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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. "Poor old ailing Biden, seems that folks prefer the lively youthful athletic Trump, with his sharp wit, moral ethics, respect for the law, respect for the military, champion of family values, who commands respect from our allies and has proven to put our country before himself." https://nyti.ms/47hIJsf#permid=128970758
  2. Well, how about that. Another Trump business venture to add to his collection. Maybe Joe can get a Chinese trademark on a new fangled crack pipe with all royalties going to Hunter, the crack head / business extraordinaire along with all his $500K finger paintings. In the meantime small time peanuts Joe gets a measly $40K for what, "selling out the country"? https://nypost.com/2023/11/01/news/joe-biden-got-40k-from-bro-james-in-laundered-china-funds-comer/
  3. Orange man bad, but leading Biden where it counts, as always. Not bad for a treasonous, seditious, corrupt, etc POTUS, yes that would be Biden. Breaking today: "If Trump wins, more voters foresee better finances, staying out of war — CBS News poll" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-vs-biden-poll-2024-presidential-election-year-out/ Biden is too scandalous and should be in a prison and cannot not be on the ticket, he will / should step aside and probably immediately. https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/11/biden-cant-escape-his-china-scandal-paper-trail/ LOL, anyone still holding out hope for Biden vs Trump? Biden is done, deader than a fried chicken, question is who will replace him....Kamala....ha ha ha. Who here likes Biden and can say anything good about him or his impressive catalogue of foreign and domestic failures! Where to start...abut his jobs creations lies and spins perhaps. That was a go to metric, but all deception by Biden PS: jack smith is quietly cancelling subpoena's (2) for Trump fundraising investigations after J6. Biden's political persecutions and Jack Smith are losing, failing, and after Trump is elected, the game changes. Polls reflect this. Good riddance Biden. Now Zelensky has invited Trump to meet him in Ukraine. Biden and his regime lunatics are destroying America, Ukraine, and now the ME is ready to pop! Biden now is trying to fan the flames of false flag Islamaphobia in America to appease his arab voters in MI and AZ as pro hamas Jew haters reak havoc in America. biden is losing everything, everywhere! Where is Trump when you need him.
  4. Oh yeah, that's interesting, when did that happen? Do you have a link corroborating your claim or cite the indictment charge? You do understand the distinction between civil and criminal proceedings? Hint: New York Executive Law § 63(12)
  5. Add J Nadler to list of cognitively challenged, so endemic within the ranks of the liberals. https://x.com/WesternLensman/status/1719756639589351778?s=20
  6. all factual reporting though or did you uncover some misinformation. that you can share here. If not, too bad for all your abject recitals, evident by your hapless media fact check attempts to cure your butt hurt.
  7. Biden's finest hour,...in the ME? “Worse, Sullivan even had the nerve to trash his predecessors and suggest that he, Biden and their team have righted all of their wrongs.” “We recognized that Washington could no longer afford an undisciplined approach to the use of military force, even as we have mobilized a massive effort to defend Ukraine and stop Russian aggression,” he wrote. “The Biden administration understands the new realities of power. And that is why we will leave America stronger than we found it.” According to Bidens red haired security genius, Biden has righted all the wrongs of Trump. National security adviser Jake Sullivan’s embarrassing, 7,000-word drivel in Foreign Affairs magazine should leave no doubt. https://nypost.com/2023/10/26/opinion/jake-sullivans-embarrassing-essay-shows-how-clueless-team-bidens-been-on-the-middle-east/ Last I heard Iran and/or it's proxies struck US infrastructure no less than 80 times on Biden's watch, what has US response been, maybe 4 or 5 strikes? Biden and his admin are weak and destructive while empowering their enemies, especially Iran.
