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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Fantastic idea - there's not much traffic and/or or road works on highways 35 and 4 are there? A bit more traffic will go down really well ????.
  2. Yes, even 14 million votes didn't lead to change. The only thing that could lead to real change in Thailand is civil war and I doubt there is any appetite for that amongst the long suffering 'underdog' Thai people. As long as there is a trough, the piggies will eat at it and it doesn't seem that anyone is capable of removing that trough.
  3. Not that it makes much difference but for the sake of being correct - this girl is 13 years old.
  4. Quite a lot of the above answers are wrong. You do not have to go to the area where the car is registered to change ownership/plates. That can be done at the buyer's local Land Transport Office. I did exactly that last year. Secondly, a couple of years ago I was told that if a car is registered in Bangkok, it does not have to have new plates, the number can stay but the owners address will change to their current address. I was told that this only applies to cars with a Bangkok registration - all others must be given a new number.
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