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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. Impeachment inquiry is formalized by the house vote earlier today and now the microscope will go up the Biden crime families orifices, especially now that House impeachment Inquiry will likely use former FBI forensic accountants to audit the Biden family bank account records, and trace the money trail through the labyrinth of shells, cut-outs and pass-throughs -- including foreign tax havens and overseas accounts. Biden and his crime family are in for a world of hurt I suspect strongly. There may even be an official impeachment proceeding with potential of increased democratic support as more evidence is revealed. Biden needs to really suck up to Hunter now to keep Hunter from making a deal, testifying, destroying his dad criminally all to save his worthless crack head self. Bad day to be a Biden, so many have received payments and now will be yanked up to the House by way of formal congressional subpoenas, we're talking money laundering, tax evasion, corruption, FARA, they'll need good lawyers and a daddy to pardon them all. Jim and Sarah Biden have an interesting history. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2023/12/11/who_is_sara_biden_joes_in-law_emerges_as_central_figure_in_foreign_cash_deals_996942.html
  2. If anyone should be called a dictator it is Biden, especially trying unconstitutionally to force taxpayers pay student debt. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/06/student-loan-debt-forgiveness-biden His 1st day on the job https://www.politico.com/interactives/2021/interactive_biden-first-day-executive-orders/
  3. Once again, it's clear to anyone whose brain is engaged that Trump was joking. Closing the border is not dictatorial, it is the president’s job, something that Biden in his role of POTUS legitimate or otherwise fails to do. Drilling for oil is not dictatorial, it is in the best interests of the country and perfectly legal. “If closing the border and drilling for energy makes me a dictator, so be it.” Trump Dec 2023
  4. Ah, Joe Biden, even his own party wants him gone, the polls all favor Trump, Biden is doing such a fine job but it apparently is not a MSM illusion anymore than can be hidden, Biden will be out soon. If he was such an effective POTUS why does he poll so low against Trump? Nobody wants to answer that truthfully, at least not here. Listen to the video report in the attached Bloomberg link where Biden states US will defend Taiwan, except his admin policy is China 1 and must correct him and the record on more than one occasion.. How can this imbecile be taken seriously. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-25/most-democrats-say-ditch-biden-as-2024-nominee-post-abc-poll
  5. Biden's made a mess of the security along the southern border leading to a new immigration crisis every day for Americans. Child, sex trafficking, fentanyl and other drugs crossing along the insecure border. Voters have noticed this and compare the current disaster to the orderly and secure southern border borders during the Trump era. Majority also view Biden is mentally unsound to serve.
  6. Lunatic, how so? 47% of registered voters got Trump in the lead over the demented vegetable and leading on the important issues as per the recent polling. They know something you don't know or do you have some secret intel on Trump? https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-takes-2024-lead-as-biden-approval-hits-new-low-wsj-poll-finds-fb4fca0c?mod=hp_lead_pos1 https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/WSJ_Poll_Dec_2023.pdf
  7. Trump AND Biden wanted out of Afghanistan, but Biden was in typical fashion messed it up as per his standard MO. "The failure lies not in the decision to exit Afghanistan but in the way the U.S. went about leaving. Indeed, the decision to leave—made initially by Trump and ratified by Biden—remains strategically sound. But as the tragic events of the past week have shown, making the right decision is one thing, carrying it out well is an entirely different story." The only alternative to withdrawal, committing more troops and money, had no political buy-in Politically, Biden owns the crisis. Denying there was a failure at all, as he did on August 18, makes him look weak and out of touch. This is evidenced by the steep drop in his approval rating. However, if the U.S. manages to evacuate all Americans safely, this debacle shouldn’t weigh heavily on the president’s agenda moving forward. Tragic as it may be, insofar as the victims continue to be largely Afghan, any violence is unlikely to drastically shift U.S. opinion about a war that has long since faded from the public interest. Having said that, the (proverbial) day isn’t over yet. There are still up to 15,000 U.S. citizens in Afghanistan, plus about 7,000 troops sent in to evacuate them. Until these Americans are out safely, Biden will remain vulnerable. If more chaos ensues and there’s an Iran-like hostage situation or American casualties, it could critically damage his presidency. This looks low risk, but entirely plausible. https://time.com/6091745/bidens-decision-to-exit-afghanistan/
