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Everything posted by Seamaster

  1. Bitcoin solves nothing. Bitcoin is Bitcoin and gold is gold. Very different animals
  2. Gold is not easy to sell. Better to at least buy it here. That also puts to rest the import issue. Use Singapore instead
  3. It's all made from powder. Can't you taste it???! No shortage in Bangkok ????
  4. I was as high as 81.5 but not for some time. I just broke 75.5. I try to eat everything in moderation. My wife is very healthy eater aside from all the fried stuff here. Certainly, no want for special diets. Another great plus for Thailand REAL FOOD that is not poisoned
  5. Except that you are laughably dead wrong. There's nothing in the ocean outside of phang nha and Krabi (koh rok), Koh Tao the beaches are rubbish up to six hours drive. Id be more than happy to put my knowledge of beaches against yours any day. Grown up in S California, had written unpublished guide to camping and tripping in the Andaman. Please humor me and cite these 5* beaches and coral wonderlands ???????????????????? You could literally pay for a private minivan to drive you to your private beach paradise and back rather than the expense of owning a car. I often walk faster than the traffic moves. Then there's the fact of parking and unavoidably a depreciating asset.
  6. I bought a foam bed a few months back directly from Dunlopilo. It was king, firm. Bed has been fine but when other person moves it reverbs thru bed. Other than that it's ok. I think 5 even 8 or more wty. I don't recall the name it was 8-9k and heavily promoted. I'll toss it in four years and buy a nice one but it's fine now.
  7. She's shorter than 148cm? When we met she was 40kg... Fifteen years ago. It's all in her thighs and a bit of a tiny rice belly. Yes, she's trying to lose now - both of us.
  8. 555 just read a day or two ago tourist numbers will not meet reasonable expectations let alone 2019 comeback dream world. First liar doesn't stand a chance
  9. No car. Only an absolute idiot would own a car in Bangkok. Prices are still reasonable. I spend less than one third my monthly income on condo, utilities, spending + a bit to wife. Bank 45k per month. No cash burn. Good looking wife 15y my junior and 43kg. National marine parks Outside of immigration, get things done fast (and cheap) Hot chicks everywhere.
  10. Burger King has a few if these which amount to publicity stunts Chocolate burger was one
  11. Immigration hassles in general. No non immigrant visas. PR is ridiculous Not being able to own land, home. People cannot seem to manage themselves on BTS, MRT. The young are especially ignorant. Bangkok foothpaths and everything about them. Service charge and tax in restaurant bill. Prices are starting to become an issue. Lack of beach resort June to October. In BKK, no local green spaces. Weather is usually awful. 3 mos of good weather. 99% foreigners under 50 in general. All the 25-55yo chancers at work specifically. Women are starting to get fat.
  12. I've moved a few stops northward and recently returned to Big C. 70% of shops and all banks closed...even Swensen and Chester's. Any idea what's going on? Mall in desperate need of insect exterminator and good scrubbing. It appears to me many like other malls in central BKK are tossing in the towel. Dark days. Any idea what's being built next door? That land finally started to be built on after at least 10 years. The easy guess are condos but I'm thinking that it might be a new mall. Then tear down Big C for additional condos, mall. Thanks VID_20230722_091804.mp4
  13. I was just curious. The privacy concerns are real. Understood
  14. Here's my last thought. Do you have any odd, small program(s)? Atypical, not MSFT, Adobe, browser like that? Even best programs can have memory leaks. Whatever it is something is running unseen to you. Probably more an issue than simply spiking at 100%. Good luck
  15. This is when the upper crud reaps the historic cultural benefits of ingrained deference, politeness and reverence for faux status trumps. It's literally against the Thai nature both internal and public
  16. Workers can't risk jobs. Economy sour for ten years. It's not easy landing FT , proper employment. Besides, I presume many business owners in BKK voted MFP
  17. I'm absolutely dumbfounded it's taken this long. Should have started May 2014
  18. Check that the correct and latest drivers installed for the SSD. Still could be malware, very possibly Run sfc Try to lean out drive. Old, big files. Remove temp files, old windows updates. Remove windows media player, delete system backups (reset backup to a few gb), user account unused, into advanced settings and use fastest not prettiest - then tweak a few switches back. SSD needs 20% free.
  19. If you know nothing about services you shouldn't be dikkin round with it I would reformat and reinstall. Unless the issue is hardware this will 100% fix the problem and you've probably never done it before so the machine will run much better. There exists boatloads of malware that can run in the background. Certainly not limited to root kits but they are some of the nastier variety. All of which will go undetected by even paid versions of antivirus software. Reformat, reinstall I don't like Edge but it's fast, especially the latest iteration. Try Chrome or Brave see if you have same issue Someone said it was old netbook and/or running the celery processor. Try tiny11
  20. The media entity would be my wife's. From what I understand only select countries can be paid. Thailand wasn't on the list.
  21. Thanks so much for this. I did a bit of a search and was lost.
  22. Is Thailand or are Thais restricted from monetizing social media by FB, YouTube, TikTok, etc? Not product sales, but actually money paid from stated corporations for views. What are banking, deposit and tax issues in Thailand? We can skip any only fans discussion, thanks
  23. Could anyone help me understand the terms as the relate to lenses for glasses? Non Hard HCL Blue Cut MR 7, 8 Any ciphering of the numbers, etc in first column appreciated
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