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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 11 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Basically a load of name calling followed by a reluctant acceptance that the current levels of immigration does indeed cause problems for the UK. 

    I do not think that immigration per se causes problems for the UK.  I actually don't believe in borders as such.  However, I do believe that when a country is full, its full.


    The world, more particularly Europe has been defined by immigration for centuries - the entire region is a mish mash of races.


    However, it is only within the last 100 years or so that we have seen the rise of serious racism and that is because of what?  Colour!  Previous migrants have not been obvious so they were more accepted.  The white man's arrogant belief that he is somehow superior and that people of a different colour are lesser beings, responsible for more crime is behind their racism.


    Should a white american man come to live in the UK, would he draw the same thoughts?


    My niece for example, recently made a social media post complaining that asylum seekers were able to claim more benefits than British born people and generally berating immigrants as benefit cheats.  I pointed out to her that according to a news report last year, there are now white British 3rd generation unemployed in Leeds.  That's 3 generations that have never worked. I probably know 8 - 10 coloured people, all of them either work or have retired from work.


    The basis of my niece's post came about from misinformation created out of populist misconceptions that often have their basis in more deliberate misinformation spread by racist right wing groups.


    What has the above to do with the current debate?  The countrywide riots were the result of misinformation spread by racist groups - it never fails to amaze me how easily people believe what they read.  The rise of social media has given voice to all sorts of groups and individuals and very few of them contribute positively to society.

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Basically a load of name calling followed by a reluctant acceptance that the current levels of immigration does indeed cause problems for the UK. 

    And where do you draw that inference from?  My comments on that matter are not reluctant at all. They are widely held beliefs - mainly based on environmental concerns.  If calling the rioters - the people that destroyed property that both you and i paid for, damaged shops and houses, and generally terrorised non ethnic British people living in the UK - far right, racists, meatheads and uneducated is bad - guilty as charged.


    Perhaps you think I should talk nicely about these hooligans?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, JonnyF said:


    Explain why it was wrong.

    To assist your confusion.


    The guy who murdered the young girls was black and born in Britain to Rwandan parents - not that that had anything to do with his crime. He was/is clearly suffering from a severe form of mental illness.


    The far right groups posted information on social media stating that he was a black asylum seeker - he was not.  I hope that clears the matter up for you.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


    The type of person who overlooks the use of Burmese slave labour, rampant prostitution, poverty, huge wealth gaps, incredibly low wages, lack of social care, lack of democracy, rampant nationalism, military coups etc. in a country simply because it happens to be cheap as chips to live there.


    There was a thread on hear about the mental gymnastics western liberals have to do to justify living in certain Asian countries. You should read it. 


    Now, back to pontificating about your virtue. 



    Totally wrong on all counts. I think you need to learn to read.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


    No they didn't.


    Originally they simply stated he was a teenager from Cardiff. They later released the information about his heritage. 

    Incorrect. The poster is 100% correct - check out the news reports on the day. That will show you that the far right groups were the ones that spread the story that he was a black asylum seeker.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Absolute nonsense and just a throwaway comment that proves that you have no coherent argument. Being angry about young children being slaughtered is a perfectly reasonable response. Just as supporting much lower levels of immigration until the resources and services (housing/NHS/Schools etc.) are in place to support them is in place is reasonable. 

    What? Be angry by all means but please explain what rioting achieved? As someone else mentioned - how does looting a smartphone help the fight against illegal immigration?


    This was not anger or a support for lower immigration levels - it was pure mindless, racist violence. Nothing 'throwaway' about my comments - I saw the people on TV and I've read some of their comments since.


    I have no argument with your basis of having the infrastructure in place to support migration - in fact you probaly have no idea just how wrong you are on what I do and do not support - I'll give you a little idea.


    I actually support only very limited immigration and only immigration that can be supported - at the moment the UK is 'full'.


    I believe that asylum seekers/refugees should have to prove their situation beyond doubt.


    I am confused as to just how and when the temporary protection of vulnerable refugees became 'resettlement'.


    I do not consider that Mulsim/Jewish religions/cultures are not compatible with the UK way of life and that the country should never have made concessions to those groups (prayer time/halal etc).


    So you might now understand that I'm not the lefty loony you probably thought I was.

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  7. On 8/17/2024 at 3:25 PM, NorthernRyland said:

    Land is interesting because they do make you sign a document stating you can not own the land as a foreigner despite being married but the property is still a joint asset. It almost like the wife owns 50% of it and the other 50% is "unowned". I imagine if you went to court over the property it would be required to liquidated or the wife would have to buy out the foreigner for his share. In theory at least....

    Not in theory, that is the fact of it - although I don't doubt you may have to press your case in some places.


    As far as I know, not all land offices ask for that document signing these days. Its a pretty useless document in any case as foreigners can't own land.  However, I haven't seen one of the documents for a long time (20 years) but I'm pretty sure the one I signed also stated that I would not make any claim on the land in the future.  That part, according to what a lawyer told me, also conflicts with Thai statute law on matrimonial matters. What I was told is that in a court case, the court decided that the document was not lawful and held no water as it had never been enacted so statute law applied.


    I have no doubt that in some cases, crooked lawyers from both sides will do some sort of deal and try to convince the foreigner that he has no chance but according to what I was told, that's simply not true.  Its also a fact that many foreigners have simply walked away without contesting the matter because they've believed the 'bar stool' stories that say the foreigner always loses.


    I have though, read reports of foreigners being awarded half of the assets in a divorce.  I know I certainly wouldn't accept being fleeced - although, I know enough about the place now to never put myself in that position.



    • Thanks 2
  8. 46 minutes ago, PhoSai said:

    Its also worth noting that my current passport is not the one with the blacklist in it, so there wouldn't be anything physically in the passport to see,

    I can't answer your question but I can tell you that your passport will be linked automatically if by any chance you pass through immigration.  None of us know what goes on behind the scenes so it is possible that just your name on the flight's passenger manifest will ring alarm bells.  Its not something I'd take a chance on.

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