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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. I wonder if she had valid drivers license or bought for 500 b
  2. Well Putin Wants Trump , I’m sure you can imagine Why , but maybe you can’t see the Big Picture, China wants Trump ,N Korea wants their 20 million they lent Trump but he never paid Kim back either , but he doesn’t pay anyone he never pays his Bills and you support a Debtor Conman
  3. Oh god Woke and Leftist , you are to be ignored lol 2 words you throw around , but No Trumpers know what it means , just because DaSatan threw it around like Candy it’s lost its meaning with the Clueless opposition
  4. There’s three terms Republicans , Democrats and Maga really the others not to frequently used espy between Democrats, mostly we just shake our heads in conversation Sorry forgot the eye roll
  5. I’m not a leftist so get over yourself it’s Trump Qanon speaking points DaSatan overused it like some commentators on here do same
  6. Whenever I hear anyone utter Leftist or Woke , it’s just a Magat Mantra , I tend to ignore
  7. Your party is still in shock ,Biden stepped down after all your Abuse you hurled , and Kamala is taking off like a Rocket are you so entitled that you didn’t have a Counterattack Strategy you just sound massively Butt -Hurt , btw 175 % new Voter Registration from young minorities and Whites , Good Luck , and after Swift endorsement Pure Bedlam , Enjoy
  8. Nov, you better go to a Private Island with No internet , your fragile ego will be Crushed, tip include the name Vance in anything gives me enough information about the poster to ignore him
  9. Bannonran away with 1 million in Wall Money , thank god he’s locked up for the election like most of Trumps Stooges
  10. Mass deportations, who’s going to take care of agriculture, service industry, even 1% know what they bring to the states , Defend our Constitution, He installed judges to protect himself , will pardon insurrectionist is this Fascism 101 , who would want to live under that Regime , Utter Madness Thank you Roo , you get this…
  11. He created the inflation for one , his overspending 8 Trillion, do you actually post this satire Hes got one policy Staying out of Jail , I really can’t believe you support any of that nonsense, you sound like a Dictator Yourself , what an Agenda , What side were you on in WW2 , I need to know ? Fascism Mussolini Style
  12. Easy to Spot Wearing Sunglasses in The Malls and pushing their Suitcases everywhere they don’t belong Arrogant Crowd they are
  13. Vance To 10 rally goers lol , he needs to be public about it , you being a fan boy for Vance makes you a Christofascist, is that 2025 your agenda if Trump drops dead , I haven’t heard any support for Vance except Donnie Cocaine jr
  14. It’s political theatre , and you consume the kool aide of Trump and Vance. See ya Nov 6 il bring Kleenex and diapers I’m sure you will soil it and need a nappy change
  15. Look at the damage your giving that child in the picture,imagine listening to your babbling about a felon and pedo and Liar , doesn’t sound like a good environment for the Child
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