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Nick Carter icp

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Nick Carter icp last won the day on October 15 2024

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  1. The Saudis are building the Line building close to Israel that can house up to 9 million people . Could move all the Palestinians into that building ?
  2. There are currently unresolved concerns about the MCB's connection with terrorist groups , that is why the Condersaive didn't engage with the MCB
  3. Greed ? The USA has by far the Worlds biggest debt . The USA are huge amounts borrowing money so some Africans have have sex without condoms and the USA pays for the consequences through abortions or HiV drugs
  4. I do hope that they mentioned that their decision to expel UNRWA didn't happen in a vacuum
  5. Then get YOUR Country try to send aid money abroad . The USA has a huge debt that it needs to service
  6. Do you have a link for that claim ?
  7. Innocent Woman and Children again ? They keep being used to make political points that involve adults . Like errm, but the innocent American Women and Children will suffer because they will be underfunded because the Innocent Woman and Children abroad receive all the funds
  8. Big C had 400 g Daddies brown sauce for 400 Baht yesterday
  9. Trump has aso stopped aid to Thailand , aid to the Burmese refugees in Thailand . Thailand has just announced that the Thai Government will now pay for it instead . Thailand will pay instead of the USA . Why cant all other Countries do likewise ?
  10. Is it your tax being spent ? Do you contribute the the USA aid money ?
  11. The first sentence that you deleted says this In the southern African nation of Zimbabwe, Gumisayi "Bonzo, director of a health nonprofit, worried for her organization — and for herself." The next sentence (that you deleted) says this . "Bonzo had yet to hear word of a funding cutoff for her group" You seem to have that cut two sentences that give the statement a different meaning
  12. Its a plan to end the problem of refugee camps in the region
  13. Is there any reason why some other Countries cannot stop up to the plate and fund the WHO? How about Syrians stop spending money on weapons and spend it on healthcare instead ?
  14. He's been on that waiting list now for a few years , he shouldn't be rewarded for his crimes
  15. They are always going on about how bad and terrible everyone else , I was led to believe that they are perfect and never do anything wrong

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