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Everything posted by AngryMan

  1. WTF would one need to manufacture let aone use a date rape drug for in Thailand? I have given this some serious thought and my mind is a complete blank! On the other hand, if your misses is too frisky and you think she may spread the love around while your away from the house, then sprinkle a little Bromide in a cup of sweet tea! It might just work for you! I am not condoning using drugs in any way shape or form. It's just that I must have a rare delayed reaction to the Bromide the British Army gave us in the 70's. It did not seem to work at all back then, but it sure as hell works now I am in my mid 70's🤪
  2. This is just taking the Piss!😎
  3. As far as anyone hurting any animal, I believe that is the reason why God made plastic bags! 😎Just 5/6 minutes with one of those over your head and it cures you from ever hurting another animal! EVER!😎
  4. I have a Rolex Cock Ring! I am hopinfg the get it tugged off one night! It's the new fad amongst Mongers! It's marked as Bollex!😎
  5. Guys, please do not use the term "Blacklisted" as you might trigger/offend some: Big Fat Smelly Morbidly Obese, Blue Haired, American White Wo-Man, on a campaign to save the world through banning accurate terminology!😎
  6. Oh No! Yet another one ... 🪳 Headed back to the UK to scounge of the system! We have way more than enough here already!🤮
  7. If, in you words: " No one at the age of 8 understands much about religion" is correct (which it is not!) as you just don't know just how worldly and intelligent young English boys were then, or or are now! Then answer this, why did Mohammed Piss be upon him/her/they/ them, force a 6 year old into a marriage contract and proceed to "THIGH" her! To those unfamiliar with the terminologjy "To THIGH", it is the practice of placing your Erect Penis between the thighs of a child bent over (Male or Female) and move back and forward untill ejaculation is achieved! Then after at least 3 years of sexual abuse of a child, as that is clearly what it is, SEXUAL ABUSE! MO goes on to Penetrate her Vaginally at the age of 9 when she had supposedly reach adulthood! after her first menstruation! I find that very sick, offensive and very very depraved! However, we should expect this type of behaviour from a 7th century ideology that believed that MO flew to the moon on a Winged Horse split it in two (Hence the split moon on most Islamic flags, even today!) One can only imagine the terror that the PAEDO MO inflicted upon IESHA his 6 year child bride! Don't take my word for it, it is all written down (By Muslims) within the Koran, as bragging (or should I say Shagging) rights! It is a sick , pererted dangerouse and extreemly violent ideology! If it seems that I m venting my anger at a fairy story of a 7th century beliefe system that wants me and others like me silenced, or better for you lot DEAD! Then you are correct! Hence my user name Angry Man!
  8. I am most certainy not religious, I walked away from all that crap when I woke up at about 8 years old! I realsed that they are all just fantacies played out in your head to confuse and control you! I don't give a monkeys F**k what fairy story anybody wants to believe in as long as it does not affect me or my friends and family! Islam in general wants me and other like me dead, and that is written down as a fact in their one and ONLY book! So excuse me if I chose to HATE ISLAM as much as they hate me It is after all just a fairy story like something from Brothes Grimm! The great Sir Winston Churchill said it best in his book "The River War" published in 1898, in which he compared Islam to be like a man with Rabies!: "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, ..."
  9. I know this is off-topic, but not so many years ago, it used to be the standard behaviour of the general civilised public that if someone came into your area and started trouble, then all the locals would band together and repel the troublemaker! If that means that more than a few people threw more than a few kicks and punches at the troublemaker/s then so be it! It is not cowardly to want to protect your own and those around you, it was considered normal national pride and togetherness, as there is safety in numbers. It's also a good deterrent for any future troublemakers to be aware of! The original FAFO! However, with today's soy boys/girls, they stand around like little timid cowards taking selfies while crying and screaming instead of getting "Stuck in" and helping out! I do not understand the mentality in the UK today! The so-called men of today would not hesitate to jump in and start fighting if a person was wearing the wrong football scarf in the wrong area at the wrong time! However, they allow the (got to be careful how I word this) physical assault of Thousands NOT Hundreds of young girls in cities all around the UK, by gangs of (so-called) smelly men to go unopposed and there are no reprisals! This is a recent (last 15+ years) phenomenon and a direct result of governments around the globe that allow this (even undocumented) scum to infest our once beautiful lands. I am also certain that Thais do not want to see or hear disrespectful strangers disrupting their daily lives, and so if a group of Thais band together to protect their own then its hats off to them from me! FAFO!
