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Posts posted by MangoKorat

  1. 16 hours ago, kwilco said:

    I paid tax for 20 years - even got rebates in some years.

    I don't doubt you did but were you working?  I'm talking about the people who bring millions of baht in to buy houses and cars etc.


    I should have included people who are/were working in Thailand - not only those in business but I doubt any of those could have avoided paying tax.

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  2. Being a bit of a techno-phobe, I find all this quite funny.  The more we become reliant on all this c r a p, the more vulnerable we become.


    Imagine this happening in the very near future where we are told there will be driverless cars and AI will be running everything - total chaos.  Should be interesting though.


    This latest 'crash' is hot on the heels of another IT failure that lead to several UK retailers being unable to process card or phone payments.  Good news for me on my daily visit to Greggs for my bacon sandwich & coffee that I purchase with good old fashioned cash in this so called 'cashless society' - no queue!  Quite a lot of those 'cashless' people went hungry that day.

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  3. On 7/20/2024 at 8:52 PM, Rob Browder said:

    They are increasing the share of millions of people who work remotely, who will now be able to spend earned foreign-income into the Thai economy, ongoing. 

    I think you may be being a little optimistic in thinking that Thailand is likely to attract many more remote workers.  Thailand is just one destination for such people - there are plenty of others. Besides, up until recently, to the best of my knowledge, Thailand has never cracked down on any foreigners spending money.  Apart from those in business in Thailand, foreigner's money has been largely ignored. Many of us have been bringing relatively large amounts in regularly and never been questioned.


    The recent changes in the taxation rules seem to be going to change all that and as a result, many expats are considering leaving for at least half the year.  Probably an 'own goal' in terms of actual tax revenue.


    The doubling of the entry duration from 30 to 60 days and the inclusion of many more countries with that entry criteria is clearly aimed at tourists but for the reasons I stated in my previous post, all its likely to do is make things easier for the border runners.


    There have been several news reports on here where the fact that tourists are not spending as much despite overall numbers increasing has been brought up.  I wish them well in their efforts but I can't see much changing.



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  4. 12 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Wait until the doctors have declared her to ne insane, before giving her sympathy 

    The doctors may or may not declare her as insane. The definition of criminal insanity is very different in all parts of the world.  A simple definition of criminal responsibility does not in fact mean that a person is sane. A court may determine that even a mentally ill person has criminal responsibility - judges can only act within the definitions they are given and not all cases fit such definitions. That does not mean that a person is sane, only that in the courts opinion, they have criminal responsibility for their actions.


    I repeat my earlier statement, do you actually believe that a sane mother could kill a 7 year old?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       It happens . 

    Heres an example 



    I would suggest that that woman's beliefs are also insane as are her actions - even if she was not declared so. The line between evil and insanity is very thin and often blurred.  Just ask yourself, could you kill your child?


    Thousands of people are convicted of crimes every year - minor and otherwise.  If you talk to the professionals, they will tell you that many of those people are either insane or do not have the same mental capacity as the rest of us.


    I know a young man who has a severe form of Autism.  Speaking to him you would think he is quite normal but in fact he has a total lack of empathy and often hurts those around him (mentally) without any knowledge that his behaviour is not normal. He would not be classified as insane but sometimes his actions, his words and his overall behaviour are simply inexplicable. I know him very well, he's my grandson.


    I doubt my grandson would ever be a killer - I'm just pointing out that insantity takes on many forms.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       If the Mother was insane then she wouldn't be in Court, she would be in a hospital . 

       Parents without mental problems do indeed kill their Children 

    I don't know where you are from but in the UK all people accused of crimes, even those who are mentally ill, have to go through the court system first. Only a judge can rule that their crime is due to insanity.


    Such cases are ALWAYS dealt with by the courts in the first instance - so, YES, she most certainly would be in court.

  7. 11 hours ago, bradiston said:

    And the beauty of Sharia is, it's guaranteed totally unwoke! No namby pamby decadent western liberalism. In fact I'm not sure why the rightists haven't latched on to it. Right up their street. They're fighting on the wrong side. Their all Islamic extremists at heart. No different.


    4 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    She killed her own child.


    I have sympathy for many people. Child killers are not in that list. Interesting that you have so much empathy for her though. 

    The sad thing is that we have to share this planet with people like you two. I seem to remember that Hitler wanted to exterminate those with mental illness.

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