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Nick Carter icp

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Nick Carter icp last won the day on October 15 2024

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  1. If you get to age 63 years and and you are fighting with bouncers outside nightclubs in Asia , you have made some wrong lifestyle choices somewhere along the way
  2. You also seem to think that you can be abusive to Thais and not suffer any consequences, like the guy in the O.P
  3. Itsr really nothing to do with where anyone comes from , whether they be Thai or Felang. One man went up to a bouncer/security and began confronting him and became aggressive and the bouncer retaliated
  4. Nothing to do with Thai people . Anywhere in the World , you pick a fight with a Bouncer , then he's going to oblige and have a fight with you . Its his job
  5. Someone must have informed the I.O for them to be searched . If they thought tit would be a problem, they could have just taken a boat across the river down stream a bit without anyone noticing
  6. Thais are the only Nation in the World that its people can knock you over with one punch ?
  7. Maybe its you ? You don't seem to be too popular
  8. I wouldn't hang around with liars .
  9. The Dems not accepting the election results and trying to overthrow an elected President ? Will the be marching on Capitol hill ?
  10. Would they need to be specially made glasses/lenses or is it a one size fits all in regard to the lenses ?
  11. Unfortunately they don't make enough to afford their own place with Wifi , so they have to leave their shared dorm at a backpackers and head off to Starbucks and make a coffee last all morning before heading off to the shopping mall in the afternoon to leech off their free wifi
  12. You don't get a free pass to act aggressive and confrontational just because you are old.
  13. fits in nicely with all the nonsense Pro Palestinians spout
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