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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. The World needs to go after these Russian and Chinese Bots , they ‘re creating Havoc in The Political World
  2. I believe all these politicians in Thailand don’t discuss anything among themselves, they re all Bosses full of themselves
  3. It’s not the electronics it’s the laziness and cheapness , plus they don’t want ghost following them lol
  4. I’m starting to think Koreans are The Worst , easy to spot sunglasses at the Malls inside , obnoxiously Loud and Arrogant
  5. Toyota and Honda are the cars and trucks of Thailand, Reliability is Key
  6. MG is A Noise Machine the Road Noise makes it a NO and my buddies gearbox went out at 3 months, Toyota is way to go every mom and pop shop have parts and reliability is incredible
  7. Mandatory he should be in Jail and trying to pay off a juror , who voted guilty lol
  8. You lack Critical Thinking Skills , you have just humiliated yourself on this platform
  9. Donnie Jr should be in Prison for Cocaine Sales and Drug Abuse in Whitehouse
  10. Donnie Dementia Donnie Depends, rambling to himself , what about when he just stopped talking for 5 minutes, mumbling to himself , holding a cup with two hands like a toddler lol do I need to go on , 5555, Cmon escape that Cult your member of and turn off Qanon Channel
  11. Drivel , Not really he’s an International Disgrace
  12. Trumps Fangirl going off again , Clam it , Your in a Cult , why would we listen to one word , you have to say , TrumpTraitorLover , Please turn off Qanon Channel it’s affecting your mental health and ours
  13. They all quit the program after a few weeks lol
  14. I flew China Southern , I didn’t have to go thru Customs just Transit
  15. Initially they said these guys weren’t their security team , they were just Security Thugs that cruise that soi
  16. She thinks your ‘re a Scumbag , but she wants next election, she’s a Disgusting Racist
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