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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Not surprising. The new regime in Syria has started ethnic cleansing of Christians now. What a sick religion!
  2. My lawn mower is older than Stefans gf.
  3. Send her the money. She obviously loves you. Lucky lad.
  4. My daughter goes to the same school as Steffans girlfriend. The bastard borrowed my lawn mower. Never get it back now.
  5. The Swiss are ahead now in the "bell-ends" of the week league. For a small country to overtake the Brits,Ruskies and Chinese takes some doing. Well done chaps.
  6. Or perhaps just put him out to stud.
  7. Yanks haven't quite mastered sarcasm yet but good try. Leave it to the Brits,they invented it.
  8. Win the lottery and the wife to drop 20 kilos would be a good start.
  9. Like putting a plaster on an amputated limb. Utterly useless.
  10. Ok,lets just say,you have a much higher chance of being stabbed in Britain today than 10 years ago.
  11. There is a conflict in Britain between the government,judiciary,police,councils,islamists and loony lefties and the millions of ordinary working people of the UK that can't understand why their country has deteriorated so dramatically in such a short time. Disgraceful and shameful. Why?
  12. But getting stabbed is a real possibility.
  13. Not so many Adolfs or Helmuts now in Deutschland.I vonder vhy.
  14. Don't go to Bkk then.
  15. I'm a Brit.I renewed mine myself in Bkk. Only rich or lazy people use agents.
  16. Wonder if he kicked the victims after the dogs finished with them?
  17. Wikipedia?
  18. Hit a nerve here methinks. Don't worry Johnny lots of us have a soft spot (and a hard one too) for ladyboys.
  19. That's plenty old enough in Muslim countries.
  20. You can't jump in with the first easy answer. Let a few of the fantasists on here have their say first.
  21. Try British hospitals. The speed of service here is far superior.
  22. Worse ways to go i suppose. I hope she died thinking how lucky she was to be in Paradise instead of a Russian winter. Sad.
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