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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. I think you are making this up as you go along. You have some evidence or reference to this claim Trump "telling the IRS he was losing money" and exactly what the crime is in losing money? Trump AFAIK has no issues with the IRS, but maybe you know something you can share. If Trump got in front of the tax police they would skin him alive. So quit making up nonsense. Focus on the one of the issues in the civil case, the recent testimony from one of Trump's biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank. These links should help walk you thru it. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-fraud-trial-victim-deutsche-bank-shuns-f-word-2023-11?op=1 https://www.businessinsider.com/except-for-fraud-donald-trump-was-good-deutsche-bank-borrower-2023-10?op=1
  2. Ok, so they did use Trumps valuations, or maybe they didn't? Do you know, or even bother to confirm your claims? Are there not clauses in financial contracts which include disclaimers for parties to conduct their own due diligence and to not accept the claims presented? Of course there are. At any rate the Deutsche bank testified they did not rely on Trump evaluations. Even if they did, it's not up to the state AG's to suddenly become real estate appraisers and experts. Ludicrous on its face. And likely unconstitutional. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/nyregion/trump-fraud-trial-deutsche-bank.html
  3. I think you said that already, nothing to learn, it's quite obvious to a rational and casual observer except you. A picture can speak "watch and learn" for you. I'll help you out here... Enjoy. Enjoy.
  4. As is Biden's ratings and job approvals, a positive correlation.
  5. Unfortunately for Biden he's failed where it counts most with voters, the economy. "Bidenomics" and its intended message is getting flushed down the toilet along with Bidens ratings. Check it out. Biden has a lot of fixin up to do when he's not on vacation at the beach. " WASHINGTON — No one seems to like “Bidenomics,” the eponymous shorthand for Joe Biden’s economic policies — not voters, not Democratic officials, not even, at times, the president himself. It’s a term that mystifies Americans and confounds even its namesake. “I don’t know what the hell that is,” Biden said in a speech in Philadelphia earlier this year." Links: https://news.gallup.com/poll/544808/poor-marks-biden-middle-east-economy-foreign-affairs.aspx https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/bidenomics-rcna122865
  6. Impeachment inquiry is sufficient to get the truth on Biden's corruption.
  7. "Interviews with a diverse group of striking autoworkers and other voters in the critical battleground state of Michigan this week highlighted Biden’s troubles: Many of them had voted for him in 2020 and appreciate that he joined the picket line Tuesday. But several were frustrated with his handling of high prices and other economic issues — and not yet sold on voting for him again next year." Tone Woods, a Black building trades worker from Detroit, said he is also undecided after voting for Biden in 2020. He attended Trump’s speech Wednesday in the Detroit area. “Gas is high. Inflation. So that’s why I’m stuck in the middle,” he said. He is considering Trump because “the economy was a little better when Trump was in office, to be honest with you.” https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/29/white-house-bidenomics-failure-00118949 Bidenomics high inflation is also making history, highest in 40 years.
  8. The classification status of documents is moot, nonexistent, except to create the predicate for the proverbial FBI nose under the tent. The DOJ got a warrant to look for classified documents, but never intended to use classified documents as a case cornerstone because President Trump had full declassification authority. The DOJ got a search warrant by convincing a judge they were looking for something that wasn’t even a violation of law. That’s why the DOJ would not reveal the probable cause affidavit. The search was built upon a fraudulent pretense. “Classified” is a snipe hunt.
  9. Yes, PRA is mentioned in the affidavit the DOJ wanted buried, BUT not in the indictment and there are ZERO indictments concerning classified docs. Right, you get it now?
  10. Actually, ONLY the AFFIDAVIT for the Mar-a-Lago search was based on the non-crime of PRA classified docs in Trumps possession, it was the only way the DOJ could get a warrant in search of a crime, and then refused to release the AFFIDAVIT until Trump appealed and the judge ordered a redacted version to be released. How many times is the PRA mentioned in the affidavit or indictment? The majority of the charges in the Mar-a-lago case are based on the espionage act of 1917, (31/37 counts), and obstruction, false statements. The PRA is not a criminal statute and the FPOTUS cannot be charged for possessing presidential records classified or otherwise. A senator or VP can though and should, unless your name is Biden. The DOJ counsel requested Trump securely store docs at Mar-a-Lago until further notice. (see attahed jpg) Affidavit https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22267188/mar-a-lago-affidavit.pdf
  11. It has increased debt annual interest payments to almost $1T now, more than national defense spending, social security, Medicaid.etc. More than doubled since Biden was sworn in.
