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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. People in the North would also prefer to enjoy clean air - something that's also supposed to be achieved by a law - the one that is supposed to ban farmers from burning crop leftovers. Will that also be enforced now?
  2. I don't think this will be popular with the Chinese criminals that operate in Thailand and have been the subject of several recent news stories.
  3. Department of Livestock - i.e. a government body? Then let them own it and issue an allocation of use under an M.O.U. I presume that charity only wants to be able to use it? Putting it in a director's name is only vialble if that director is entirely trustworthy (and who knows that?)- otherwise it leaves the door open to corruption. The government must own thousands of vehicles - either through separate departments or though a central body set up to be the registered owner of vehicles.
  4. Despite what I said in an earlier post. This thread illustrates why moderators can sometimes seem a little 'trigger happy'. Reading through the last 20-30 posts (and maybe much further), it must be like trying to keep a bunch of naughty school children in order. Constant sniping and attempts at point scoring. Maybe the forum should consider removing the 'Like' button? - it seems to me as if some people care more about getting a 'Like' than posting a sensible response. In posting this thread @george invited feedback. Most of what's going on now is nothing to do with feedback - its just 'keyboard warrior' stuff and a fair amount is as per the title - toxic and negative. Why behave this way? Is it 'keyboard warrior' - you do it because you can, because you're invisible? I doubt most would make the same comments face to face. If people behaved like this in real life the bars would be battlegrounds.
  5. Interesting but as I say, I've never heard of it happening. I had one accident myself when I was about 18, many of my friends have had accidents - we even lost 2 friends but nobody I know has ever been rammed from behind.
  6. When I clicked on the link in the OP to read Ford's report, I was notified that a file had been downloaded. I'm not a techie but I thought it best to delete the file and not open it. Could be harmless I suppose but it may be harmful. Just a warning - if I'm wrong, no harm done.
  7. I have a Bosch that does the same. As far as I know, if it doesn't fill to the required level, it won't move on and complete the programme.
  8. Sometimes the arguing/point scoring totally obliterates the original discussion.
  9. From a fellow biker, sorry to hear this and hope your recover well. Something's I'll never quite get about Thailand - I can't say its never happened in the UK but in around 50 years of biking, I can't remember ever hearing about a bike being rammed from behind. I spent many years in the motor trade, including accident repairs/recovery - when I see photos on here of cars involved in accidents - they just don't relate to my memories of damaged cars in the UK. They are often totally annihilated.
  10. Okay, you made a comment, perhaps you'd care to explain. I don't see any 'hate' button. I don't need to be succinct, fortunately one thing you will always be free to do is ignore.
  11. Yet another example of pointless posting.
  12. Not sure which other forum you mean but I also joined another - purely because of post removals etc. However, there was/is so little happening on the one I joined that there is very little information to be gained. Forums sometimes die a death and over moderation can contribute to that. For many years I was a member of a Thailand/UK forum. That was a very useful form of information and also became a 'social' entity with regular meets etc. However, that forum suffered the same problems - nastiness and personal attacks being allowed but in other cases, over-moderation. I made some good friends on there, some of whom I'm still in touch with. Last time I was there, there hadn't been a post for over a month. Not sure why but I suspect that the problems I mentioned were a large part of it. People get sick of what goes on and often either leave or just become a 'lurker' - there for information only. That is of course their right but its far better when more people contribute. Forums are not so different to other forms of social media - unfortunately, as we see on other platforms, the world doesn't only contain well balanced people with good intentions. There are those that have their own agenda and that doesn't always sit well.
  13. Fine, you have the agency to read or not. I don't see the point in making comments and then being asked to explain them over several shorter posts.
  14. Thanks for clearing that up. I have asked them to comment directly by e-mail but I haven't received a reply - not that I expected one .
  15. I've done exactly that and the only problem I encountered was when I tried to open a second account. That was refused because I am no longer resident in Thailand. My original account remains open and I use it weekly from abroad.
  16. You may note that in his second post, George said that feedback is welcome. How is pointing out what I feel is wrong with the forum 'drama'? Not the worst by a long way but nontheless, a pointless form of personal attack, which is one of the points I'm making.
