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Everything posted by AngryMan

  1. It is not true! The Police are not pointing at them!🤔
  2. It's probably best not to state the obviouse here... But Welsh! I doubt it!
  3. "officers claim they cannot act as these incidents are not classified as flagrant offense"🤔 I think somene made a spelling error here... Mixing the L & R's...🤪 It should have read "officers claim they cannot act as these incidents are not classified as fragrant offense"... You know the mass of UNWASHED TOURISTS that SMELL all the time!🤢💩🤮
  4. The girls had to get a stick to keep the 💩smellies at a distance...🤢
  5. In my humble opinion, once they are found guilty in a court of law then they should forefit their lives and make a chice: A) If they want to have a painless death then, they should agree to their orans harvested, a least that may atone in some sma way for their disgusting life choices! B) If they refuse to donate their organs then skin them and bury them alive in a salt pit to bleed out! Now I agree that may sound a little over the top, but that's just my humble opinion...
  6. I guess she could always say she identifies as an Isarn Rice Farmers Daughter, yu nose dem girls iz built solid, init!... I'll bet she drinks Chang, or maybe Fanta? LOL...
  7. "Family members, shocked by the situation, stress that Tikhomirova, once a talented gymnast " She should not have any problems squatting to take a dump then sould she!🤪
  8. If true, at least they won't be bathing in the sea anytime soon!🤢 I feel sorry for the girls who have to put up with the stench!🤮 At least it will give The soi dogs something else to sniff other than other soi dogs Arses!💩 I might even keep the dog 💩 off the beach...😎🥳🤪
  9. What's the big deal? The french are well known for running away🤪
  10. "The level of racism displayed by the comments here is appalling. People born in Britain have British passports and are British. " If a Dog is born in a stable it is still a FKN Dog! 🤪 Not a FKN Horse!😎
  11. Obiously they are inbreds as they mix with other inbreds!
  12. They are considered British name now. 🤬 WTF! I consider them Invaders Names!🤬
  13. Brilliant idea... Thank you.😎
  14. As a real red blooded Englishman, I believe Bri-TISH means a piece of 💩!
  15. I hope by using the "F" word you are not talking about 40 Lady Boys...🤢
  16. I am pleased that the emergency services were able to STABilise him...
  17. I has to be said guys, one would first have to roll her in flour and then look for the wet spot! But at least she would keep the flies of the sandwiches at a family BBQ!
  18. This is by far, the best post with a practical solution... Furthermore, if the scum who cut the old man is right handed, then that's the one to chop off! And use the actul Machette they were carrying! In fact to make thing more interesting have one of the gang members do it and then he saves his thumb! Bring back the old Roman military rules of "Decimation" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimation_(punishment)
  19. He may hold a useless piece of paper i.e, a "British" (whatever the F*** that means now!) Passport but judging by his name and the very dark skin, my guess is, he is originally from Africa! So his heratige is African not Anglo Saxon! He probably lost his passport and his phone in the English Channel and they had to give him something in Dover! Please don't steal his nationality from him by accusing him of being a British person, we all know Brits are trouble makers!🤪 Just because a Dog is born in a stable does not make it a Horse! The same applies to passports as well! If he had migrated to Japan, would you call him a Japaneses man just because he held a Japanese Passport? No, because he sure as hell is not from Japanese ancestory!
  20. I see my post has been deleted... LOL Snowflakes R at it again...😎
  21. Excuse me but that is not how one spells Body Odor! Body odour (bromhidrosis) 🤢
  22. Lock the thieving knob-head up for the full 5 year term, plus the THB 100,000 baht fine, and dont release him untill it is paid in full! Then Deportation an blacklist him for life! Maybe then he will re-consider his actions in the future... In my humble opinion, all police officers, everywhere should be armed with at least a Taser, but preferably a Glock, or something equaly as lethal, with a safety feature such as: https://smartgun.com/ to prevent someone stealing it and using it on the legal owner. Plus the death penalty should automatically apply the anyone (male / female) who knowingly takes another persons life, ie Murder! Or is convicted as a Pedophile! But that is a discussion for another day...
  23. No thank you! I am not even the slightest bit interested in "SLOPPY SECONDS" with a normal sexual encounter!🤢🤮 I heard that when you get into a threesome in Bangkok, it is called as a "LOTTERY WIN" as all 6 balls would be lined up!🤪
  24. I wonder if anyone in that cell is familiar with the term DUTCH OVEN: Quot: "Dutch oven is a slang term for farting in bed and pulling the covers over your partner's head, sealing in the stench of your gas. This gassy gag is named after an actual cooking device called a Dutch oven: a large metal pot that traps heat (and smells) under it's lid... Maybe, to pass (pun intended) the time, he can organise some sort of wind instrument orchestoral rendition of the variouse noises emmiited from his fellow inmates!
  25. Skinning starting from his toes, right up to his nose would be my personal choice of punishmen! 🤬
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