I too had a motorbike accident in Thailand in 2014. Apart from a few broken bones in my right hand, I fractured the clavicle (collar bone) on my right side shouder and also dislocted my left wrist, and in addition I tore the rotator cuff on my left side shouder from cartwheeling down the road. Luckily I had a bloody good crash helmet on with the chin strap fastened... The helmet and face shield we destroyed, but my head was intact...
Needless to say I was in a lot of pain for many weeks, and felt pretty helpless. I was treated at a local clinic, this cost plus repairs to the rented bike wiped my small emegrency fund out! Unfortunatly, I had no exrta additional money available for surgery to repair my clavical, and as I was feeling so down with the pain, I never even thought about crowd funding at that time! I suppose it's too late now! LOL
Luckily there were lots of friendy young bar girls to keeep my mind off my problems...????
I still to this day, have a decent sized lump on my collar bone, like a mini version of Quasimodo, which serves as a (still) painfull reminder to slow down and take care...
Although I do feel sorry for this young guy, and I may even consider sending him a few quid.
I think he should seriousy re-consider his plans for a future in the ring as a professional.
Lets face facts, even if he did raise enough money for another operaton, there is no guarantee that it would be successful.
I suggest that he takes another path in life and becomes a physical trainer/manager, or a gym owner, etc.
That way he can use his own experience and pass that forward to help others and maybe even become some sort of internet influencer if he so choses.
After all, he has all the information/experience for an interesting story line.
Good luck Connor...