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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Interest is like 1.5 or 2.0% on a Toyota
  2. 2 Hour Rule , don’t live closer to the beggars
  3. You must be a drinker , they hate ganja like it’s some competition ffs
  4. I took kratom instead of painkillers for about 6 months , I didn’t get aggressive and I was in severe pain , so I guess it’s the cough syrup sold over the counter
  5. Again marajuana gets blamed , I’ve never seen anyone aggressive with ganja
  6. Olives Yuk same as crappy pineapple
  7. Why should we show respect to a con -Man and his family
  8. Dungeons have bars like a jail , I believe what he was talking about in comparison
  9. The Right caused these displays of Civil Disobedience, Trump Style
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