  8. You mean like “how Biden’s policy enriched Iran…” https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/how-bidens-policy-enriched-iran/ar-AA1hWHJa Or the latest: Having shut down huge swathes of U.S. energy production and watching energy prices rise ahead of elections, Biden is growing more desperate with his endless failures as re-election time approaches. The SPR has already been emptied. Iran has been handed its money and oil revenues restored. Arab, KSA, oil producers have been insulted and alienated and aren't producing any extra oil now. Next for the thick as a brick Biden is to get oil prices down, but lifting sanctions on Venezuela's oil? Anything but open the U.S. to more drilling. Which is exactly what Joe Biden has done: Go read this in the Washington Post: “The Biden administration on Wednesday eased oil, gas and gold sanctions against Venezuela a day after the government of President Nicolás Maduro and the U.S.-backed opposition agreed to terms for a competitive presidential election next year. The Treasury Department issued a general license authorizing U.S. companies to engage in long-barred transactions primarily in the state-controlled energy sector. It said the license is to be valid for six months, to be renewed only if the authoritarian socialist government “meets its commitments” for elections and “with respect to those who are wrongfully detained.” The agreement signed by the government and opposition politicians Tuesday, following years of on-again, off-again negotiations, could be a breakthrough in the South American nation’s stifling political stalemate. The Biden administration promised to consider suspending some sanctions in exchange for progress. He's easing sanctions on one of the most revolting human-rights violating regimes in the world, a regime so blatantly undemocratic it cheated in everyone's faces during the 2019 elections. Other sanctions were placed on this country based on its drug-dealing and money-laundering activities, which includes shipping illegals into the U.S. with the drugs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/18/biden-eases-venezuela-oil-sanctions/ Biden though dumb as a back of rocks also seems up to no good with his “relationships” and links to Iran, Hamas, etc. All seems a little fishy based on his Iran record of Iranian appeasement & empowerment policies. Especially now with the current Iranian spy ring & classified information/material scandal with Biden’s Iran envoy Rob Malley recently stripped of his security clearance. Biden's playing with fire and he's far too stupid to know. He'll get US into another war soon. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ex-iran-envoy-rob-malley-compromised-classified-information-rep-michael-mccaul-says/ar-AA1i7YYF Reference https://www.voanews.com/a/iran-s-apparent-supply-of-combat-drones-to-venezuela-highlights-terrorism-risks/6476585.html https://iranwire.com/en/features/69471/
  9. Suggestion for all wannabe F L Bailey’s to start reviewing actual recent LEGAL FILINGS regarding the DC USA v Trump case, including: (1) Trump’s MOTION TO DISMISS THE INDICTMENT BASED ON CONSTITUTIONAL GROUNDS, (2) Trump’s MOTION TO DISMISS THE INDICTMENT BASED ON STATUTORY GROUNDS, (3) Trump’s MOTION TO STRIKE INFLAMMATORY ALLEGATIONS FROM THE INDICTMENT, (4) Trump’s MOTION TO DISMISS FOR SELECTIVE AND VINDICTIVE PROSECUTION. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67656604/united-states-v-trump/ They are all VERY solid Motions, and you can expect each of them to be granted, if the judge feels like doing her JOB. If not, I see the Appeal as being a winner, whether in the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court. Jack Smith is a hack lawyer who gets overturned frequently. https://americafirstpolicy.com/latest/fact-sheet-jack-smith-a-record-that-speaks-for-itself CNN Inadvertently Reveals New Special Counsel Jack Smith as a Partisan Hack https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/pj-gladnick/2022/11/20/cnn-inadvertently-reveals-new-special-counsel-jack-smith-partisan If you bet on Smith, you should just burn your money now.
  10. Link link link...is that all that cranks you? Joe Biden, instead of creating one lie after the other to cover each and every revelation could end this all by truthfully laying out what the hell is going on with all these LLC's AND the other circumstantial evidence of his involvement in influence peddling. Explain the 200K loan agreement or face tax charges. If this was a loan repayment – when was the money loaned and how much ? What was it for ? If Joe Biden has an arguable interest in the success of James’s business – then Joe’s actions to benefit that business and are public corruption – CRIME. Whether Jim owed his older brother that money or not doesn’t matter because it wasn’t Jim’s money to do with as he pleased. Further, it was by selling the family name to Americore that Jim Biden convinced the health care company’s CEO to lend him the money that Jim then passed on to Joe Biden. So, sure, let’s see Joe Biden’s proof that he lent his brother $200K. But better yet, let’s see President Biden return that money to Americore and its creditors — and open up his financial records to show who else was paying the Big Guy A little more investigation based on the existence of red flag LLC shell corps. and payments from corrupt foreign entities in UA, Russia, Kaz and Communist companies will count towards Biden's culpability. Only a fool cannot see mega malfeasance with the Biden families multiple LLC shell corporations with millions in payments to Biden's family including grand children. Malfeasance all day long, persistent pathological lying by Biden may not be indictable....yet....but may be soon with more investigation, however Biden's legacy will be that of the most inept and corrupt politician in US history. I'll have to admit he's earned it.