  12. One thing for certain is Biden's competency will not improve but get worse if that's even possible. He can go lower, and he will. The Biden crime family will be getting interrogated (under oath) by congressional investigators next month and who knows who caps immunity and sells out the corrupt leader of the family syndicate
  13. Your comments are those from one who is dripping with desperation and detached from reality. Biden will not make it to the election and if he does he will lose. He's incompetent and the majority of voters agree. Check the curve in the attached graph, positive slope, getting worse day by day for your failed leader Biden, He's viewed as incompetent, you may not like it, but facts are facts and they are hard to swallow for some. https://news.yahoo.com/2024-poll-trump-takes-lead-amid-growing-concerns-about-bidens-age-and-competence-100001250.html?guccounter=1
  14. Hypotheticals, you are on your own. Enjoy Biden's toilet run.
  15. None of which concerns the voters ahead of the 2024 election. Do better. Question: are you better off now compared to 3, 4 years prior? Voters know, they feel Trump helped them more while Biden hurt them more. Seems Biden, despite his accomplishments according to you don't resonate where it matters most, with the voters. Links October 2023 Times/Siena Poll Biden’s poll numbers have gotten worse
  16. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-vs-biden-poll-2024-presidential-election-year-out/ IF...a big FAT if, Biden makes it to Nov 24 as nominee, he's got ZERO to run on except bashing Trump whom American voters are showing more approval on all metrics except maybe abortion. My bet is he's officially albeit suspiciously dropped from the ticket after the Aug DNC.
  17. The election is less than a year off and a lot can happen. But what's interesting - and I think significant - is if you look at 2016 and 2020, Trump never once touched 46% support during either campaign. He's currently at 47.2% Stick the fork in Biden, he's DONE. Everyone knows it except him 2016 https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html 2020 https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.html 2023 NOV https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/us/general-election-trump-vs-biden-7383.html
  18. "And I like many posters here, don't hate Trump fans (some of my closest friends are Trumpers), I just hate Trump. I think he is Captain Chaos personified and the single biggest threat to world stability and American (which in turn is world) economic stability." Compare world stability from 2017 to 2021 to 2021 to present day. Now count how many wars during 45’s term and now count the wars started during Biden’s watch which many argue are a direct result of worlds perception of a weak feckless America and it’s leader who embodies those exact traits. Bang….you just failed. Start with the Afghanistan withdrawal and 13 dead military and you will notice Bidens popularity dip and has never recovered. Many have become concerned with potential terror cells across America made possible by Biden's open border failed policies. And you say Trump caused security concerns for Americans and the world!! You are not dealing with reality, obviously. Sow how Trump “defrauded” his charity. You assume he was fraudulent? Back that one up too. “How anyone thinks this man is qualified to run the USA is beyond me. And I'm not alone in this…” Trump amassed 74M votes in 2020 and polls now indicate his support over Biden is increasing robustly and these polls also reveal the economy, immigration, US-China relations, current wars in UA and Gaza is handled better by Biden and these polls show Americans beige they are better off under Trump: posted earlier: “Voters across all income levels felt that Mr. Biden's policies had hurt them personally, while they credited Mr. Trump's policies for helping them," the Times reported. "The results were mirror opposites: Voters gave Mr. Trump a 17-point advantage for having helped them and Mr. Biden a 18-point disadvantage for having hurt them." You, have it bass akwards....Biden is the biggest problem in America, has been since he somehow got elected. Americans have had their fill of Biden failures and want him out but he's too ignorant to stand down. Axelrod says the same. He stands no chance IMHO of beating Trump in 2024. He need to drop out now if that's still an option. One thing I've noticed that the more that the electorate indicates it’s preference for Trump over Biden, the more the Dem deep state (and RINOs too) will try to move towards putting Trump in prison. Their fear of Trump is evident, their desperation on full display but they are too stupid to figure out why Trumps polls improve with every abuse of law indictment and that so far democrat law fare is a failed tactic against Trump. Hopefully conditions in America and abroad don't deteriorate further under Biden now but likely going to become nuclear for Biden and his family members next month when the subpoenaed crack head Hunter takes the stand in congressional hearings on Biden corruption investigations. Maybe not, but the damage is already done, Americans are beginning to see the depths of corruption with the Biden family. Take a long hard look at the Ukraine situation and all the money flying into that country. They may very well have something on Biden. Attached is the full Morning Consult polling report. Read it before you make more foolish statements and to help resolve your confusion https://pro-assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2023/11/231105-Morning-Consult-Bloomberg-2024-Election-Survey-All- States-Toplines.pdf 231105-Morning-Consult-Bloomberg-2024-Election-Survey-All-States-Toplines.pdf
  19. Who is "we" and yes there is a huge gap, deep hole in what you seem to know about anything except troling, you seem to have a good handle on that. And you seem troubled, misguided, confused, obsessive compulsive, and so on, all traits of your democratic faith perhaps. IDK, can I ask you if your parents are siblings and if I have you and your "we" cabals permission to post something about Trump in a thread that just happens to be themed on a poll showing MAGA Trump leading yours truly, as usual. Thanks for the trolls, they're so revealing.
