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Everything posted by AngryMan

  1. Have some respect please!๐Ÿ˜Ž They are sombody's daughters and posible mothers in the future! Good luck with that image girls, I am sure prospective employees will jump at the chance to have you represent their companies...๐Ÿฅณ
  2. If only they would have all agreed to a threesome, (aka Winning the lottery, with all 6 balls lined up!) then they would all cum out on top! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  3. Well, after careful consideration and using my Sherlock Holms powers of deduction, I can confidently say, they MAY NOT be Nigerians! But one never knows these days...๐Ÿค”
  4. I think that LB's should have to wear a warning sign on T'Shirts... WARNING MAY CONTAIN NUTS!๐Ÿ˜Ž Now that's what you call a joke!
  5. No doubt following up with his "many years in prison" visiting all the Lefty Swamp Creatures he helped put there! Nancy Pelosi recently said: "I want to see Trump in Prison!". Donald replied: "Sorry Nancy, but I will be way too busy to come visit you in Prison"!๐Ÿ˜Ž
  6. The old advert, "I can't believe it's not Butter" can also be used in the case of Ladyboys, just change one word and bingo you have nailed it! Or maybe not! You have to hand it to them though, they have some balls attacking men in the street like that! Maybe they should have a warning printed on a T-shirt saying: "Caution may contain Nuts!"
  7. Yes but on the positive side, at least they won't have to suffer the uncomfortable indignity of severe constipation when (if) they get old!
  8. Unless, the Thai Guys real name is Jussie (Somchai) Smellit?๐Ÿค” What you say! In shock and horrror! A Thai telling a Lie, never! Case solved...
  9. Just give them a good old fashioned TalKicking to!๐Ÿ˜Ž
  10. I'll bet his Thai wife is so proud that she has him in her life! Don't worry sweetheart, he will be gone soon (life insurance๐Ÿฅณ) with an attitude like that! Plus he does not look like the healthiest man in townโ˜ ๏ธ! How can one man be so unhappy (booze) in the Land of Smiles? I think he needs a ticket back to his roots to see how things are progressing in Europe!
  11. I don't believe he is a Brit! Nowhere in his description does it state the name Mohammed or even Kahn! Plus he is too pale! Smoke and Millors guys! Smoke and Millors!
  12. It is quite simple to eradicate the problem of dangerous dogs roaming the streets. Round them all up and nurture them. Yes, it will be a mammoth task initially, but as time goes on it will get easier and easier as all the dogs eventually die off. When puppies are born automatically register them to be nurtured and bingo we have the solution. Alternatively, let in some Haitian Refugees and let them take care of the problem...๐Ÿคช
  13. I would not have it any other way thank you very much! At least a major majority of Thai females know exactly who/what they are and embrace it! Yes, even lady boys! There is none of this None Binary, Mental Prounouns <deleted>! Nor Identifying as Furris, Blue-Haired, Unwasged Smelly, FAT Virgins spouting off about matters they don't even understand! Granted, some Thai Females can certainly be hard work, but they are not as mentally retarded as their Westernised cousins.
  14. Yes, BUTT "Farting on an elevator" is just wrong on so many levels!
  15. I heard that it was all over the weather! One guy asked his mate do you think tomorrow's weather will be SUNNI or SHIITE?๐Ÿ˜Ž
  16. 50 men and just 1 woman! ๐Ÿ˜Ž It's either a Gay Club! ๐Ÿคช Or she is a very sporting girl with lots of energy! ๐Ÿฅฐ
  17. They are pixelated just in case the photo offends anyone without hands! There must be some people out there in the big wide world that do not have hands either through birth defects or an accident or through being caught twice shoplifting bread in Saudi Arabia! Or maybe someone who identifies as having no hands! One never knows! Hands up who agrees with me...
  18. I hope some person does not let their PooDel swim in the sea as it is Pooluturd.
  19. Watt on Earth can the authorities DoDo about it, except Splatter it all over the news and hope that some sticks when it hits the Fan?
  20. There are some good grounds for a discussion... Either in the positive or the negative...
  21. I have to ask Bob... Did Bob's Bob or not?
  22. Maybe it's a simple Insurance scam, as he may be running out of ready cash.๐Ÿค‘
  23. Hope he gets in touch with someone soon, if only for his family's sake...๐Ÿ™
  24. I just wish that the UK would contract out it's Illegal Immigration problem to a few experienced Thai Imigration Officials! Using the same rules, regulations and liviing conditions, especially accommodtion, as they have in the IDC Bangkok! I don't know what living conditions are like in other parts of Thailand, but BKK IDC would be an ideal example to use! It won't ever happen, but still, we can all live in hope ...๐Ÿ˜Ž
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