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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Biden has actually saved the govt money unlike your grifter who raised our national debt
  2. Are their cameras I leave mine all the time inn Starbucks
  3. Sean’s Bar in Athlone Iteland
  4. Why anyone goes there anyways with a chance of being Detained is beyond me
  5. It’s funny , your the biggest Fsn of trump on this forum , and we are deluded lol
  6. The Cultist is at it again , how you admire a Putin Puppet is beyond my comprehension
  7. Stick with your Cult of Trumpanzees , you spout about them Constantly keep drinking that Kool aid
  8. What you expect families sending their daughters everywhere before the Banks come after them for Covid Loans owed
  9. Set them free at Crocodile farm , why Prantumak we got enough people here feeding them every 5 minutes, the Jai dee mak mak crowd of farang and Thais , just breeding more and more , young pups all over , what spay program, ridiculous
  10. So you let the Chinese Mafia enter on No Visas ffs and Russia Visa agreements
  11. I always if stopped , I place the bike in middle of two lanes just in case , one comes speeding thru , I try to stay out of middle of one lane and I always look my mirrors, to see what’s coming behind me , too many brake fails here
  12. Especially those cement drivers are a menace to society
  13. It’s never worked as a deterrent , Wake up
  14. Just do fast paced walking in the mall
  15. Still Culting huh
  16. He’s a Putin Puppet , can’t imagine what the other reason would be
  17. He’s a Putin Project like yourself
  18. No , but those Isaan girls truly believe and I guess the guys driving without lights on is absolute bewildering
  19. They should make him take it down brick by brick that monstrosity
  20. Too Expensive in Thailand for live a-boards south of Pattaya is Ocean Marina , Bali Hai Pier is just a waste of space ,We have two in Sausalito CA USA 600 dollars a month for each , Cape Dory and a 2 Stateroom Trawler
  21. Our lil nephew just drowned my hid the sweetest kid about 6 years old , we all learned how to swim after our first years Truly Tragic
  22. Well I mask up never had Covid or the flu or cold Or allergies in 3 years hmmmmm
  23. What a Slob , Complete with Manboobs and slides to immigration , Total Embarrassment to All
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