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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Trump only uses a Teleprompter remember it almost killed him the glass from that hoax assassin
  2. You know it would be nice if you were Transparent and told people you re a foreigner talking about American Politics , I get your agenda it’s the same as a Russian Bot , Which you may be!!!
  3. You mean Trump and Vance quit watching Canadian News , Did you see Trump and Sarah Hukidiot town hall meeting , Bagwan in Alaska he made the Bigly deal , Delusional, Trump every time he talks he’s a moron and his sidekick eyeliner Vance are the two biggest morons in the states
  4. More Trumpers here because they don’t fit in USA Fringe Voters , Freaks
  5. Look in the mirror, Republicans are a Joke as long as you support Roe Wade you will continue to LOSE , Women will change the demographics, Watch and Learn
  6. Wow you re really unhinged today , Trump losing soon really punched you in the gut , Start packing
  7. As your leader of the cult tries to be a dictator and you clamor for it , Christofascist
  8. She’s your next president, you better pack your bags , maybe you can catch a lift with Trump as flees to Venezuela
  9. More of this will occur too many debts out there , people are suffering
  10. What’s your budget we aren’t mind readers lol hobby’s anything what do you like ?
  11. You guys in The Cult of Lunatics, Dems have been man handled enough , We ain’t gonna take it anymore the gloves our off , Biden was a non confrontational President, Kamala is Not , Enjoy the Ride
  12. Go buy a butterfly net and go catch them , let us know how you do
  13. Dude your in a Cult , We coined Weird , get your own word lol
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