exactly what you get ! I reckon sooner  rather than later and Trump will quit first.



    Tragic, absolutely tragic. Poor bugger.


    And I fear that this story will be played out in various forms all over the nation as these savage health care cuts really start to bite on struggling families.

  17. 1 hour ago, blazes said:


    Meanwhile, the airwaves are saturated with shrieks worthy of 1690s Salem, Mass.

    As opposed to the quiet, reasoned and fair conduct of the Tea Party movement, Fox News, et al, who were accepting of President Obama for eight years. They didn't shriek much did they?


    Are you advocating that people who are genuinely concerned about the state of the nation should just shut up?  Labeling opposition to the absolutely unprecedented actions of this odd Presidency as "shrieking" doesn't offer much to the debate imo.

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