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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  2. Wait. Let me get back off the floor from laughing first, lol
  3. That's just wrong. The guy should go to Bangkok and get a new passport.
  4. They're "shocked"? Maybe they should have done their homework before traveling here. Rule number one: Stay away with chicks with d*&%s. Rule number two: When in doubt, see rule number one.
  5. Gooooood. I wish it would drop more here. They are the cheapest and rudest people who come here.
  6. I've got a question. Why don't they just do their jobs when we're not having a "crackdown"? If all this was out there, why would they all of a sudden find them? I think I know.
  7. One nut gone, about 100 more to go...
  8. I'm sure this will draw at least 100 million tourists in a week...
  9. Wait. The band is going to "disband"? Funny!
  10. Probably advertising on Facebook, lol "Guns for sale, cheap..."
  11. Do they seriously think one shooting is having an impact on their tourism? If that was the case the USA would have no tourists. That's just bunk. And I doubt Israel's situation has much effect either.
  12. He must have lost his calendar, lol
  13. Good for her. This country is a mess.
  14. Should I take the time to explain to them how it works? One brings the other you rocket scientists, lol
  15. I've got a hint for you. Try Jomtien Beach early in the morning.
  16. So let me see if I get this straight. Because of an incident that's causing a drop in tourism you're adding a tourism tax? Yeah, sounds about right, lol Thai logic at its finest.
  17. A seminar? Yeah that will fix things. You can’t even call the companies and complain.
  18. That didn't take long. And he didn't call it a crackdown. I'm so disappointed. Yes, gun laws should be tightened.
  19. 600 baht is 'upper income status"? Hilarious!
  20. So let me get this straight. A ladyboy committed a robbery in Pattaya? I'm shocked...
  21. BREAKING NEWS!!!!! That's not even news. Happens literally hundreds of times a day in Bangkok, lol
  22. He'll be a free man in 30 days or less, if he isn't already.
  23. You mean shadow PM. Thaksin no doubt funded this campaign, paying off everyone they needed to get the guy into office. He's back everyone and so is the massive corruption. But frankly, Thaksin running the country could be what Thailand needs. The leadership has been poor since he left. Maybe the country will run more smoothly now.
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