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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. Public opinion has Trump on an upward trajectory by all accounts. Indictments have not hurt him.
  2. Where did I say Powell was innocent, specifically and also can you provide a link or produce documentation of the "AQnon playbook"...I'll wait. Paraphrase: "Why not...people do it all the time....even innocent, overcharged defendants." I am only responsible for what I said, not what you think I said or want to hear thru a biased filter (maybe it's in this thing you euphemistically refer to as the "AQnon playbook". This is the first I have heard the term AQnon". What is that exactly?
  3. You seem triggered by something with your "AQnon" confusion? Does this have something to do with subject of the thread? This the best you can do? Care to share the reason for your butt-hurt?
  4. Why not...people do it all the time....even innocent, overcharged defendants. Why would/should Powell go bankrupt fighting bogus RICO indictment in corrupt dem Fulton county with misdemeanors on the table that can't even get her dis-barred in Texas.
  5. Or, plea deals are offered (very routinely) ESPECIALLY when desperate over zealous politicized prosecutors OVERCHARGE cases.
  6. Perhaps u should stop deflecting and cowering. Dem congress oversight investigated Kushner and his KSA business dealings and decided there was nothing to see. Your crackhead genuis Hunter, although perhaps the most successful crackhead junkie in existence cannot hold a candle to Kushner and his impressive accolades with historic ME peace achievements with the Abraham accords.
  7. Here's some insight, complete with diagrams, pictures, graphs with timeline of opinion of Biden easy for you to understand. Opinion of Biden tanked after his humiliating gong show withdrawal in Afghanistan. Step forward to Oct 2023 Biden's prowess and foreign policy debacle and current appeasement and embolding of Iran has brought the world a few steps closer to nuclear Armageddon as the world sees total weakness in his admin. Biden is more concerned with UA's borders than the southern border with MX, with millions of unknown and un-vetted illegals from all corners of the globe infiltrating the US. Bad days for America, Biden has created the perfect mess. Risk of terror attacks in America are higher than ever since Sept 11. Biden is getting played by both Iran and hamas protecting Qatar. Beware America, Biden has created a potential escalation to WW3. Graph p. 8 https://mclaughlinonline.com/pols/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/National-Presentation-RELEASE-8-23-2023-2.pdf
  8. The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-moral-duty-to-destroy-hamas-ba626a41
  9. Or maybe your Hamas friends could turn over the children unharmed that they have kidnapped and stop burning them alive. That simple logic is a bridge too far for your comprehension perhaps?
  10. “Trump pulled out of the JCPOA in May 2017 and there was no war. Trump sanctioned the Tehran regime into penury and instead of war, Iranian demonstrators took to the streets to protest against those who’d squandered the country’s wealth by funding international terror.” Then Trump popped Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani and was warned there would be repercussions but there was none, no wars and what followed was the Abraham Accords and peace was breaking out all over the ME. Trump has everything under control while in office. Biden came in, reinstated the JCPOE, refused to enforce sanctions and Iran went from 400,000 B/pd oil sales under Trump to >3M b/pd, accrued much greater wealth, all the while inching very close to a nuke, ALL on Biden’s failed watch. Then he releases $6B of fungible funds to Iran last week and now the ME is about to go into melt-down mode. Say what you will, bash ole Trump but he runs circles around the demented and corrupt fool in the WH who's too busy sleeping to even mention the dead US citizens in the hamas terror attacks. Worst and most useless, incapable imbecile to ever hold office in America.
