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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. The nerve of these people is astounding. Muslims riot on a massive scale about anything affecting Muslims but do nothing about the underage grooming gangs,acid attacks,honour killings and terrorist supporters in their own communities. Speakers corner in Hyde park,once a bastion of free speech is a dangerous place to voice your opinions nowadays because of the packs of these bully boy Muslims who think their stone-age religion is the only one to have a voice.They routinely shout down all other peaceful religious speakers.Fxxking savages.
  2. Who would have thought you would stick your oar in?
  3. Giving Soi Buakhao a bad name.
  4. We'd love to hear you sing it.
  5. What are 2 Aussies doing on Soi Buakhao in the first place?That is the usual retreat for all high-class English x-pats.
  6. Who says i don't have it?I have been married a long time. What really piisses me off is all the guys on here condemning the OP when he obviously started this light-hearted post as a bit of fun. By the way,i don't include you in this.You always seem to talk sense.
  7. And you sound like a smug barrel of laughs type of a guy that probably had to come to Thailand just to get a girl to wed him.
  8. And did you ever stick it up her arse?
  9. She gets to keep the ring but she would be sure to give you back all the money you have lavished on her.
  10. Congrats GG,your best post yet.You are on to something here.All this nonsense started on university campuses in the US ( where else) where for years now commie lecturers have indoctrinated their oh so gullible pupils with this shiit.Debating with these morons became impossible because any view apposed to theirs was shouted down. This clown show escalated with,feminism,blm,trans rights and the in thing now is to walk around looking like an Arab until in the UK right now grandmothers are being jailed for hurty words on FB. Without freedom of expression you have nothing although the mods on here don't go along with that view.The world has gone to shiit.
  11. It usually happens yearly when the Mekong is in flood which presumably makes the river higher than the lake.So it flows into the lake instead of making its journey to the sea.
  12. Right religion too.Mr Mohamed would feel at home in the UK.Wonder if him and his mates are any good at grooming?They could replace the 7 that it's took 20 years to bring them to court for the Rotherham scandal.That is 7 out of the 157 who committed these horrific acts but the police couldn't find the other 150.
  13. Paradise lost,i feel your hurt mate because i have a couple of places from the past and even Sihanoukville from the present that i could cry over.Never go back is a true saying.
  14. Indian,thank god.If he was Muslim he would be pleading the other way.
  15. Visited quite a lot of places in my time and have always been told, "yes,but you should have been here 25 years ago" Nothing changes for the better.
  16. It's the Arabs that freak me out the most. There is an undercurrent in them that stinks of superiority.You just know that their hatred of the West is so real and now they don't even hide it. Who's f***ing idea was it to dig up all their oil then give it back to them so that now they can do whatever they want in the world instead of sitting outside their tents burning camel-shiit for fuel.
  17. Even the most dim witted idiot can see that the BBC is an overtly biased company.The average Brit has no time for this leftie news coverage and saw through them years ago.
  18. I have stayed in 74 Thai provinces. "Guess the other 3" . Started off in 2005 in 200 baht a night hotels and was quiet happy doing it that way.Then covid hit and i found out i could get a 2000 baht room for 500. That spoilt me for staying in shiitholes but still limit myself to 500.Currently in Phuket paying the same for a clean bed,wifi,kettle,tv and fridge.
  19. Yes,I've found some mosquitoes to be very convivial.
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