  20. It's evident that Trumps viewed more favorably by majority of voters than Biden in so many polls now which likely fills you with rage, hatred and prompts your sad pathetic juvenile comrade comment. Although Trumps superior polling and performance ratings over Biden is a trigger mechanism for you there is no need to take it on members posting on this subject which makes you nothing more than a troll. So, keep that in mind next time you're feeling MAGA triggered and make emotionally charged comments and erroneous statements, which you have and may or may not even know it. Trump rules and Biden's a wreck and will likely LOSE if on the ticket. Deal with it like a big boy and not like a typical triggered left wing angry lost soul watching Biden's world imploding. Not sure, so I'll ask who do you hate more, Trump or those who view him more favorably than Biden? Maybe you hate Zelenskyy too since he's trying to get chummy with Trump now and recently invited him to Ukraine. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4294301-zelensky-unsure-if-trump-would-support-ukraine-if-elected/
  21. And the results show the public perceives Trump's policies as positively favorable to those of Biden's which should come as no surprise. "Do you think Joe Biden's policies have helped you personally or hurt you personally?" Pollsters then asked the same about Trump. "Voters across all income levels felt that Mr. Biden's policies had hurt them personally, while they credited Mr. Trump's policies for helping them," the Times reported. "The results were mirror opposites: Voters gave Mr. Trump a 17-point advantage for having helped them and Mr. Biden a 18-point disadvantage for having hurt them." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/politics/biden-trump-2024-poll.html And that is just the way it is. The border disaster is getting worse and worse, the inflation ate all the wage increases and then some, and we now earn less, in buying power, than we did in Trump's times. The Green Revolution is a total economic catastrophe, and the world is getting more dangerous in a hurry.
  22. It's hard to square how with everything we know about Trump along with his legal troubles that he could be polling ahead of Biden. What these polls tell me is that the American populace (that voted for Biden) is monumentally stupid After all the damage they say Trump caused, the fact that he could garner more support than just the true MAGA Trump supporters is beyond belief. Maybe the left wingers are starting to become fatigued with the colossal failures on display all perpetrated by the incredibly inept Biden at home with the southern border invasion, the military humiliation in Afghanistan, Ukraine corruption, ME, the list goes on and on. Some may forgive Biden the shenanigans involving his family and payouts, and few will dismiss it as a Republican ploy. At the end of the day Joe Biden is polling far worse than his party. That suggests the problem is indeed Joe Biden.
  23. Antone paying attention can conclude that the election was stolen and is established beyond any doubt by the undeniable PROOF that federal government agencies engaged in mass political censorship during the 2020 election. The only unanswered question today is how many other forms of election fraud were there ? Those who would violate the constitution, the law, ethics and morality to win an election by censorship, can be assumed to engage in all kinds of other election fraud. It is illegal for states to change election laws by executive intervention without legislative process which occurred often. Is that how elections are conducted fairly and w/o undo illegal intervention? Only a fool would believe or accept that.
  24. "Former President Obama’s senior adviser David Axelrod on Sunday suggested President Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race in the wake of a new poll showing the incumbent trailing former President Trump." Pointing to a New York Times and Siena College poll published Sunday, Axelrod wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter: “It’s very late to change horses; a lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict & Biden’s team says his resolve to run is firm.” Arguing Biden is “justly proud of his accomplishments,” Axelrod said Biden’s poll numbers will “send tremors of doubt” through the Democratic Party. https://news.yahoo.com/axelrod-suggests-biden-drop-2024-182833367.html Despite "accomplishments" Biden is polling in the sewer as usual, and should just drop out. It's over Joe, stand down now. Your own party knows it and don't want you.
  25. from a biden luvin dem loser at the NY times no less
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