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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. Oh well, maybe ask your mother for help with your reading and comprehension. LOL
  2. Well, you never know what psy-op or entrapment schemes the FBI has planned as they did with the more than 200 undercover agents in attendance at the capitol Jan 6, 2021. Try to keep up pee-wee.
  3. ah yes....the great commonwealth of PA belongs now to MAGA Trump country and NOT the cackling queen coconut drunken failure Kamala, not more than one month ago today.
  4. I keep hearing rumblings that Trump will prosecute those involved with child / sex trafficking, be whomever they may be. Biden may start handing out pardons, going door to door like the mormons handing out bibles. Can expect he'll pardon his brother and maybe himself too.
  5. Read this and show where the "adjudicator" entered a finding of "rape", You make a fool of yourself thinking you can just parrot your MSM anti-Trump narratives and spew your drivel to the readers here.. You'll lose every-time trying to gaslight your way with with garbage the left leaning media activist shove down your throat 24/7. Maybe its a simple matter that you don't comprehend the difference between Yes and No on the first entry in the attached verdict form. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3996537-read-verdict-carroll-trump-civil-case/#:~:text=Read the jury’s verdict here
  6. I told you, stop digging, You are half way to Toronto Canada trying to gaslight your "adjudicated rapist" buffoon theory. You lost, nobody is /was adjudicated, the judge (J Kaplan) is /was the judge presiding over in the civil jury case he WAS NOT the adjudicator. The judge tried to broaden the definition of rape outside his legal bounds, most likely out of personal malice and dislike for Trump. But if forms NO PART of the jury verdict or court filings. What happened, but too confusing for you it seems is that the jury found Trump "liable" for sexual battery, for what could be a kiss on the cheek, a pat on the a$$ etc BUT NOT RAPE and entered the decision in the jury verdict form. Capice? Ok, but you go ahead and show a court record or an adjudicators finding of "rape" as per NY penal law and entered against Trump in this case. Until you find it, and you won't....you GOT NOTHING. Get over it and stop trying to win the gold medal for gaslighting and obfuscation. Link Newsweek civil tort defN
  7. Jury said NO evidence of RAPE. Hey sport, lose the shovel ....that hole you're digging is growing. You still GOT NOTHING. So, here is what I want you to think about: Adult Survivors Act, changed to allow EJ carrol to file suit Reid Hoffman paid for the plaintiffs (E Jean Carrol) legal fees (why would he do that?) Reid Hoffman has confirmed visit(s) to Epstein Pedophile Island Trump is planning to release Epstein files next year. Reid Hoffman keeps saying he's leaving America after Trumps election victory. When you put it all together, you may have finally learned something thats fact based and not a product of your trademark lame feckless attempts at gaslighting.
  8. Because you GOT NOTHING. "Preponderance of the evidence" ....do you know what that means and how it compares to "beyond a reasonable doubt"...I didn't think you would. Read the jury verdict form....maybe try to gaslight less about what you know nothing about and stop embarrassing yourself. Jury verdict form
  9. now tell us what the jury said, I have a copy of the jury verdict....do you?? Post it here.....lets examine the jury verdict form....waiting.....
  10. The jury issued a verdict, and it WAN'T rape. So, get over it and your butt-hurt. It was no worse than a "pat on the bum..." ,,,,lol, You GOT NOTHING as usual.
  11. Lol. thats all you got, some civil biden obsessed judge who likely hates Trump says he's "rapist" despite no proof and NO CRIMINAL referral. But the best part may be that he didn't practice incest while showering with his daughter...that was Biden. Terrible bunch those Bidens and some impressive legacy of failure Biden can lay claim to, as most corrupt and useless president on record and those inappropriate showers with his teenage daughter... wow, you must be so proud to be a Biden supporter, if thats the case, too bad for you,
  12. How qualified is/was DHS Mayorkas when he ignored his oath of office and admitted MILLION of illegal aliens into America, some 600,000 who are known felons, 13,900 convicted murderers, a few thousand convicted rapists....etc and this list goes on. You mean qualified like that? LOL
  13. This Jan 6 FBI psy-ops is about to implode on the Jan 6 committee, and all the diabolical deep state actors that attempted to turn a peaceful protest into a riot and then try to flog it as an insurrection. But, the Jan 6 committee refuses to produce the evidence for insurrection and has since deleted evidence, likely "exculpable" evidence. Where is all the evidence?? Now, the IG Horowitz J6 report has what could be 200 or more FBI agents ID'd that were present during the capitol riots. Get your popcorn.
