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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. So true.I forgot to mention that.
  2. You've obviously never stood behind anyone using this system at Big C etc.Takes 3 or 4 times longer.Remember all the people are different individuals,some smart,others piiss stone dumb.
  3. Hahaha,sorry,only trying to bring a smile.
  4. Talking to a girl on beach rd yesterday and she said it was a load of bolllocks.
  5. Just another,in a long line of English prime minister's that has let our country down. Life will never be the same again for millions of families in the UK. Our once safe country is now a shiit-hole of the highest order with rapes and stabbings the norm.Not too long ago a murder was front page news and now (unless it is multiple) hardly gets a mention. Who in their right mind would invite millions of fighting age men who at best don't like you and at worst want to harm you into their country.All Europe is the same. Consecutive governments have done this to our kids and grandkids,i fear for their future and weep.
  6. Oooow i've got a rolex ,look at me.
  7. Perhaps not when potato juice is ruling your brain.
  8. Do you write novels for a living? If not perhaps you should.
  9. Breed em tough in Ruskieland.These lasses are the only ones to stand up to the bar girls and ladyboys in Pattaya and often come out winning in a brawl.
  10. Saw a foreign man (approx 60) sat down with 4or5 under 10 year old girls on Rawai pier on the 23rd or 24th.This looked really dodgy to me but people walking by never gave it a second glance.
  11. Every person has their story.Homeless,drunks,junkies can all recall when it all turned to shiit. Mental illness is almost impossible to beat.A vast lot of people just give up because it is easier.
  12. I used to toss my mate off at school but i would never have married him!
  13. You really are a nauseating man. Have you any mates?
  14. Just a loud mouthed trollope.
  15. A few years ago a Thai man in Chonburi that had slept with his pitbull (just like your dog) for 4 years was killed by the dog while he slept.
  16. Good for you.Personally i have never seen a pitbull with tattoos.
  17. Right about soi dogs being no problem. Completely wrong about pitbulls. I walk twice a day and encounter soi dogs.Mostly all talk if they want to show aggression. Only seen 1 bitbull out roaming the streets and it attacked me.
  18. This really is a strange request! Are you drunk?
  19. I know this is a little sick but to a bloke who likes toilet humour "me" i couldn't help finding this hilarious.
  20. Strange that all bad owners own this type of dog.
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