  17. Thank you @george for providing an opportunity to comment on moderation without fear of censure or worse - well overdue here. This and any other public forum would be absoultely pointless if members cannot give their views and make their points in a polite and decent manner. Then again, members cannot be allowed to simply state whatever they want and/or attack other members. I've moderated a forum before and whilst it can be very time consuming, to be honest - ensuring those things don't happen is not that difficult. Whist there is a clear need for moderation/some form of control of the things that people say on a public forum, I think that in some cases such control is failing here. When any topic descends into a slanging match between members it needs to be stopped - on too many occasions it isn't. Its right and proper that members are allowed to debate and put their opinions/veiwpoints forward but some, and its often the same few, do that by also including personal remarks or even clear attacks on someone with an alternative viewpoint. As well as the clear personal spats there is, in my opinon a degree of over-moderation in some cases. I would go further and state that there appears to be a 'clique' here where moderators/admin/certain members stick together. Without naming names or topics - because I am using this purely by way of an example as it fits exactly with my points, I'm involved in a situation here at the moment where on several occasions, usually on the same sub forum, my posts have been removed. Removed as being inaccurate when they contain information on subjects where I have experienced something personally and removed because it's claimed, they are 'off topic'. When I can answer a members post by relaying something related to their question by stating something that actually happened to me (and to others I know) - how can that be stated as inaccurate? That is no different to calling me a liar. It would be quite easy for a moderator to simply state "that is what happened to you, its not following the rules" or similar. Removing something as inaccurate in that way is depriving the OP of a potential answer. It should be remembered that the vast majority of subjects on Asean Now relate to Thailand and in Thailand - things are rarely firm. When it comes to laws/rules - some authorities make their own up along the way. It is not inaccurate to point out to a member - something that he/she is likley to encounter. When it comes to 'off topic' what exactly does that mean? Topics often evolve, answers that may not exactly fit the original question can often assist the poster to understand their own position. When a new rule is announced or things appear to have changed in some way in Thai officialdom, members may well suspect that other related things may happen etc, etc. For example, if a post was asking how many points can be removed from a driving licence for a particular offence - a member may reply comparing the points removed for a different offence or compare that punishment to a similar one in another country - is that OFF TOPIC? If the discussion starts to veer off into a discussion about dangerous driving for example - yes its clearly veering OFF TOPIC. As I say topics evolve but provided the key subject is kept to - in my opinion the discussion remains 'ON TOPIC'. I believe there are occasions where posts are removed simply because a moderator doesn't like them or doesn't agree, not because they are 'OFF TOPIC'. I'd rather not use my current complaint about moderation as an example but it is a clear illustration of what I'm getting at here and I've seen much the same happen on other occasions. I will try to explain without giving details: A few weeks ago a member posted a question, I replied and told him what had happened to me and a friend in the same circumstances. I qouted what a Thai official had told me. An argument ensued between myself and another member who, whilst he has knowledge on the subject, does not and cannot know everything there is to know. I was quoting real world events that had happened to myself and others in the same or similar positions - whether what happened to me and others actually followed a particular rule was not the question. I posted an account of what I experieced at the hands of a Thai official. Eventually a moderator/admin stepped in and removed my posts as inaccurate! In a later thead on the same sub forum, I answered a members question on a particular rule. Other's, including a moderator, replied and stated what they claimed was the official position and that I was wrong. I replied giving links (some official) that supported my understanding of the rule. Again I was told I was wrong by a moderator. I then asked the moderator to provide official links that supported his claim - as I had. As yet he has refused to do so but on this occasion, did not remove my posts. However, some of the comments I received raised my suspicions that a 'clique' existed on that particular sub forum. In more recent days, I replied to a post that in itself was not, strictly speaking, following the OP. It was however, related. My reply was deleted by an 'Admin' as Off Topic yet the post I replied was not - nor was a similar reply to the same question by a moderator! Moderators/admin need to be impartial and should not support or pick on any particular members. Moderators can be wrong and when they answer a question themselves, they should not be immune from requests to prove their claims. Forums such as Asean Now are invaluable to both expats living in Thailand and to visitors. To be successful, such forums must operate fairly.
  18. Shock? I'll say so, his her hair is falling out. Seriously though, there seems to be more than the usual amount of foreigners getting robbed/attacked at the moment.
  19. I bet he didn't also lose his travel insurance policy with a personal cash limit of 60,000 baht.
  20. Speak for yourself. I ain't paid in years. Apart from dinner, a few beers, desert, bla bla bla..........come to think of it, I think I'll start paying again .
  21. 304 - once stated as the most dangerous road in Thailand. But as is clear form the state of the cars in the photos - its not the road, its the drivers and the speed. This is in a built up area - what speed were they doing to annihilate that Chevvy? Nothing gets better and it never will as long as the police continue doing what they do (very little).
  22. Just one comment on that. Its the House Master that is legally required to notify immigration that a foreigner is living in a premises under his/her control. There are several definitions of House Master but there is no requirement to be a Thai national. I have actually seen an official version that also states this but I can't for the life of me remember where................. If you have a registered Usufruct agreement on a property, you are classed as the House Master and are allowed to register your own TM30. I think that might also apply to long term leases. In my case, when I went to registerer TM30 at Korat Immigration with a copy of my Usufruct, Korat I.O. were having none of it and told me the person registered in the Tabien Baan had to do it. When I returned with the original Channote with my name on the back in relation to the Usufruct, a discussion took place and they backed down. I've also heard of other I.O.'s accepting a TM30 registration by a tenant where they were having problems getting their landlord to do it - a much more sensible approach seeing as the end result is the same.
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