  8. Biden wanted out of Afghanistan, at least thats what he intimated in an April 2021 briefing. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/04/14/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-way-forward-in-afghanistan/ He had agency to change what he didn't like about the Trump arranged Doha Accord but Biden did not. There was a clause to cancel the Accord if either party violated it's terms but Biden did not exercise it. He forged ahead with the Accord, changing it;s date twice and then in typical Biden dumpster fire execution. he BOTCHED it and then attempted to Blame Trump to appease people like you. "After taking office, Biden undertook a superficial review of our Afghanistan policy—one that totally ignored the advice of his top military advisor and his commanders on the ground. On April 14, 2021, he reversed the Trump administration’s conditions-based drawdown policy and announced that all U.S. forces would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 of that year, whether or not the Taliban had met its commitments under the 2020 agreement." “Almost everyone who paid any attention to Afghanistan saw it coming—everyone, that is, except Biden and his insular circle of advisors.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/15/afghanistan-withdrawal-pullout-military-taliban-chaos-evacuation-biden-inhofe/
  9. The pandemic was officially ended 11-MAY-2023, on or about Biden's 842nd day in office which equates to 714,222 deaths or 848 /day DESPITE having vaccines and boosters touted at up to ~90% VE, don't believe anyone received a vaccine prior to the 2020 election during Trumps reign. Trump was responsible under OP Warp Speed program to fast TRACK vax development.
  10. Biden pulled the trigger, you fool no one. Face it Biden is a total failure and he's the one who messed it all up in Afghan. Just like the 7 or 800K covid deaths he was responsible for, almost twice that of Trump and Biden had the vaccination. But if Trump's Afghan plan was so flawed and problematic why didn't Biden uses what little brain he has remaining to fix it right instead of murdering a (with a missile strike) family going on a picnic and not to mention the 13 service members blow to bits because he refused to use bagram airbase. He's a loser, a failure and it shows in everything he does. America knows this and he's on his last leg.
  11. A couple of wars, out of control border security catastrophe. 100,00 plus fentanyl deaths and what has Bien done about it and why he NEVER resolved China's precursor role when he met with Xi! The Afghan debacle will go down in history as one Biden's greatest achievements FOR THE TALIBAN**. **Afghanistan: "20 years, trillions of dollars, four presidents..." to replace the taliban with the taliban..." Ask yourself if it was wise to gift $7B in military equipment to the Taliban during Biden's disastrous Afghan withdrawal. How about epowering Iran and hamas with payments to a known terrorist organization. Did Biden rescind the terrorist designatiion against the Houthi's in Yemen? Biden can brag all he likes about the failed "Bidenomics" message Americans are laughing at now but his foreign policy is a freakin mess of a magnitude never seen in America. Biden's performance is reflected in the recent polls in which he is under water on most metrics, and is a true indication of his abysmal job performance as judged by the voters. Prove me wrong. How about Biden's belief that appeasing and empowering Iran is somehow going to be a success for America and the world. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/time-to-stop-appeasing-terrorist-iran https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-hamas-oil-sanctions-biden-administration-israel-gaza-adbace0b