  11. It's tax fraud, and yes he went to jail. Are you beginning to grasp the concept of fake loans and tax fraud? LOL.
  12. Seem? Is this even relevant or should it merely be relegated to the who gives a Shi^ file. And...when did I accuse Biden of anything?
  13. Will you ever learn Laporta also detailed multiple examples in which Manafort and Gates sought to doctor financial records. One instance involved classifying revenue from a Cyprus-based company as a loan to lower his taxable income, Laporta testified." https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-manafort-idUSKBN1KO19Y
  14. I would respond accordingly, to clear my name and set the record straight if someone made damning BUT false statements about me unless I had something to hide. Having said that I will add the Biden's have +150 Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR’s) filed with the Treasury Dept, and dozens of shell companies that don’t do anything, and dozens of foreign bank accounts with nations they do not conduct business. SAR’s are one thing, the issue though… all those shell companies where there is no actual business. That’s the red flag and smoking gun. There is also proof the IRS and David Weiss were barred by the DoJ from investigating the Biden Family. Weiss will testify to oversight on 7-Nov, maybe some clarity will result. **Claiming something was a loan without proper documentation is what landed Paul Manafort in jail.**
  15. LOl...ask your buds to remove the link and substitute this one: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-biden-bank-records-200000-loan-joe-biden-house-oversight-gop/ "Don't need to point out errors or even read it dotcalm," up to you what you want to do, make foolish, meaningless comments.
  16. Powell waived the original indicted and pleaded guilty intentional interference with performance of election duties and Cheseboro 1 count felony. Powell did not plead guilty to the principal charge against Trump: the RICO conspiracy. She did not admit that she was part of a criminal enterprise with Trump, et al. to “unlawfully” change the results of the 2020 election. She did not admit that she conspired to violate Georgia’s RICO statute with Trump or anyone else. Instead, her plea deal is narrow and only relates to conduct that occurred in Coffee County, Georgia, where contractors accessed voting machines with the permission of local officials and has no connection to Trump or his indictment now that RICO charges against Powell are dropped. AFAIK, Fulton County isn’t accusing Trump of directing, being involved with, or even knowing about what occurred in Coffee County. thus, Powell’s plea to the Coffee County charges does not, and will not, directly implicate Trump. I can see the RICO case dissolving very soon for fanny and her RICO fantasy. Don't ask me, ask any legal expert about Fulton counties flawed RICO prosecution.
  17. Well troll try to understand that AQnon and QAnon are not the same and have NOTHING to do with the thread topic. I would recommend you try to get up to speed with the Trump co-defendant indictment and plea arrangement if you want to make an intelligible contribution instead of going on a troll rant with hints of your un-wellness. U may even convince some you have something intelligent and relevant to add.
  18. Nah, it's okay since you seem to be wrong and confused about everything since you wandered away from the initial thread topic for your own self serving troll tactics. U need to get some assistance perhaps? " Their core belief is that a cabal of Satanic,[2][3][4] cannibalisticchild molesters are operating a global child sex trafficking ring which conspired against Donald Trump.[8] QAnon has direct roots in Pizzagate, an Internet conspiracy theory that appeared one year earlier, but also incorporates elements of many other theories.[9] QAnon has been described as ..." a cult.[9][1 Ok, obviously you are very confused, went from a trump co defendant thread to referencing a bizarre group associatiated with pedophile conspiracy in QAnon? I will leave this alone as maybe you are cognitively unaware now. I would suggest you avoid trolling and going off topic based on your inherent bias! Not helpful.
  19. I am struggling to know what exactly what AQnon is? Not seen this before. Could be a new derivative of the delusional machinations from the loony left .
  20. is this the AQnon knowledge graph?
  21. Provide a link then, of this AQnon.
  22. I said they are bogus and overcharged and so are many. Don't be so obvious obstinant, and go check for yourself. Read the indictments, compare it to the Powell plea and ask yourself how a prosecution goes from major RICO felony to state election misdemeanor pea deal the night before the case is scheduled to go to trial (jury selection). Lol...figure it out for yourself.
  23. And, when he is, it will become most watched program in America watched by all including you.
  24. RICO, that's your 1st clue. Read the GJ indictments, have a look at the Powell plea arrangement and ask yourself why the RICO case was dropped? Hmmm, how does all this tie Powell and trump in a criminal enterprise now without RICO. Check the toilet at the fulton county superior courtroom.
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