  11. Americans and more importantly the voters KNOW and trust the one person to manage the economy and it sure isn't Biden. The writing is all over the internet wall. "OnPolitics: Americans say they trust Trump over Biden on the economy, exclusive poll shows" https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/13/americans-trust-trump-biden-economy/70845445007/ https://law.marquette.edu/poll/
  12. The problem is they are unvetted and unknown. After all, what do we know about these migrants? The "dictatorship" claim is obviously rehearsed, an argument for letting this parade of thousand's of young military-aged men into the U.S. as asylum applicants. Perhaps they are all Amish refugees fleeing government persecution, but more likely, they are denizens of the vast Caracas slums, known as "ranchos," which are pits of violence, crime and disorder. Not one of these young men should be allowed in even to claim asylum without the most thorough of vetting. Americans have a right to that much. Biden's open borders are creating nothing but chaos for America and Americans. NYC mayor E Adams: “This issue will destroy New York City. … All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000, and I’m telling you now at 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose,” he continued. He/they may want to vote for Trump in 2024. Adams: Cost of migrants 'will destroy New York City' - POLITICO Additional reference: Colombia's leftist president predicts 'billions' of migrants 'defy armies' to move north | Washington Examiner
  13. They all do, but none more pathetic and disgusting as Joe Biden's self centered lies. Maybe one more reason his polling and popularity is so low. "President Biden was sharply criticized for his rambling remarks commemorating the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that included a joke about playing football and a false claim that he was at ground zero in Manhattan the day after the World Trade Center collapsed." Biden draws sharp rebuke for joke, false claim in 9/11 remarks - Washington Times Biden draws sharp rebuke for joke, false claim in 9/11 remarks - Washington Times Biden draws criticism as he repeats false claim that son Beau died in Iraq: 'Continued mangling of the truth' https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-repeats-false-claim-son-beau-died-iraq-speaking-marines-report Nobody stoops lower than Biden and his lies. NB: pay close attention in the coming near term as Biden's coverup team shifts the focus to Biden's forgotten classified document investigation.
  14. It will be a while now, if Trump's trial even goes ahead and makes it to trial. The RICO case is severely flawed as noted by some legal experts and now the judge is going to agree to separate trials which is a huge win for Trump. ABC news: bad news for Fanni Willis https://youtu.be/khGPqNYKzOA?feature=shared
  15. You can keep watching CNN, even they are reporting Biden's pathological liar status now. "CNN unleashes on President Joe Biden's 'pathological' lies" https://youtu.be/U1X_wwBnc7U?feature=shared
  16. Except when she doesn't and straight up lies and knows not what the hell she's talking about misleading millions of listeners. "Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person," Maddow said on her show the evening of March 29, 2021. "A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else," she added with a shrug. "It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people." https://www.foxnews.com/media/social-media-users-demand-apology-msnbc-rachel-maddow-vaccines Anyone who believes Maddow probably believe the NM Governor can suspend the Constitution too.
  17. How about this: "The White House is urging news outlets to ramp up scrutiny of the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into President Biden.“It’s time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies,” Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House Counsel’s Office, wrote in the draft letter, which is expected to be sent on Wednesday. This was sent by White House spokesperson Ian Sams. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/12/media/white-house-letter-news-executives/index.html I did not see any reference to what specifically qualifies as "lies" and none are articulated there or anywhere I have seen. Remember the lies told and still being told by Dem Adam Schiff about all the direct "smoking gun" evidence of Trump's Russian collusion, except there was no evidence and there never was. Classic example of bonafide Dem lying campaigne. What goes around is starting to come around for Biden and his cabal and I would say they are in panic mode and should be.
  18. There probably wont be an impeachment, the inquiry will be sufficient to get past the coverup and stonewalling by the Biden admin and DOJ. Nobody wants an impeachment, and it won't be needed. Subpoenas to Biden family member's for bank records, tax returns, etc and to testify under oath, and all the email and docs currently under subpoena being withheld could spell the end for the Biden crime family. U can expect this to go down any day now but no later than Oct 31. Trouble is coming for Biden, take it to the bank. This inquiry just supercharged oversights subpoena powers big time.
  19. Vote on what? Inquiry, articles...??
  20. As long as Biden keeps lying and the WH keeps changing their stories when caught in their lies and when Biden starts to cooperate with the investigation there will always be the need to take this to an impeachment inquiry to verify the evidence of corruption, bribery, money laundering, FARA violations and any other acts of criminal behavior including tax evasion and so on, the congressional oversight committee owes this to the American public. By lying, stonewalling, refusing to comply with subpoenas there is little choice but to pursue the inquiry. If Biden is innocent, now would be the time to start cooperating.
  21. Dem led house oversight already opened a probe into Kushner's KSA business ventures in June 2022. Keep in mind Kushner unlike your boy Hunter did not amass an impressive business acumen and crack addiction while committing felonies by lying on a gun application. Hunter's a bad boy and not so smart, same like his Pop. https://news.yahoo.com/house-oversight-committee-launches-probe-160403557.html
  22. Thaksin....555....too funny. Have any impeachment lies to share ?
  23. I have heard the term MAGA Patriotic Cult. Thanks.
  24. Congressional oversight has a responsibility to investigate and/all evidence, claims of bribery. “These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption, and warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday morning. “That’s why today I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. … We will go wherever the evidence takes us.” Kevin McCarthy directs House committees to open Biden impeachment inquiry - The Washington Post
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