  12. It would have been prudent for JB, a great father and man of integrity to counsel the crack head to cool his jets while being a "lobbyist" since flying on AF2 to UA and becoming a board member o Burisma. One thing lead to another and here you are, majority think Biden is involved. HB is moaning about a crack relapse and Republicans are trying to "kill him." Can't make this up, and the Biden legacy keeps on evolving on the side of comic humiliation and outlandish absurdity never before seen. You could say that if one forgoes expensive indulgence in crack cocaine and prostitutes in favor of paying income tax, felony tax indictments are not a probable outcome. Hunter was never so smart though. https://time.com/6344206/hunter-biden-claims-republicans-trying-to-kill-him/ https://apnorc.org/projects/most-say-biden-has-acted-either-illegally-or-unethically-in-his-sons-business-dealings/ Meanwhile, the gloom over Biden corruption scandal is well known among the majority and a potential FARA indictment will lead right up to Joe and bring more impressive legacy accolades to arguably a very troubled family of Biden misfits. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.907805/gov.uscourts.cacd.907805.1.0_1.pdf
  13. I can not for the life of me figure out the sheer hypocrisy the Republicans have by keep pushing the narrative regarding corruption and influence peddling with hunter but when it comes to Jared and ivanka nothing to see here. Hunter is a dirt-bag crack head loser, at least Kushner and the Trump clan made millions using their God given brains and conducted constructive enterprising activities, something the Bidens thru their ineptness failed to achieve and instead chose the great grift. Kushner had a hand in kick-starting peace in the ME, the only "piece" Hunter got was a two legged hooker and some crack cocaine and now he's an accused felony tax cheat, doing his level best to add to the impressive Biden legacy. I'm sure this will help at polls, but for Trump and serve to just tighten the noose on Joe especially if the feds add a FARA violation & indictment on HB. What's your guess for when Biden is shown the door and ordered to drop out?
  14. Well done Joe, keep it up. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-cracking-down-on-wealthy-tax-cheats-is-fiscally-responsible-biden-says-during-state-of-the-union
  15. I like Carson, what's your opinion of him? Should Trump bring him back after winning in the 2024 election?
  16. You are triggered! LOL...your beloved Biden failing for all to see. Such a stain on US politics, the Biden legacy. With the crack head son facing fed incarceration, old Joe is gonna feel Mega MAGA hurt in the polls, right up until he drops out. You must be one of very few thats proud of Biden and his failures.
  17. Biden will try to hang in and give Hunter a pardon for felony tax indictments and potential FARA violations.
  18. If American voters perceived Biden as helpful to them it should be better reflected in the polls but it's not despite all the coverup and protection afforded Biden by MSM and his handlers, and the DOJ! Persecute Trump with flimsy criminal creations, label him a fascist, refer to him as Hitler and HE'S STILL DESTROYING Biden in the polls. https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-takes-2024-lead-as-biden-approval-hits-new-low-wsj-poll-finds-fb4fca0c?mod=hp_lead_pos1
  19. Trumps doing it right. Biden can only try to follow but will stumble and likely fail miserably. It's over for Biden expecially with the corruption influence peddling and sea of lies he's authored. fail.
  20. LOL...think of all the crack and prostitutes Hunter could wallow in while committing felonies, tax evasion, refusing to pay child support, money laundering, felony gun charges, etc as Kushner manages a $billion-5 from the Saudi's. If Hunter wasn't the most successful crack-head in DC, don't know what else he can lay claim to, along with Joe that will trash the Biden name worse than it is. I'm sure there are FARA and Mann Act violations in the crack heads future and hasty good-byes to the vegetable-in-chiefs future political aspirations. You should check in on Kushner and see what he's done to rival the Biden's miserable and humiliating chronic failures.
  21. If you had a billion bucks, would you be willing to invest with Kushner or the worlds most successful crack head junkie, Hunter Biden?
  22. Biden's creating problems where there are none, or at least should not be. The SOR. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/16/biden-oil-reserve-fuels-00121298 And yes, US oil output is increasing, but they still need to import heavy crude stocks so they can refine quantities sufficient for their consumption and that consumers can afford. Catching on yet?
  23. :drill drill drill..." was the message Trump reiterated again which is normally how you locate new oil deposits, more specifically heavy crude stock being more suitable for domestic refinery technology.and thus cutting reliance on foreign heavy crude imports. I don't know if I can make it any more simplistic for you to grasp. But, please indicate how you would increase domestic oil production w/o drilling.
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