  14. Would you look at this, more troubles for Fani. LOL "DA Fani Willis has been ORDERED to release ALL communications between her team, Jack Smith, and the SHAM J6 Committee." Maybe, just maybe....if there are any comms produced between Fani and jack smith, bidens WH counsel, especially with the J6 committee etc Fani could be in deep doo-doo and may find herself indicted and begging for her own pardon very soon. Trump's got these lawfare clowns spinning out chasing their tails and fumbling around like a bear cub playing with it's johnson. U hear the term: "FAFO"? Applicable to all failed lawfare attempts against Trump. Fani ordered to turn over comms
  15. Yeah he did, but not before Kushner served out his full sentence in prison and unlike Hunter he was not given a 10 year blanket pardon for undisclosed crimes from a decade ago. Hunter has not even been sentenced yet and he gets blanket pardon, full immunity for a 10 year period starting right before the Biden crime family started their influencing campaign in UA and began receiving millions in payments from foreign adversaries.
  16. "who has made cheating on his taxes an art form", You referring to the convicted tax felon Hunter Biden? You got not much of anything except for what regime media activists keep shouting in your face. You were wishing Trumps day would come and that he would be done forever ....well guess what ....he ain't despite all the hate and butt-hurt you may have. In fact, he's gong to 1600 Pennsylvania ave...u do know what/where that is? It's not the place they wear orange suits....lol. Trumps virtually bullet-proof and light years ahead of your feckless ilk.
  17. This is another huge political win for Trump. "The result of his pardon is that the regime media and everyone else are talking now about and ultra focused on the pardon and not the mad-dog effort to take down Kash Patel and Pete Hegseth And, "The schemes to hide Joe Biden’s long-standing dementia, the coup that nullified 14-million primary voters and crowned the Harris mediocrity, the lies to protect the Biden crime syndicate, and the final pardon will cement Joe Biden’s reputation not just as the most incompetent but also as the most corrupt and dishonest president in U.S. history." Link
  18. ok, so, when did they conclude that? Or do you have some fascination fantasy with stating misinformation?
  19. glad u liked it too. Revealing....you showed your cards.....go back to sleep, set your alarm clock, get up earlier and try to get informed and keep up.
  20. LOL...pinch yourself, shake yourself....are you functioning? Why the blanket pardon for all crimes the past 10 years? Wait and see who gets pardoned on or before January 20 next year...then you might have a clue.
  21. Good question, needs to be answered next year after congress and DOJ tear into the Biden crime family. America needs to know to what extent Biden is compromised.
  22. America AND the world is in good hands now with a well liked & respected, strong, capable leader who knows what to do and how to do it. Diametric evolution from the brain addled & corrupted Biden and his cackling sidekick low achieving & functioning puppet muppet kamala. You all have a lot to be thankful for today. The MAGA Trump vibe has showcased how great Trumps plans are for America but is unfortunately been a festering democrat pathogen of hate from the many twisted Trump haters. Such a pathetic bunch of losers. They are DONE...big time and unless they want to help the MAGA machine restore Bidens broken America they remain the problem.
  23. So, who thinks Biden will grant pardons to next on or before Jan 20, 2025....I am thinking he gives a pardon to all members of the Biden crime family who received payments from the Chinese, Russia, etc and the 20 or 30 LLC's of Hunter and his cabal of influence peddling grifters. AND, now that Hunter is pardoned for any/all crimes from Jan 1, 2014 to Dec 2, 2024 he can't invoke the 5th amendment now and can be compelled to testify against his crime family members or ANYONE else the DOJ or oversight investigates and if he is in contempt he WILL BE JAILED. LOL. Too funny. Rumor is Hunter Biden threatened to "tell all" about his daddy-showers pops in an upcoming book UNLESS he was granted a full pardon. Why u suppose the pardon covers any/all crimes starting in Jan 2014....thats when Biden became Obama's point man on UA and Hunter joined the Burisma board soon after, sometime in April. This could spell more trouble for the biden crime syndicate next year. Joe's trying to hide something with this unprecedented criminal pardon dating back 10 years for which no crime or crimes have yet to be indentified.
  24. No one is above the law, right Joe.
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