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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. This is hilarious. How in the world do they know where it was shot? And are they sure nobody there was Thai? This is so typical of prounoncements by Thai officials.
  2. I don't know if they have class action lawsuits here, but it would be quite a lawsuit if the entire cannabis industry filed one.
  3. Another article in this space that doesn't say anything. WHAT ARE THE NEW REGULATIONS? They're supposed to take effect in 3 weeks!
  4. 920 days? That's almost 3 years. What did he think would happen when they caught up with him?
  5. I don't have a horse in this race, but this is appalling. To pass a law and allow all these people to invest their money in businesses and then make it illegal two years later is criminal in itself.
  6. In news you need the 5 w's, who, what, why, when and where. This is missing the when.
  7. Outrage? Really? Guess what, there's lots of porn in the world. Get over it.
  8. Just another reason not to take the trains here.
  9. Common, there aren't any sex workers. Nothing to see here folks...
  10. Gee, maybe they should get up early some morning and see what goes on at Jomtien Beach in the early morning (likely all night), with loud music and partying. These people double park in the street, as do the food vendors, causing a safety hazard. But 5:30 - 6 am is a bit too early for Pattaya's finest, so I understand.
  11. I'd comment, but it might get me in trouble.
  12. Why would the UK want her? And she could be easily extradited right back to Thailand.
  13. How funny is this? They've been "cracking down" on this for as long as I've been in Thailand, almost a quarter century. It's like cracking down on corruption. It will never change.
  14. Weren’t they complaining about overtourism yesterday?
  15. I'm sure that will "dampen tourism", lol
  16. "Over tourism"? Are these people kidding? One minute they're crying because they don't get enough tourists and giving freebies to countries like India and China and the next minute they're trying to do things to slow tourism down. Make a decision guys! And if you think 9 USD is going to make a difference you're wrong. I'm looking forward to the article in the next few days about how the Thai authorities are whining about one country or another having too few tourists here or one area or another being low on tourism. What a joke!
  17. So the heat is "sparking" rain? Nice headline. Man we could use some rain. Rain for a week please.
  18. Another dumb idea and people largely ignore it early in the morning, making it more dangerous.
  19. Good. Maybe now things will improve around here. Like headlines that make sense and news that's actually NEWS!
  20. I haven't had to fill one of these out for at least a couple of years when arriving by air. What's the point anyway?
  21. If you're a criminal and you want to hide, this is the place.
  22. Oh my god...prostitution...IN THAILAND?????
  23. Thailand going to space. There's so much comedy there. They need a space program like they need subs and warplanes.
  24. Oldest trick in the book. The first thing I was told on my first trip to Thailand was don't go where taxi drivers or tuk tuk drivers want to take you.
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