  10. The Thai AuthoraTITTIES, should NIP this TITUATION in the Bud! Before it BALLONS out of control! Mabe she had a simple MAMMY lap's and fogot she had not paid! Either way its not as if the establiment in questin will go BUST now is it? Ps. Like most men, I neve know what to do with these things anyway!😎
  11. Maybe, just maybe Sloppy Seconds are not so palatable when it's not from your own culture! If you get my drift!😎
  12. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, I have known my misses (too old for the title Girlfriend and I dont like the term partner as neither of us are cowboys) for over 20 years now and if I should ever decide to marry her it would be for her and not for me! The best part is she has been an orphan since she was a baby, and her step parents, relatives, etc are either dead or don't want to have anything to do with me after I refused point blank to support their bone idlle lifestyle through my own hard work... with no reltives in the picture, she chose to hitch herself to my wagon! So I guess there is a bit of cowboy in this relationship after all... At the moment, I am all she has and she is all I want, so far! I am also aware that she may just up and <deleted> off with a better prospect than me, and I am ok knowing that, good luck to her if she does, I am not a spring chicken and have been around the block many times, but in one's golden years there comes a time to settle down and just relax, and stop being angry. Enjoy every day as if it was your last day, as one day it WILL be your last day1 “On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
  13. Next, it will be mandatory for Dirty Fangs to wear condoms! I could go further regarding the topic of Felatio or other types of Genital Gymnastics, but I don't know if I will be blocked for stating the obvious! One positive to take from this is that it may help disguise all the "married Farangs" being inadvertently captured in a YouTube Video about Thailand’s entertainment industry!😎
  14. What a Knobhead, one day soon he will be beaten to a pulp and all his dumb followers can wach it llve...LOL! In the end everyone gets what they deserve!😎
  15. I'l bet he ha changed his underpants several times snce being arrested! Foolish man!
  16. The land of the Pee and the home of the shave (Ladyboys) ... Sorry I know its a crap joke, but I have not had my COFFEE yet! Lucky it was not one of those UK lefty type of females with blue hair, hairy armpits, tattos and pronouns as SHE would juat stand there with HIS MANhood out trying to write HIS name in the sand...
  17. I think thelying cheating American Demonic-Rat Voters and their braindead & even deceased/unregistered/illegal voters have already shown just how stupid and gullible they are, by illegally installing Joe Hiding and Camel-Toe Harris (Harris is British slang for ASS, so it fits!) into the white house which is very Racist thing to call a house. NOT! In addition, if you want to cast stones at anyone for using prostitutes, I suggest you may (or may not as I don’t know if Ladyboys are considered prostitutes) want to check in the mirror on that score. Or am I wrong in thinking that you "2baht" live or has lived in the land of smiles? It will be an interesting spectacle when Joe has to move out of what he considers his family's ancestral home!😎
  18. I think in Thairand it is plonounced: Dayright Lobbely...
  19. I think you will find that the person the right ! I (can't risk misbendering} Pun intended, is the gay blokes wife Michele, funny way of spelling Mike!
  20. I do know one thing, he looks like he wont be eating any "Moo Palo" 🐷 any time soon...
  21. Does anybody have the Hole Story?
  22. Maybe this is the pre-sequal to the new: HUNG-GRRRR!Games?😎 It's all <deleted> if you ask me...
  23. I am led to believe that all visitor's names and personal background information are fed into a computer after you have boarded the Airplane at your country's International Airport. This is then accessed by the Immigration Authorities at your destination International Airport. This makes sense from an immigration/police perspective, as they then have a few hours to prepare a welcoming committee... I may be wrong, but if this isn't the case then the immigration authorities are missing out on an opportunity to apprehend wanted individuals worldwide... JMHO
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