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Posts posted by Godolphin

  1. As a blanket statement it would have to be Thailand as I could live anywhere but choose to live here. However....

    Best beer: NZ

    Most open an honest people: Melb. Aus.

    Best looking ladies: Germany, NZ, Iceland.

    Best ladies in bed: Spain, Poland.

    Best food: Thailand no question.

    Best place to earn money: London UK

    I'm glad you said that about the people of my home town.

    There's a certain vibe about Melbourne to be sure.

    The fact that it's the sports/culture/food/fashion capital of the nation says a lot.

    Sydney may have nice views but it's a big village compared to marvellous Melbourne. It does have the Gay Mardi Gras I suppose.

    Must be the cooler weather in Melbourne.

  2. You may want to look at Argyle Apartments on Pratumnak Road.

    I've stayed there many times and have found their suites very comfortable, the position good and their prices quite good for the quality of accomodation.

    Also, it should fit your budget and probably save you money.

    Just google their website.

    I am in no way associated with the business but have had very good outcomes with them over about five years.

    Just google their website.

  3. "Why should these people have the advantage of enjoying a chosen lifestyle abroad at the taxpayer’s expense?"

    Because the overwhelming majority of them have paid taxes and have contributed to their society and are entitled to their pensions/benefits.

    If they want to live overseas that's their business.

    Why not just round them up and put them in camps, the lazy spongers, eh?

  4. I didn't realise you could get an Oz Disability Pension in Thailand.

    I think one guy (in the last few years) actually took the government to the High Court in order to receive his entitlements in Thailand. He lost.

    There is also an extensive thread on this forum regarding Oz Old Age Pensions and Thai residency -- most don' t receive it.

  5. I am amazed at the 'lynch mob' on this forum ready to execute this guy - so many negative comments with so few positive ones. I agree he was silly to be smoking marijuana in public - I just hope he is able to just pay a fine and not be thrown in the Bangkok Hilton. I suspect if he knew the consequences of his actions but still blatantly lit up, then maybe he was trying to set himself up as a martyr for pot smokers everywhere by 'being given life imprisonment for smoking a joint'. Yes I think he is crazy, but I hope he gets away with it.

    Just yesterday I was walking along Beach Road and was surprised to see two locals sitting on one of the benches sharing a joint - I couldn't see any BIB around. Further down the road towards Walking Street I was offered some by a tout - I just kept walking. For all I know, these guys could be set up as some sort of entrapment scam with the BIB - they do this in Indonesia. I think I'll stick to a couple of beers to relax.

    P.S. I haven't smoked pot for a long time and am a lot wealthier, healthier and happier for it.

    Well said. I agree. So many shrill, negative posts baying for this silly man's blood.

    "Let he who has not sinned ...." etc

  6. Alopecia seems to be a common complaint amongst Pattaya residents, with many trying to conceal it with syrups often Englebert Humperdinks circa 1970s. I believe of the more modern ones, the Roger Moore is popular and with the latest waterproof adhesive, one can swim in a 'Roger Moore'!

    I think it is called male pattern baldness mate. But I do agree with you about the ridiculous 'irish jigs' and combovers. Talk about self-esteem!

  7. It puts a bloody nice smile on my face mate.

    I will be arriving in mid-May for a couple of months and am very encouraged to be able to get over 32 baht (and rising!) per oxford scholar.

    I can remember the bad old days when 21 or 22 baht per oz dollar was common. That was when our dollar dropped under 50 cents US.

    How times change eh?

    Let's enjoy it while we can. You never know what's around the corner.

  8. I think everyone should see what the army did and what the current government either ordered or are prepared to assist to cover up, that way the dems might be removed from their ill gotten power.

    To be honest I think it is selfish of you, it is very much an 'I'm alright jack' attitude that you have there, I guess you don't care as its only the poor and uneducated and they deserve it anyway, right??

    Very well said indeed random.

  9. Army should stay OUT of politics. Foreign policy is the domain of politicians not soldiers. If any soldier disagrees with current foreign policy he/she should resign not make a coup.

    The Army IS the politics here . . . always has been, nothing is done without their consent or approval in some way, shape or form.

    Excellent point and a prism through which we should see all the goings-on in Thai politics.

  10. I guess I'll be one out here and say this:

    I don't support the actions of the idiots who destroyed Central World, just as I don't support the killing of innocent protesters which came from the government/army side.

    However, I do support the rights of Thai people to protest against a system so rotten with corruption.

    It has been mentioned above that the protests of last year were 'illegal." It is "illegal" to have demonstrations in China, Laos, Burma, etc, etc. Hitler made any protest against the third reich "illegal."

    Social progress is impossible unless grossly unfair laws are challenged. American war of independence, French revolution, Indian independence movement etc.

    As for all the red shirt followers being gullible, idiotic rural simpletons who only marched because they were paid is an insult to many fine Thai people who have stood up to a rotten regime.

  11. I wonder if there is a textbook that explains to Thai students how corrupt their country is and how the economy and political/legal processes are monopolised by a network of bloated, unaccountable parasites.

    There could be another textbook explaining the role of the armed forces and police in Thailand. It could explain the culture of patronage, kickbacks, extortion and violence so prevalent in those institutions.

    The judiciary would merit a volume too.

  12. Enough already.

    While I personally have problems with meditation being commercialized in any way, there is no need to disparage something others find beneficial, and if they are happy to pay for lessons and feel they gain from it, that's their call.

    Ah, a voice of reason!

    I agree. There are many, many techniques around. There is no one-fit for all.

    If one of the techniques work for an individual then good.

    It's like the blind men and the elephant parable.

  13. Pratumnak, Buddha Hill, between Pattaya and Jomtien is very nice.

    If you go down to the bottom of Pratumnak Soi 4 there is a lovely little beach, a great golf course and a generally family-friendly atmosphere. Definitely not Walking Street or Beach Rd territory.

  14. , but I have friends who spend a min. of 200'000 every month, which is not all that much in real money and really gives them a good lifestyle with private driver, maid, parties and more.

    Minimum 200,000 per month for a 6 month vacation is quite a lot of money actually. That's USD $40,000 (minimum) for a 6 month vacation.

    Too true. I mean, what is the average salary for an American/European/Aus worker?

    Most westerners wouldn't spend that much in their own countries let alone Thailand.

    I think the OP, as has been pointed out, is a little too economical in his reckonings but I know guys who live a pretty good life on between 30k and 60k baht a month. Some are pensioners who would hate to go back to their home countries and have to live on that amount.

    If you stay at home a few nights a week, cook for yourself a bit or buy Thai street food and don't get out on the piss and whoreize a lot you can have a better standard of living on a budget than in western countries.

    In Australian big cities, for example, rent for a one-bedroom apartment will cost you a minimum of $800 a month in the sticks. Food is unbelievably expensive, running a car is prohibitive, alcohol and tobacco prices through the roof and a basic pub meal will be at least $20.

    200,000k baht a month? There's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like you to have a look at with a view to purchase.

  15. Pacified? You don't pacify law-breakers and terrorists.

    Who makes the laws?

    Remember the old "golden rule"?

    Those who have the gold make the laws.

    Hitler made laws once, So did every dictator and despot in history.

    Just have a look at Burma and its "laws."

    Many Thais IMHO are sick of the old system and want some more of the action despite "laws" enacted by a government in office thanks to the military elite and accountable to that elite.

    Social change is not always a peaceful process. Just look at the American Civil War, the French Revolution, the recent events in North Africa.

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